

我尝试重现下图,但在将输入 x1 和 x2 与“第 1 层”的前四个块连接起来以及将第 1 层与“第 2 层”的节点连接起来时遇到了困难。非常感谢。



    \documentclass[tikz, border=0.125cm]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{calc, fit, positioning, quotes}% new libraries

  every neuron/.style={rectangle, draw, minimum size=8mm},
  layer labels/.style={above, align=center},
  cercle/.style={circle,draw,fill=black!25,minimum size=17pt,inner sep=0pt}
    \begin{tikzpicture}[x=16mm, y=16mm, >=stealth]
% neuron nodes with part of labels
\foreach \g  [count=\y] in {1,2,3,4}
\foreach \b/\l in { 0/L}
\node[every neuron/.try, neuron \g/.try](n\b\g) at (\b,2.5-\y){}
\foreach \m [count=\y] in {1,2}
\foreach \j/\l in { 2/H, 4/S}
\node [every neuron/.try, neuron \m/.try] (n\j\m) at (\j,2.5-\y) {};
\node [every neuron/.try, neuron \m/.try] (n\j\m) at (\j,2.5-\y) {};
% neuron labels not included in neuron nodes
%\foreach \l/\k in {I_K/0, H_L/2}
%\node [above] at (n\k2.north) {$\l$};
% inputs
\foreach \l [count=\i] in {1,2} 
\draw [<-] (n0\i.west) -- ++(-1.1,0) node (in\i) [above, midway] {$x_\l$};
%\node (input) [draw, inner ysep=2mm, yshift=-2mm, fit=(in1) (in2)] {};
% w and L outputs
\foreach \l [count=\i] in {1,2}
\draw [->] (n4\i.east) -- ++(1.6,0) 
    node (wout\i) [above, midway] {$x_\l$}
   node (Lout\i) [right, draw, minimum size=8mm, label=$L_\i$] {};% Local Model

% output
\node (output) [cercle,right=16mm] at ($(Lout1.east)!0.5!(Lout2.east)$) {};
\draw [->] (output.east) to["$\hat{y}$"] ++(1.1,0);
% neurons interconection
 \foreach \i in {1,2}
 \foreach \j in {1,2}
\draw [->] (n0\i) -- (n2\j);
\draw [->] (n2\i) -- (n4\j);
\foreach \j [count=\i] in {1,2}
\draw [->] (Lout\i.east) to ["$\hat{y}_\j$"] (output);
% neuron layers labels
\foreach \l [count=\x from 0] in {1,2,3,4,5} 
\node [layer labels] at (\x*2,2.2) {Couche \\\l};
%\node [layer labels] at (6,2.2)    {Local \\ Model};
%\node [layer labels] at (8,2.2)    {Output \\ Agregation};
% x-fit L-fit conections



欢迎来到 TeX.SE!!!

一个想法是将\foreach句子内的几乎所有元素绘制两次,重复顶部和底部的“线”,但改变 y 轴方向。



  void/.style={inner sep=0},
  rect/.style={void,rectangle,draw,minimum size=6mm},
  circ/.style={void,circle,   draw,minimum size=6mm},

\begin{tikzpicture}[-latex,line cap=round]
% layers
\foreach\ii in {1,...,5}
    \draw[-,very thin,red,dashed] (1.5*\ii+0.75,3-0.4*\ii) -- (1.5*\ii+0.75,4);
  \node at (1.5*\ii,4) {Layer $\ii$};
% nodes
\foreach[count=\ii]\i/\j in {x/1,y/-1}
  \begin{scope}[y=\j cm]
    \node       (\i)    at (0,2)               {\strut$\i$}; % x,y
    \node[rect] (A\ii)  at (1.5,5*\j-2*\j*\ii) {$A_\ii$};    % A1,A2
    \node[rect] (B\ii)  at (1.5,-5+4*\ii)      {$B_\ii$};    % B1,B2
    \node[circ] (pi\ii) at (3,1)   {$\pi$};                  % pi
    \node[circ] (N\ii)  at (4.5,1) {$N$};                    % N
    \node[rect] (R\ii)  at (6,1)   {};                       % rectangle
    \node[void] (x\ii)  at ($(R\ii)+(-0.15,0.5)$) [yshift=3*\j mm] {\strut$x$};
    \node[void] (y\ii)  at ($(R\ii) +(0.15,0.5)$) [yshift=3*\j mm] {\strut$y$};
    \node               at (3.75,1.25) {\strut$\omega_\ii$};
    \node               at (5.25,1.25) {\strut$\bar{\omega}_\ii$};
    \node               at (7,0.85)    {\strut$\bar{\omega}_\ii f_\ii$};
\node[circ] (sigma) at (7.5,0) {$\Sigma$};
\node[circ] (f)     at (9,0)   {$f$};
% arrows
\foreach\ii in {1,2}
  \draw (x.east) -- (A\ii.west);
  \draw (y.east) -- (B\ii.west);
  \draw (A\ii.east) -- (pi\ii);
  \draw (B\ii.east) -- (pi\ii);
  \foreach\k in{1,2}
    \draw (pi\ii) -- (N\k);
  \draw (N\ii) -- (R\ii);
  \draw (x\ii) --++ (0,\ii-1.5);
  \draw (y\ii) --++ (0,\ii-1.5);
  \draw (R\ii) -- (sigma);
\draw (sigma) -- (f);

输出结果如下: 在此处输入图片描述
