因为你是 Latex 的新手,所以请允许我破例一下 ;-)
node distance = 3mm and 11mm,
arr/.style = {draw=blue!70!black, -{Straight Barb[scale=0.8]}, very thick},
N/.style = {font=\small, text width=54mm, align=center, inner sep=2pt},
% left image
\node (n1) [N] {Set \mbox{$r_1=0$}\\
Use fixed window $[0,r_2]$};
\draw[thick] (n1.west) -- ++ (0,-24mm)
(n1.east) -- ++ (0,-24mm);
\coordinate[below=19mm of n1.west] (aux1);
\path[arr] (n1.east |- aux1) node[right] {$r_2$} --
(aux1) node[left] {$1_2$};
% right image
\node (n2) [N, right=of n1]
{Set \mbox{$r\in[0,r_1-r_2]$}\\
Use fixed termination window $[r_1,r_2]$};
\draw[thick] (n2.west) -- ++ (0,-24mm)
(n2.east) -- ++ (0,-24mm);
\coordinate[below=19mm of n2.west] (aux2);
\coordinate[above=of aux2] (aux3);
\coordinate[above=of aux3] (aux4);
\path[arr] (n2.east |- aux2) --
(aux2) node[left] {$r_1$};
\path[arr] (n2.east |- aux3) node[right] {$r_2$} -- ++
(-36mm,0) node[left] {$r_1$};
\path[arr] (n2.east |- aux4) -- node[above] {$r_w=r_2-r_1$} ++
(-24mm,0) node[left] {$r_1$};
代码详情请阅读 Ti钾Z & PGF 手册,至少一章2 教程:Karl 的学生照片(第 31 页),然后第三部分 Ti钾是凱恩绘画节目(第 123 页)。