我正在寻找有关如何对使用 songs 软件包创建的歌本条目进行排序的建议。软件包文档介绍了如何对索引条目进行排序,但似乎没有提到对歌曲条目本身进行排序的问题。似乎有一种方法可以按歌曲标题、作者或使用 创建的任何其他键值对它们进行排序\newsongkey
歌曲是否只按输入的顺序打印?如果是这样,有人对如何构建一个按键或其他参数排序的宏有什么建议吗?例如,以下歌曲按输入顺序打印,但我可以让它们按歌曲标题排序,即首字母 A、B、C = 当前歌曲编号 3、2、1?
\beginsong{Crown Him With Many Crowns}[
by={George J. Elvey, Godfrey Thring and Matthew Bridges},
sr={Revelation 4:9-11,5:13},
cr={Public domain.}]
\[C]Crown Him with \[Am]many \[F]crowns,
The \[C]Lamb up\[F]on His \[Gsus]throne. \[G]
Hark! \[C]How the \[F]heav'nly \[D]anthem \[G]drowns
All music \[D]but its \[G]own! \[G7]
A\[C]wake, my soul, and \[F]sing \[F/E]
Of \[D]Him Who died for \[G]thee \[G7/F]
And \[C/E]hail Him \[F]as thy \[G7]matchless \[C]King
Through \[F]all e\[G]terni\[C]ty.
\beginsong{Blessed Assurance}[
by={Fanny Crosby and Phoebe Knapp},
sr={Philippians 1:21},
cr={Public domain}
\beginverse \memorize
\[C]Blessed assurance, \[F]Jesus is \[C]mine!
\[(C)]O what a fore\[G]taste of \[D]glory \[G]divine!
\[C]Heir of salvation, \[F]purchase of \[C]God,
\[(C)]Born of his \[Dm]Spirit, \[G]washed in his \[C]blood.
\[C]This is my story, \[F]this is my \[C]song,
\[(C)]Praising my \[F]Sav\[C]ior \[G]all the \[D]day \[G]long;
\[G7]This is my \[C]story, \[F]this is my \[C]song,
\[(C)]Praising my \[Dm]Savior \[G]all the day \[C]long.
\beginsong{Amazing Grace}[
by={John Newton},
sr={Luke 15:4; 2 Corinthians 4:8,9; Ephesians 2:8; Revelation 14:3},
cr={Public domain.}]
A\[E]mazing \[E/D#]grace! How \[A/C#]sweet the \[E/B]sound
That \[E]saved a \[E/C#]wretch like \[B7]me!
I \[E]once was \[E/D#]lost, but \[A/C#]now am \[E/B]found;
Was \[E]blind, but \[B]now I \[E]see.