为什么我的 tikzposter 没有对齐在页面顶部?

为什么我的 tikzposter 没有对齐在页面顶部?

为什么 Latex 坚持要将这个表格居中?我无法让它将表格与页面顶部对齐。如果我添加额外的表格行,甚至其他块,它们会被推出页面底部。请参阅下面的 MWE:

\documentclass[25pt, landscape]{tikzposter} % font 12, 14, 17, 20 or 25

% -------------------------------------------- This determines the size and margins
\geometry{paperwidth=24in, paperheight=36in}



  \block{Exciting Table to Wow and Impress my Client}{
  \begin{tabular}{c p{25cm} p{30cm} |c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}
 \#  & A thing & Description of the thing & JAN & FEB & MAR & APR & MAY & JUN & JUL & AUG & SEP & OCT & NOV & DEC \\ 

 \hline \hline
 1& One reason to love Latex & Terse and impressive example. & X & & & X& & & X& & &X & &  \\
 2& Several more reasons & So many examples to list! & X & & & & & & & & & & &  \\




tikzposter为标题保留一个空间。如果您不想要标题并想回收该空间,则必须使用适当的方法将其取消\definetitlestyle,然后使用 调用它 \maketitle


\documentclass[25pt, landscape]{tikzposter} % font 12, 14, 17, 20 or 25

% -------------------------------------------- This determines the size and margins
\geometry{paperwidth=24in, paperheight=36in}


\definetitlestyle{Zero}{titletotopverticalspace=-260pt,titletoblockverticalspace=0pt}{} % added <<<<<<<<<<<<<

    \usetitlestyle{Zero}% added <<<<<<<<<<<<<
    \maketitle% added <<<<<<<<<<<<<

    \block{Exciting Table to Wow and Impress my Client}{
        \begin{tabular}{c p{25cm} p{30cm} |c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}
            \#  & A thing & Description of the thing & JAN & FEB & MAR & APR & MAY & JUN & JUL & AUG & SEP & OCT & NOV & DEC \\ 
            \hline \hline
            1& One reason to love Latex & Terse and impressive example. & X & & & X& & & X& & &X & &  \\
            2& Several more reasons & So many examples to list! & X & & & & & & & & & & &  \\




\documentclass[25pt, landscape]{tikzposter} % font 12, 14, 17, 20 or 25

% -------------------------------------------- This determines the size and margins
\geometry{paperwidth=24in, paperheight=36in}



 \title{A tikzposter}
\author{By myself}


 \maketitle[titletotopverticalspace=30pt,titletoblockverticalspace=40pt ]% added <<<<<<<<<<<<<

    \block{Exciting Table to Wow and Impress my Client}{
        \begin{tabular}{c p{25cm} p{30cm} |c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}
            \#  & A thing & Description of the thing & JAN & FEB & MAR & APR & MAY & JUN & JUL & AUG & SEP & OCT & NOV & DEC \\ 
            \hline \hline
            1& One reason to love Latex & Terse and impressive example. & X & & & X& & & X& & &X & &  \\
            2& Several more reasons & So many examples to list! & X & & & & & & & & & & &  \\

