我正在准备一篇论文,准备使用他们的模板将其提交给期刊。当我使用 \cite 引用参考文献(natbib 包)时,它显示为“作者(年份)”,使用 \citep 时,它显示为“(作者年份)”...
(模板源代码可以在 overleaf 中找到:https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/taylor-and-francis-latex-template-for-authors-interact-layout-plus-chicago-reference-style/jfkyqxkxqhrs)
使用\bibpunct[, ]{[}{]}{;}{a}{}{,}
=> 引用支持使用natbib.sty
\usepackage{natbib}% Citation support using natbib.sty
\bibpunct[, ]{[}{]}{;}{a}{}{,}% Citation support using natbib.sty % CHANGED <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
\renewcommand\bibfont{\fontsize{10}{12}\selectfont}% Bibliography support using natbib.sty
\title{Taylor \& Francis \LaTeX\ template for authors (\textsf{Interact} layout + [author-date] reference style)}
\item One author \verb|\citep{Fow89}| \citep{Fow89}
\item One author \verb|\cite{Fow89}| \cite{Fow89}
\item Two or more authors \verb|\citep{Bro86,Bro02,Roh08} | \citep{Bro86,Bro02,Roh08}
\item Two or more authors \verb|\cite{Bro86,Bro02,Roh08} | \cite{Bro86,Bro02,Roh08}
\bibitem[Brooks and McLennan(2002)]{Bro02}
Brooks, Daniel~R., and Deborah~A. McLennan. 2002. \emph{The Nature of
Diversity: An Evolutionary Voyage of Discovery}. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.
\bibitem[Brooks and Wiley(1986)]{Bro86}
Brooks, Daniel~R., and E.~O. Wiley. 1986. \emph{Evolution as Entropy}. 2nd ed.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Fowler, Melvin~L. 1989. \emph{The Cahokia Atlas: A Historical Atlas of Cahokia
Archaeology}. Studies in Illinois Archaeology~6. Springfield: Illinois
Historic Preservation Agency.
\bibitem[Rohde, Levy, and Kehler(2008)]{Roh08}
Rohde, Hannah, Roger Levy, and Andrew Kehler. 2008. ``Implicit Causality Biases
Influence Relative Clause Attachment.'' Poster presented at the 21st CUNY
Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Chapel Hill, NC, March.