添加 enumitem 键以嵌套基于 lualatex 的环境,该环境可自动对列表进行标点

添加 enumitem 键以嵌套基于 lualatex 的环境,该环境可自动对列表进行标点

我编写了一个基于 lua 的函数来自动对分项列表进行标点,如下所示:

  1. ;
  2. ; and
  3. .

etc会自动添加。我可以将其作为or环境;内的命令或环境应用。但我更希望将其作为键传递给 enumitem 提供的可选 key-val 参数。例如。请参阅下面的 MWE。我收到的错误是itemizeenumerateautopunc\begin{itemize}[autopunc]Error: You can't use \spacefactor' after \advance.\@->\spacefactor

PS 我愿意听取关于如何更好地实现自动标点列表的建议。基于 Lua 的想法更受欢迎。


function AutoPuncItems(s, btwn, seclast, last) -- add btwn and sec and last options
    local it = '\\item'
    local s_item = '%s*'..it
    btwn = btwn or ';'
    btwn = btwn..' '..it
    seclast = seclast or '; and'
    seclast = seclast..' '..it
    last = last or '.'
    local _, n_matches = string.gsub(s, s_item, "") -- find num items
    s, _ = string.gsub(s, s_item,    seclast,   n_matches) -- replace all items with second last type
    s, _ = string.gsub(s, seclast,   btwn,      n_matches-1) --replace all but last(ie second last) with the between
    s, _ = string.gsub(s, '%s*xxxENDxxx', last) -- add the final char
    s = string.sub(s, #btwn-#it+1, #s)

\NewDocumentCommand{\AutoPuncItems}{ O{;} O{; and} O{.} m }{
\NewDocumentEnvironment{AutoPuncItemize}{ O{;} O{; and} O{.} +b }{

\SetEnumitemKey{autopunc}{% trying these don't seem to work
%    first*=\begin{AutoPuncItemize}, 
%% last=\end{AutoPuncItemize} % not a valid key, but this WOULD be nice

    Works as desired
        \item one
        \item two
        \item three

    Works as desired
        \item one
        \item two
        \item three

    This is what I'm trying to get, desired interface
    \item one
    \item two
    \item three


通过打印 Lua 函数接收到的字符串AutoPuncItems,我看到\fi \item one \item two \item threexxxENDxxx;似乎\fi传递了一个未预测的内容。

我通过简单地\fi用空白替换解决了这个问题;这是因为第一行是AutoPuncItemss = string.gsub(s, "\\fi ", "")

似乎没有问题。我唯一担心的是这可能会产生一些不必要的影响。我看到一个警告: Warning:(67) (\end occurred when \ifnum on line 67 was incomplete),这是有道理的,因为我正在删除一个我假设 \ifnum 使用的 \fi。放置\fi在环境之后可以解决这个问题。所以,为了安全起见,我做了以下事情:


要重新使用我的 MWE:


function AutoPuncItems(s, btwn, seclast, last) -- add btwn and sec and last options
    --texio.write_nl('VVVVV \n'..s) -- troubleshooting
    s = string.gsub(s, "\\fi ", "") -- for some reason this is injected by enumitem
    local it = '\\item '
    local s_item = '%s*'..it
    btwn = btwn or ';'
    btwn = btwn..' '..it
    seclast = seclast or '; and'
    seclast = seclast..' '..it
    last = last or '.'
    local _, n_matches = string.gsub(s, s_item, "") -- find num items
    s, _ = string.gsub(s, s_item,    seclast,   n_matches) -- replace all 'item' with second last type
    s, _ = string.gsub(s, seclast,   btwn,      n_matches-1) -- replace all 'item' EXCEPT the last with the between
                                                             -- (all but second lines affected)
    s, _ = string.gsub(s, '%s*xxxENDxxx', last) -- add the final char
    s = string.sub(s, #btwn-#it+1, #s)   -- remove added stuff on very first item

\NewDocumentCommand{\AutoPuncItems}{ O{;} O{; and} O{.} m }{
\NewDocumentEnvironment{AutoPuncItemize}{ O{;} O{; and} O{.} +b }{
   \AutoPuncItems[;][; and][.]{#4}



    Works as desired
        \item one
        \item two
        \item three
    Works as desired
        \item one  % funck
        \item two
        \item three

    This is what I'm trying to get, desired interface
    \item one
    \item two
    \item three

    \item one
    \item two
    \item three

