我对 Latex 不太熟悉,而且我正在努力解决项目标题后留下的一行多余的内容,如 Face Mask 标题后的图中所示。
{Face Mask Detection and Social Distancing Application}{2017 - 2018}
\item Scrapped images | Face Detection using ONNX Pre-trained model| Trained an Xception \& VGG16 | Compared Performance | yolov5 trained on Dataset from roboflow.ai | Data Augmentation using ImgAug
\item Deployed FaceMasque package on pip
\item Appreciated by HoD of College and planning to deploy on campus CCTV Cameras
{YOLOv3 Object Detection , Deep Sort Object Tracking , SQL Database, Image Processing, Data Analysis}
这是在 cls 文件中定义的
% Define the 'project' entry in the 'projects' environment
% Usage:
% \project
% {<Project name>}{<dates>}
% {<link1> <link2>}
% {<Project description>}
% {<techno1>,<techno2>}
\begin{minipage}[t]{\dimexpr(\linewidth) - 1.5em}
\textbf{\textsc{#1}} \hfill \textsc{#2}\smallskip\\
\footnotesize{\foreach \n in {#5}{\cvtag{\n}}}\\
{Face Mask Detection and Social Distancing Application}{2017 - 2018}
errorRunaway argument?
! Paragraph ended before \pgffor@normal@list was complete.
<to be read again>
I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this
control sequence to too much text. How can we recover?
My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best.
完整的 cls 文件在这里 CLS 文件