下面是使用 TikZ 的直接方法。(对于指向点本身的箭头的代码,您可以看到,例如,这个答案。
% Dots
\fill (0,0) circle (.5mm);
\fill (0,1) circle (.5mm);
\fill (-0.866,-0.5) circle (.5mm);
\fill (0.866,-0.5) circle (.5mm);
% Labels
\node at (0,0.2) {$e$};
\node at (0,1.2) {$c$};
\node at (-1,-0.7) {$d$};
\node at (1,-0.7) {$b$};
% Arrows
\draw[green,-stealth] (0,1) to [bend right=50] (-0.866,-0.5);
\draw[green,-stealth] (-0.866,-0.5) to [bend right=50] (0.866,-0.5);
\draw[green,-stealth] (0.866,-0.5) to [bend right=50] (0,1);
\draw[blue,-stealth] (-0.866,-0.5) to [bend right=20] (0,1);
\draw[blue,-stealth] (0,1) to [bend right=20] (0.866,-0.5);
\draw[blue,-stealth] (0.866,-0.5) to [bend right=20] (-0.866,-0.5);
\draw[red,-stealth] (0,1) arc (270:-90:3mm);
\draw[red,-stealth] (-0.866,-0.5) arc (420:60:3mm);
\draw[red,-stealth] (0.866,-0.5) arc (480:120:3mm);
\usetikzlibrary{arrows}% for arrow tip stealth'
dot/.style={minimum size=0pt,inner sep=1.5pt,circle,fill},
\newcommand\R{1.5}% radius of circle with e in the center
\node[dot,label={[above]$e$}] (e) {};% e is in the center
\node[dot,label={[above]$c$}] (c) at (90:\R) {};% 90 degrees = north, distance \R from e
\node[dot,label={[below left]$d$}] (d) at (210:\R) {};% 210 degrees = south west, distance \R from e
\node[dot,label={[below right]$b$}] (b) at (330:\R) {};% 330 degrees is south east, distance \R from e
\path[->] (b) edge[bend right] (c)
edge[bend right=10] (d)
(c) edge[bend right] (d)
edge[bend right=10] (b)
(d) edge[bend right] (b)
edge[bend right=10] (c);
\draw[->] (b) to[out=20,in=280,looseness=18] (b);
\draw[->] (c) to[out=140,in=40,looseness=18] (c);
\draw[->] (d) to[out=260,in=160,looseness=18] (d);