由于某种原因,每当我尝试将图形插入此 tcolorbox 时,都会遇到此错误:Float(s) lost.
我见过 tcolorboxes 支持图形的例子,所以我想知道这是否与 tcbtheorem 或 tcblisting(我当前正在使用的盒子)有关,或者是否与我没有正确设置的 tcolorbox 设置有关。
以下是所讨论的 tcolorboxes 的代码:
% listings box
\newtcblisting[auto counter, number within=section, list inside=examplelist]{tcbcodex}[2][]{%
colback=gray!5, colbacktitle=gray!40, coltitle=black,
frame hidden, arc=2pt, titlerule=0pt, toptitle=2pt, bottomtitle=2pt,
fonttitle=\bfseries, breakable, enhanced, parbox=false,
segmentation style={solid, draw=gray!20, line width=1pt},
comment and listing,
% theorem box
\newtcbtheorem[number within=section, list inside=definitionlist]{tcbdefinition}{Definition}{%
colback=red!5, colbacktitle=red!20, coltitle=black,
frame hidden, arc=2pt, titlerule=0pt, toptitle=2pt, bottomtitle=2pt,
fonttitle=\bfseries, breakable, enhanced, parbox=false
% example box
\begin{tcbexample}[name = Test Example, listing options = {language = Python}]
{Here is a comment.
\centering\caption{Here is a caption.}
And there goes my figure.}
Here is some code.
% definition theorem box
Here I will place a figure.
\centering\caption{Here is a caption.}
And there goes my figure.