我查看了背景文档,没有找到可以执行此操作的选项。tikz 是否有选项?
\Huge\sffamily Cornell Notes on Something
\usepackage{lipsum}% just to generate filler text for the example
\DeclareDocumentCommand\topic{ m m g g g g g}
\begin{tcolorbox}[sidebyside,sidebyside align=top,opacityframe=0,opacityback=0,opacitybacktitle=0, opacitytext=1,lefthand width=.3\textwidth]
\begin{tcolorbox}[colback=red!05,colframe=red!25,sidebyside align=top,width=\textwidth,before skip=0pt]
\begin{tcolorbox}[colback=blue!05,colframe=blue!10,width=\textwidth,before skip=0pt]
\IfNoValueF {#3}{
\IfNoValueF {#4}{
\IfNoValueF {#5}{
\IfNoValueF {#6}{
\IfNoValueF {#7}{
\section{This is a long section title }
\topic{This is a question}%
{The first piece of evidence is mandatory}%
{Now add up to five\ldots}%
{\ldots additional pieces of evidence.}
\section{This is an even longer section title}
\topic{Here's another question.}{\lipsum[1]}%
使用左栏插入问题\question {<question text>}
以 结尾\switchcolumn
,因此后面的注释将自动移至右列。使用 在右列中插入任意数量的注释\note{<note text>}
\usepackage{paracol} % added <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
\usepackage{lipsum}% just to generate filler text for the example
\newcommand{\question}[1]{% Ask the question
\begin{tcolorbox}[colback=red!05,colframe=red!25,sidebyside align=top,width=\linewidth,before skip=1ex]
\switchcolumn % now write in the right column
\newcommand{\note}[1]{% Add as many notes as you like
\begin{tcolorbox}[colback=blue!05,colframe=blue!10,width=\linewidth,before skip=1ex]
\setcolumnwidth{0.50\textwidth/20pt,0.50\textwidth}% column separation =20pt
\setlength{\columnseprule}{3pt} % column width
\begin{tcolorbox}[before skip = -\baselineskip, after skip =-\baselineskip]
\centering\Huge\sffamily Cornell Notes on Something
\section{This is a long section title}
\question{This is a question}
\note{The first piece of evidence is mandatory}
\note{Now add up to five\ldots}%
\note{\ldots additional pieces of evidence.}
\section{This is an even longer section title}
\question{Here's another question.}
\section{Some subject, several question}
\question{This is question I}
\note{I The first piece of evidence is mandatory}
\note{Now add up to five\ldots}%
\note{\ldots additional pieces of evidence.}
\switchcolumn* % go back to the left column ans synchronize <<<<
\question{Here's question II.}
\note{II The first piece of evidence is mandatory}
\note{Now add up to five\ldots}%
\note{\ldots additional pieces of evidence.}
\switchcolumn* % go back to the left column ans synchronize <<<<
\question{And question III.}
\note{III The first piece of evidence is mandatory}
\note{Now add up to five\ldots}%
\note{\ldots additional pieces of evidence.}
\note{\ldots and more \ldots}
\note{\ldots and more.}