我有一份 tufte 文档,其中有一个阴影案例研究部分,占据了整整一页。我想为案例研究添加一个旁注,但我无法让它显示在同一页上。它出现在之前的页面上。
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\marginnote{\faIcon{youtube} Side note.\vspace{0.5cm}}
\textbf{CASE STUDY: Developing the first malaria vaccine}
In 2021, after more than 35 years of research, the World Health Organization recommended widespread use of a vaccine candidate called RTS,S/AS01, or Mosquirix™, to prevent \emph{P. falciparum} malaria in children.
Development of RTS,S/AS01 began in 1984, and soon after, a promising vaccine candidate entered preclinical research. Researchers performed tests on nonhuman subjects to collect data on how well the vaccine worked (efficacy), how much damage it could do to an organism (toxicity), and how the body affected the vaccine (pharmacokinetics).
Clinical research on humans began in 1992. Researchers conducted a Phase 1 safety and immunogenicity trial with 20 adults in The Gambia in 1997. Results suggested that the vaccine did not have any significant toxicity but did produce the expected antibodies.
Several Phase 2 studies conducted over the next decade demonstrated the efficacy of the vaccine against several endpoints. A Phase 2b trial began in Mozambique in 2003 with more than 2,000 children. Each child was randomly assigned to receive 3 doses of RTS,S or a control vaccine. After 6 months, the prevalence of malaria was 37\% lower in the treatment group than in the control group. This Phase 2 trial was an important proof-of-concept study.
The results of a large Phase 3 trial with more than 15,000 infants and young children in 7 African countries were published in 2015. Children who participated in the study were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 arms: (i) 3 doses of RTS,S and a booster dose at month 20, (ii) 3 doses of RTS,S and a booster dose of a comparator vaccine at month 20, or (iii) 4 doses of a comparator vaccine. RTS,S reduced clinical malaria cases by 28\% and 18\% among young children and infants, respectively, over a 3 to 4-year period. This Phase 3 trial demonstrated that the treatment was efficacious.
On the basis of these results, the European Medicines Agency issued a favorable ``European scientific opinion''. This led the health ministries in Ghana, Kenya and Malawi to authorize a pilot study in 2019 to assess the feasibility of administering the required four doses of the vaccine as part of routine childhood immunization programs. After more than 800,000 children were immunized under this program, the WHO recommended that countries with moderate to high transmission adopt the vaccine.
(1) 的内容blackbox
使用可选参数来控制其垂直位置。例如\marginnote[2ex]{\faIcon{youtube} Side note.\vspace{0.5cm}}
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% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/614005/30017
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% marginnote alignment
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/193305/30017
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\marginnote[2ex]{\faIcon{youtube} Side note.\vspace{0.5cm}}
\textbf{CASE STUDY: Developing the first malaria vaccine}
In 2021, after more than 35 years of research, the World Health Organization recommended widespread use of a vaccine candidate called RTS,S/AS01, or Mosquirix™, to prevent \emph{P. falciparum} malaria in children.
Development of RTS,S/AS01 began in 1984, and soon after, a promising vaccine candidate entered preclinical research. Researchers performed tests on nonhuman subjects to collect data on how well the vaccine worked (efficacy), how much damage it could do to an organism (toxicity), and how the body affected the vaccine (pharmacokinetics).
Clinical research on humans began in 1992. Researchers conducted a Phase 1 safety and immunogenicity trial with 20 adults in The Gambia in 1997. Results suggested that the vaccine did not have any significant toxicity but did produce the expected antibodies.
Several Phase 2 studies conducted over the next decade demonstrated the efficacy of the vaccine against several endpoints. A Phase 2b trial began in Mozambique in 2003 with more than 2,000 children. Each child was randomly assigned to receive 3 doses of RTS,S or a control vaccine. After 6 months, the prevalence of malaria was 37\% lower in the treatment group than in the control group. This Phase 2 trial was an important proof-of-concept study.
The results of a large Phase 3 trial with more than 15,000 infants and young children in 7 African countries were published in 2015. Children who participated in the study were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 arms: (i) 3 doses of RTS,S and a booster dose at month 20, (ii) 3 doses of RTS,S and a booster dose of a comparator vaccine at month 20, or (iii) 4 doses of a comparator vaccine. RTS,S reduced clinical malaria cases by 28\% and 18\% among young children and infants, respectively, over a 3 to 4-year period. This Phase 3 trial demonstrated that the treatment was efficacious.
On the basis of these results, the European Medicines Agency issued a favorable ``European scientific opinion''. This led the health ministries in Ghana, Kenya and Malawi to authorize a pilot study in 2019 to assess the feasibility of administering the required four doses of the vaccine as part of routine childhood immunization programs. After more than 800,000 children were immunized under this program, the WHO recommended that countries with moderate to high transmission adopt the vaccine.