

我使用以下代码编写了三个超矩阵的和。结果是 在此处输入图片描述

我正在尝试将 = 和 + 符号提升到超矩阵的中心。如能得到任何帮助,我将不胜感激!

{\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={anchor=north east,fill=white,minimum width=.7cm,minimum height=5mm}]
\matrix (mA) [draw,matrix of math nodes]
1 & 0  \\
0 & 1  \\
\matrix (mB) [draw,matrix of math nodes] at ($(mA.south west)+(2.6,2.6)$)
0 & -1 \\
1 & 0\\
\draw[dashed](mA.north east)--(mB.north east);
\draw[dashed](mA.north west)--(mB.north west);
\draw[dashed](mA.south east)--(mB.south east);
\ = \
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={anchor=north east,fill=white,minimum width=.7cm,minimum height=5mm}]
\matrix (mA) [draw,matrix of math nodes]
0 & 0  \\
0 & 1  \\
\matrix (mB) [draw,matrix of math nodes] at ($(mA.south west)+(2.6,2.6)$)
0 & 0 \\
0 & 1\\
\draw[dashed](mA.north east)--(mB.north east);
\draw[dashed](mA.north west)--(mB.north west);
\draw[dashed](mA.south east)--(mB.south east);
\ + \
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={anchor=north east,fill=white,minimum width=.7cm,minimum height=5mm}]
\matrix (mA) [draw,matrix of math nodes]
1 & 0  \\
0 & 0  \\
\matrix (mB) [draw,matrix of math nodes] at ($(mA.south west)+(2.6,2.6)$)
-1 & 0 \\
0 & 0\\
\draw[dashed](mA.north east)--(mB.north east);
\draw[dashed](mA.north west)--(mB.north west);
\draw[dashed](mA.south east)--(mB.south east);
\ + \
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={anchor=north east,fill=white,minimum width=.7cm,minimum height=5mm}]
\matrix (mA) [draw,matrix of math nodes]
0 & 0  \\
0 & 0  \\
\matrix (mB) [draw,matrix of math nodes] at ($(mA.south west)+(2.6,2.6)$)
1 & -1 \\
1 & -1\\
\draw[dashed](mA.north east)--(mB.north east);
\draw[dashed](mA.north west)--(mB.north west);
\draw[dashed](mA.south east)--(mB.south east);




\documentclass {article}
\usepackage    {amsmath}
\usepackage    {lipsum}
\usepackage    {tikz}

  \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(center),every node/.style={anchor=north east,minimum width=7mm,minimum height=5mm}]
  \matrix (mA) [draw,matrix of math nodes,ampersand replacement=\&]
    #1 \& #2\\
    #3 \& #4\\
  \matrix (mB) [draw,matrix of math nodes,ampersand replacement=\&] at ($(mA.south west)+(2.6,2.6)$)
    #5 \& #6\\
    #7 \& #8\\
  \draw[dashed](mA.north east)--(mB.north east);
  \draw[dashed](mA.north west)--(mB.north west);
  \draw[dashed](mA.south east)--(mB.south east);
  \node (center) at ($(mA.south east)!0.5!(mB.north west)$) {};


\hypermatrix{1}{0}{0}{1}{0}{-1}{1}{0} =
\hypermatrix{0}{0}{0}{1}{0}{0}{0}{1}  +
\hypermatrix{1}{0}{0}{0}{-1}{0}{0}{0} +


上述代码产生: 在此处输入图片描述


您可以使用 手动提升运算符\raisebox。对于您的矩阵, .48 似乎可以使它们居中。

{\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={anchor=north east,fill=white,minimum width=.7cm,minimum height=5mm}]
\matrix (mA) [draw,matrix of math nodes]
1 & 0  \\
0 & 1  \\
\matrix (mB) [draw,matrix of math nodes] at ($(mA.south west)+(2.6,2.6)$)
0 & -1 \\
1 & 0\\
\draw[dashed](mA.north east)--(mB.north east);
\draw[dashed](mA.north west)--(mB.north west);
\draw[dashed](mA.south east)--(mB.south east);
\ \raisebox{.48in}{=} \
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={anchor=north east,fill=white,minimum width=.7cm,minimum height=5mm}]
\matrix (mA) [draw,matrix of math nodes]
0 & 0  \\
0 & 1  \\
\matrix (mB) [draw,matrix of math nodes] at ($(mA.south west)+(2.6,2.6)$)
0 & 0 \\
0 & 1\\
\draw[dashed](mA.north east)--(mB.north east);
\draw[dashed](mA.north west)--(mB.north west);
\draw[dashed](mA.south east)--(mB.south east);
\ \raisebox{.48in}{+}  \
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={anchor=north east,fill=white,minimum width=.7cm,minimum height=5mm}]
\matrix (mA) [draw,matrix of math nodes]
1 & 0  \\
0 & 0  \\
\matrix (mB) [draw,matrix of math nodes] at ($(mA.south west)+(2.6,2.6)$)
-1 & 0 \\
0 & 0\\
\draw[dashed](mA.north east)--(mB.north east);
\draw[dashed](mA.north west)--(mB.north west);
\draw[dashed](mA.south east)--(mB.south east);
\ \raisebox{.48in}{+}  \
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={anchor=north east,fill=white,minimum width=.7cm,minimum height=5mm}]
\matrix (mA) [draw,matrix of math nodes]
0 & 0  \\
0 & 0  \\
\matrix (mB) [draw,matrix of math nodes] at ($(mA.south west)+(2.6,2.6)$)
1 & -1 \\
1 & -1\\
\draw[dashed](mA.north east)--(mB.north east);
\draw[dashed](mA.north west)--(mB.north west);
\draw[dashed](mA.south east)--(mB.south east);

