

在 tex 中是否有办法测试参数是否以某个字符串开头?然后提取该开头后面的文本?

举个例子,我想定义一个命令,如果文本以 开头,则将其变为粗体my,否则变为斜体。

\transform{my big world}
% Returns "\textbf{big world}". 

\transform{our small world}
% Returns "\textit{small world}". 

\transform{your world}
% Returns \textit{world}

% It would be great if the test is case insensitive 
\transform{My world} 
% Returns \textbf{world}

如果可能的话,我更喜欢不使用 expl3 的方法(我对它了解不够,无法对其进行修改)。





\def\transform@#1 #2\@nil{%


\transform{my big world} should return \textbf{big world}.

\transform{our small world} should return \textit{small world}.

\transform{your world} should return \textit{world}

\transform{My world} should return \textbf{world}


第一个单词被隔离,并且其小写版本与 匹配my




    % no colon in #1


\transform{my:big world} should return \textbf{big world}.

\transform{our:small world} should return \textit{small world}.

\transform{your:world} should return \textit{world}

\transform{My:world} should return \textbf{world}

\transform{world} should return \textit{world}






% just for the final test
\cs_new_eq:NN \textexpand \text_expand:n

    \tohiko_transform:V #2
    \tohiko_transform:n { #2 }

\cs_new:Npx \tohiko_transform:n #1
 {% colons are special in expl3
  \exp_not:N \__tohiko_transform:w #1 \c_colon_str \c_colon_str \exp_not:N \q_stop
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \tohiko_transform:n { V }

 {% colons are special in expl3
  \cs_new:Npn \exp_not:N \__tohiko_transform:w 
    ##1 \c_colon_str ##2 \c_colon_str ##3 \exp_not:N \q_stop
  \tl_if_empty:nTF { #2 }
    \__tohiko_transformed:Nn \textit { #1 }
    \__tohiko_transform:nn { #1 } { #2 }

\cs_new:Npn \__tohiko_transform:nn #1 #2
  \str_if_eq:eeTF { \str_lowercase:n { #1 } } { my }
    \__tohiko_transformed:Nn \textbf { #2 }
    \__tohiko_transformed:Nn \textit { #2 }

\cs_new:Npn \__tohiko_transformed:Nn #1 #2


\newcommand{\testA}{my:hello world}
\newcommand{\testB}{our:hello world}


\transform{my: big world} should return \textbf{big world}.

\transform{our:small world} should return \textit{small world}.

\transform{your:world } should return \textit{world}.

\transform{My:world} should return \textbf{world}.

\transform{world} should return \textit{world}.

\transform*{\testA} should return \textbf{hello world}.

\transform*{\testB} should return \textit{hello world}.

\edef\test{\textexpand{\transform{my: big world}}}





这是一个基于 LuaLaTeX 的解决方案。它将:和 空格都识别为可能的分隔符。


function transform ( s )
  if s:find ( "^[Mm]y" ) then
    s = s:gsub  ( "^.-[%s:]+(.*)" , "\\textbf{%1}")
  elseif s:find ( "^.-[%s:]+" ) then
    s = s:gsub  ( "^.-[%s:]+(.*)" , "\\textit{%1}") 
    s = "\\textit{"..s.."}"
  tex.sprint ( s )

\transform{my:big world}   should return \textbf{big world}.
\transform{my   big world} should return \textbf{big world}.
\transform{my: big world}  should return \textbf{big world}.

\transform{My:big world}   should return \textbf{big world}.
\transform{My   big world} should return \textbf{big world}.
\transform{My: big world}  should return \textbf{big world}.

\transform{our:big world}   should return \textit{big world}.
\transform{our big world}   should return \textit{big world}.
\transform{our:  big world} should return \textit{big world}.

\transform{world} should return \textit{world}


不使用 expl3 我可以提供一种通用机制\UD@CheckWhetherLeadingTokens来检测宏参数的前导标记是否形成特定的标记序列。


特定的标记序列用作参数分隔符这一事实意味着特定的标记序列不能包含类别 1(开始组)或 2(结束组)或 6(参数)的明确字符标记。


\UD@CheckWhetherLeadingTokens{⟨argument which is to be checked⟩}%
                              {⟨a ⟨token sequence⟩ without explicit 
                                character tokens of category 1 or 2
                                or 6⟩}%
                              {⟨internal token-check-macro⟩}%
                              {⟨tokens to be delivered in case
                                ⟨argument which is to be checked⟩ has
                                ⟨token sequence⟩ as leading tokens⟩}%
                              {⟨tokens to be delivered in case 
                                ⟨argument which is to be checked⟩
                                does not have ⟨token sequence⟩ as
                                leading tokens⟩}%


\UD@internaltokencheckdefiner{⟨internal token-check-macro⟩}%
                             {⟨token sequence⟩}%


以下是 MWE:


%% Paraphernalia:
%%    \UD@firstoftwo, \UD@secondoftwo, \UD@Exchange, \UD@stopromannumeral,
%%    \UD@CheckWhetherNull,  \UD@CheckWhetherLeadingTokens
%% Check whether argument is empty:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNull{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is empty>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is not empty>}%
%% The gist of this macro comes from Robert R. Schneck's \ifempty-macro:
%% <!original/comp.text.tex/kuOEIQIrElc/lUg37FmhA74J>
%% Check whether argument's leading tokens form a specific 
%% token-sequence that does not contain explicit character tokens of 
%% category 1 or 2 or 6:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherLeadingTokens{<argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                              {<a <token sequence> without explicit 
%%                                character tokens of category 1 or 2
%%                                or 6>}%
%%                              {<internal token-check-macro>}%
%%                              {<tokens to be delivered in case
%%                                <argument which is to be checked> has
%%                                <token sequence> as leading tokens>}%
%%                              {<tokens to be delivered in case 
%%                                <argument which is to be checked>
%%                                does not have <token sequence> as
%%                                leading tokens>}%
    % Let's nest things into \UD@firstoftwo{...}{} to make sure they are nested in braces
    % and thus do not disturb when the test is carried out within \halign/\valign:
%% \UD@internaltokencheckdefiner{<internal token-check-macro>}%
%%                              {<token-sequence-gobble-macro>}%
%%                              {<token sequence>}%
%% - Defines <internal token-check-macro> to snap everything 
%%   until reaching <token sequence> and spit that out,
%%   nested in braces. <token sequence> is discarded.
%% - Defines <token-sequence-gobble-macro> to gobble/discard
%%   everything until reaching <token sequence>.
%%   <token sequence> is discarded, too.
%% <token sequence> must not contain explicit character tokens
%% of category 1 or 2 or 6.
\UD@internaltokencheckdefiner{\UD@Checkmyspace}{\UD@Gobblemyspace}{my }%
\UD@internaltokencheckdefiner{\UD@CheckMyspace}{\UD@GobbleMyspace}{My }%
\UD@internaltokencheckdefiner{\UD@CheckmYspace}{\UD@GobblemYspace}{mY }%
\UD@internaltokencheckdefiner{\UD@CheckMYspace}{\UD@GobbleMYspace}{MY }%
\@ifdefinable\UD@gobbletospace{\long\def\UD@gobbletospace#1 {}}%
  \expandafter\UD@CheckWhetherNull\expandafter{\UD@gobbletospace#1 }%
  \UD@CheckWhetherLeadingTokens{#1}{my }{\UD@Checkmyspace}{\textbf{\UD@Gobblemyspace#1}}{%
    \UD@CheckWhetherLeadingTokens{#1}{My }{\UD@CheckMyspace}{\textbf{\UD@GobbleMyspace#1}}{%
      \UD@CheckWhetherLeadingTokens{#1}{mY }{\UD@CheckmYspace}{\textbf{\UD@GobblemYspace#1}}{%
        \UD@CheckWhetherLeadingTokens{#1}{MY }{\UD@CheckMYspace}{\textbf{\UD@GobbleMYspace#1}}{%
%          \UD@CheckWhetherLeadingTokens{#1}{my }{\UD@Checkmy}{\textbf{\UD@Gobblemy#1}}{%
%            \UD@CheckWhetherLeadingTokens{#1}{My }{\UD@CheckMy}{\textbf{\UD@GobbleMy#1}}{%
%              \UD@CheckWhetherLeadingTokens{#1}{mY }{\UD@CheckmY}{\textbf{\UD@GobblemY#1}}{%
%                \UD@CheckWhetherLeadingTokens{#1}{MY }{\UD@CheckMY}{\textbf{\UD@GobbleMY#1}}{%
%                }%
%              }%
%            }%
%          }%


\verb|\transform{my big world}|: \transform{my big world}

\verb|\transform{our small world}|: \transform{our small world}

\verb|\transform{your world}|: \transform{your world}

\verb|\transform{My world}|: \transform{My world}

\verb|\transform{My }|: \transform{My }

\verb|\transform{My}|: \transform{My}

\verb|\transform{Bla}|: \transform{Bla}






\@nil在 的参数中\transform/ 在 的第一个参数中出现标记标记/哨兵标记\UD@CheckWhetherLeadingTokens是被允许的。

不匹配的\if..\else\or\fi\csname可能\endcsname出现在 的第一个参数中\UD@CheckWhetherLeadingTokens。但是 的\transform东西被传递给 LaTeX 2ε-kernel-macros \textit/ \textbf,它不处理这种不匹配的东西。

\UD@CheckWhetherLeadingTokens因此\transform其本身仅通过扩展来发挥作用。这意味着执行属于用于找出参数是否具有前导标记序列的机制的任何宏/ / /不会触发执行任何临时分配。也可以与诸如、、、、、、等一起使用。my⟨space⟩My⟨space⟩mY⟨space⟩MY⟨space⟩

但是,LaTeX 2ε-kernel-macros\textbf\textit本身并非完全可扩展,无法可靠地与此类事物一起使用。使用\textbf\textitLaTeX 2ε-kernel 的\protect-机制和 TeX-engine 的-机制,以及旧的 LaTeX 2ε-kernel 不对和protected应用任何保护机制,至少会干扰、、和等事物。\textbf\textit\csname..\endcsname\number\romannumeral \ifcsname..\endcsname\numexpr



%% Paraphernalia:
%%    \UD@firstoftwo, \UD@secondoftwo, \UD@Exchange, \UD@stopromannumeral,
%%    \UD@CheckWhetherNull, \UD@CheckWhetherLeadingTokens,
%% Check whether argument is empty:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNull{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is empty>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is not empty>}%
%% The gist of this macro comes from Robert R. Schneck's \ifempty-macro:
%% <!original/comp.text.tex/kuOEIQIrElc/lUg37FmhA74J>
%% Check whether argument's leading tokens form a specific 
%% token-sequence that does not contain explicit character tokens of 
%% category 1 or 2 or 6:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherLeadingTokens{<argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                              {<a <token sequence> without explicit 
%%                                character tokens of category 1 or 2
%%                                or 6>}%
%%                              {<internal token-check-macro>}%
%%                              {<tokens to be delivered in case
%%                                <argument which is to be checked> has
%%                                <token sequence> as leading tokens>}%
%%                              {<tokens to be delivered in case 
%%                                <argument which is to be checked>
%%                                does not have <token sequence> as
%%                                leading tokens>}%
    % Let's nest things into \UD@firstoftwo{...}{} to make sure they are nested in braces
    % and thus do not disturb when the test is carried out within \halign/\valign:
%% \UD@internaltokencheckdefiner{<internal token-check-macro>}%
%%                              {<token-sequence-gobble-macro>}%
%%                              {<token sequence>}%
%% - Defines <internal token-check-macro> to snap everything 
%%   until reaching <token sequence> and spit that out,
%%   nested in braces. <token sequence> is discarded.
%% - Defines <token-sequence-gobble-macro> to gobble/discard
%%   everything until reaching <token sequence>.
%%   <token sequence> is discarded, too.
%% <token sequence> must not contain explicit character tokens
%% of category 1 or 2 or 6.


\verb|\transform{my:big world}| yields \transform{my:big world}

\verb|\transform{our:small world}| yields \transform{our:small world}

\verb|\transform{your:world}| yields \transform{your:world}

\verb|\transform{My:world}| yields \transform{My:world}

\verb|\transform{My:}| yields \transform{My:}

\verb|\transform{My}| yields \transform{My}

\verb|\transform{Bla}| yields \transform{Bla}






        \begingroup \toks0{}\toks1{#1}%
    \def\getwordA{\ifcat A\noexpand\next \expandafter\getwordB \else \expandafter\getwordC \fi}
    \def\getwordB#1{\toks0\expandafter{\the\toks0 #1}\futurelet\next\getwordA}
    \def\getwordC{\edef\tmp{\endgroup \the\toks1{\the\toks0}}\tmp}

    \lowercase{\ifnum\pdfstrcmp{#1}{my}=0 \bfseries
        \else \ifnum\pdfstrcmp{#1}{our}=0 \itshape \fi\fi}%
\newcommand\transform[1]{\begingroup \getword\transformA#1\endgroup}


    \transform{my big world}

    \transform{our small world}

    \transform{your world}

    \transform{My world}

    \transform{} \transform{\relax} % nothing


