


Reference fig:fig5 on page 2 undefined input
Now enter a title, Key Term 1, Description for Key Term 1, Key Term 2, and Description for Key Term 2. You can click the Add More button to create more entries for key terms and their descriptions. For example, to create the word matching exercise in Figure \ref{fig:fig5}, you can enter the following entries in Figure \ref{fig:fig5}.

Now click the Generate HTML button to display the generated HTML code for this word matching exercise. The HTML code is generated as shown in Figure \ref{fig:fig6}. Click the Post button to post the word match exercise to the server. 

  \includegraphics[scale=0.4, clip,width=0.9\linewidth]{figure/fig_4.PNG}






Now enter a title, Key Term 1, Description for Key Term 1, Key Term 2, and Description for Key Term 2. You can click the Add More button to create more entries for key terms and their descriptions. For example, to create the word matching exercise in Figure \ref{fig:fig5}, you can enter the following entries in Figure \ref{fig:fig5}.

Now click the Generate HTML button to display the generated HTML code for this word matching exercise. The HTML code is generated as shown in Figure \ref{fig:fig6}. Click the Post button to post the word match exercise to the server. 

  \includegraphics[scale=0.4, clip,width=0.9\linewidth]{figure/fig_4.PNG}
