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\begin{problem}[framed]{Question 2}
  %Task: & Define a new ``problem'' environment. \\
  Problem: & Show that any two terminal objects are isomorphic. Specifically, if $\mathbf{1}$ and $\mathbf{1}^{\prime}$ are both terminal objects, show that there are arrows $f: \mathbf{1} \rightarrow \mathbf{1}^{\prime}$ and $g: \mathbf{1}^{\prime} \rightarrow \mathbf{1}$ such that $g \circ f=\mathrm{id}_{1}$ and $f \circ g=\mathrm{id}_{1}$. This is what it means for two objects to be isomorphic in a category.\\
  Solution: & As, $\mathbf{1},\mathbf{1}^{\prime}$ are terminal objects. From $\mathbf{1} \to \mathbf{1}^{\prime}, \mathbf{1} \to \mathbf{1}$ we have a unique map so are  from $\mathbf{1}^{\prime} \to \mathbf{1}, \mathbf{1}^{\prime}\to \mathbf{1}^{\prime}$. Then we have maps $f \circ g: \mathbf{1}^{\prime} \to \mathbf{1}^{\prime}$ and $g \circ f: \mathbf{1} \to \mathbf{1}.$ Now $id|_{\mathbf{1}^{\prime}}:\mathbf{1}^{\prime} \to \mathbf{1}^{\prime}$ and $id|_{\mathbf{1}}:\mathbf{1} \to \mathbf{1}$ are also maps then $g \circ f=id_{\mathbf{1}}$ and $f \circ g=id_{\mathbf{1}^{\prime}}.$

\begin{problem}[framed]{Question 5}
  %Task: & Define a new ``problem'' environment. \\
  Problem: & "Let $\mathbf{C}$ be a category with terminal object $\mathbf{1}$. Let $X$ be an object of $\mathbf{C}$. We will prove that $X \times 1$ is isomorphic to $X$.

(a) Because $X \times 1$ is the product of $X$ and 1 , it comes with two arrows. Describe them by stating their domain and codomains.

(b) There is another object with arrows to both $X$ and 1 . What is it? What are the arrows?

(c) Use the existence property of products to find a right-inverse u for the arrow $\pi_{X}: X \times \mathbf{1} \rightarrow X .$

(d) Now we want to show that $u$ is a left-inverse to $\pi_{X}$ as well. To that end, name one arrow $f: X \times \mathbf{1} \rightarrow X \times \mathbf{1}$ so that the following diagram commutes, meaning that $\pi_{X} \circ f=\pi_{X} .$
    \begin{tikzcd}[row sep=huge]
        & X\times \textbf{1}\ar[dl,"\pi_{X}",swap,sloped] \ar[dr,"",sloped] \ar[d,,"{f}" description] & \\
        X & X\times \textbf{1}\ar[l,"\pi_{X}"] \ar[r,"",swap] & \textbf{1}
Problem: & (e) There is another arrow $X \times 1 \rightarrow X \times 1$ so that the above diagram commutes. What is it? (Hint: it's a composition of two other arrows)

(f) Use the uniqueness property of products to conclude that the two arrows from parts (d) and (e) must be equal. 

(g) Conclude that the arrow $u$ from part $(c)$ is a left-inverse to $\pi_{X}: X \times 1 \rightarrow X$ as well as a right inverse.

(h) Conclude that $u$ is an isomorphism, and $X \cong X \times 1$."\\

Solution: & a) Domain and codomain of $\pi_X$ are $ X\times \textbf{1}$ and $X$ resp. Domain and codomain of $\pi_{\textbf{1}}$ are $ X\times \textbf{1}$ and $\textbf{1}$ resp.

b) Another object is $X$ and the arrows $X \to X$ is identity and $X \to \textbf{1}$ is the unique map corresponding to the terminal object.

c) If we replace $A$ by $X$ and $B$ by $\textbf{1}, \rho_A=id, \pi_A=\pi_X$ in the figure of definition 2, 
    \begin{tikzcd}[row sep=huge]
        & X\ar[dl,"id",swap,sloped] \ar[dr,"\rho_{B}",sloped] \ar[d,dashed,"{u}" description] & \\
        X & X \times \textbf{1}\ar[l,"\pi_{X}"] \ar[r,"\pi_{\textbf{1}}",swap] & \textbf{1}

Solution: &we'll get the unique map from $u:X \to X \times \mathbf{1}  $ s.t $\pi_X \circ u=id_X$. Hence we get the right-inverse $\pi_A$ of $u$. Observe that $u: X \to X \times \mathbf{1}$ is the inclusion map here i.e. $u(x)=\{x\}\times \mathbf{1}.$

d) %We can see that $u \circ \pi_X(\{x\} \times \mathbf{1})=u(x)=\{x\} \times \mathbf{1}$, i.e., $$X \times \mathbf{1} \stackrel{\pi_X}{\longrightarrow} X  \stackrel{u}{\longrightarrow} X \times \mathbf{1}
%$$ is the identity map. Hence $u$ is also a left-inverse of $\pi_X$. 
We name $f=id_{X \times \mathbf{1}}.$

e) $u \circ \pi_X$ is another arrow $X \times 1 \rightarrow X \times 1$ so that $\pi_x \circ (u \circ \pi_X)=(\pi_x \circ u) \circ \pi_X=(id) \circ \pi_X=\pi_X$ hence, the above diagram commutes.

f) From Universal property of product we get $u \circ \pi_X=id_{X \times \mathbf{1}}.$

g) $u$ is a left inverse of $\pi_X.$

h) $X \cong X \times \mathbf{1}.$


参见问题 2 和问题 5。您会意识到这里看起来很奇怪。每次我想添加图表时,我都必须打破框架。


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\begin{tikzcd}[row sep=huge, ampersand replacement=\&]
      \& X \ar[dl,"id",swap,sloped] \ar[dr,"\rho_{B}",sloped] \ar[d,dashed,"{u}" description] \\
    X \& X \times \textbf{1}\ar[l,"\pi_{X}"] \ar[r,"\pi_{\textbf{1}}",swap] \& \textbf{1}

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\begin{problem}[framed]{Question 2}
  %Task: & Define a new ``problem'' environment. \\
  Problem: & Show that any two terminal objects are isomorphic. Specifically, if $\obj{1}$ and $\obj{1}^{\prime}$ are both terminal objects, show that there are arrows $f: \obj{1} \rightarrow \obj{1}^{\prime}$ and $g: \obj{1}^{\prime} \rightarrow \obj{1}$ such that $g \circ f=\mathrm{id}_{1}$ and $f \circ g=\mathrm{id}_{1}$. This is what it means for two objects to be isomorphic in a category.\\
  Solution: & As, $\obj{1},\obj{1}^{\prime}$ are terminal objects. From $\obj{1} \to \obj{1}^{\prime}, \obj{1} \to \obj{1}$ we have a unique map so are  from $\obj{1}^{\prime} \to \obj{1}, \obj{1}^{\prime}\to \obj{1}^{\prime}$. Then we have maps $f \circ g: \obj{1}^{\prime} \to \obj{1}^{\prime}$ and $g \circ f: \obj{1} \to \obj{1}.$ Now $id|_{\obj{1}^{\prime}}:\obj{1}^{\prime} \to \obj{1}^{\prime}$ and $id|_{\obj{1}}:\obj{1} \to \obj{1}$ are also maps then $g \circ f=id_{\obj{1}}$ and $f \circ g=id_{\obj{1}^{\prime}}.$
\begin{problem}[framed]{Question 5}
  %Task: & Define a new ``problem'' environment. \\
  Problem: &
    Let $\obj{C}$ be a category with terminal object $\obj{1}$.
    Let $X$ be an object of $\obj{C}$.
    We will prove that $X \times 1$ is isomorphic to $X$.
  \item Because $X \times 1$ is the product of $X$ and 1,
         it comes with two arrows.
        Describe them by stating their domain and codomains.
  \item There is another object with arrows to both $X$ and 1.
         What is it? What are the arrows?
  \item Use the existence property of products to find a right-inverse $u$
        for the arrow $\pi_{X}: X \times \obj{1} \rightarrow X$. \label{item:c}
  \item Now we want to show that $u$ is a left-inverse to $\pi_{X}$ as well.
        To that end, name one arrow
          $f: X \times \obj{1} \rightarrow X \times \obj{1}$
        so that the following diagram commutes,
        meaning that $\pi_{X} \circ f=\pi_{X}$. \label{item:d}
    \begin{tikzcd}[row sep=huge]
      \& X\times \obj{1} \ar[dl,"\pi_X", swap, sloped]
                         \ar[d,"f" description] \\
    X \& X\times \obj{1} \ar[l,"\pi_X"]
      \& \obj{1}
  \item There is another arrow $X \times 1 \rightarrow X \times 1$
        so that the above diagram commutes.
        What is it?
        (Hint: it's a composition of two other arrows.) \label{item:e}
  \item Use the uniqueness property of products to conclude
        that the two arrows from items \ref{item:d} and
        \ref{item:e} must be equal. 
  \item Conclude that the arrow $u$ from part \ref{item:c}
        is a left-inverse to
          $\pi_{X}: X \times 1 \rightarrow X$
        as well as a right inverse.
  \item Conclude that $u$ is an isomorphism, and $X \cong X \times 1$.
Solution: & \vspace{-\topskip} % no text here, remove topskip spacing from enumerate
  \item Domain and codomain of $\pi_X$ are $ X\times \obj{1}$ and $X$ resp.
        Domain and codomain of $\pi_{\obj{1}}$
        are $ X\times \obj{1}$ and $\obj{1}$ resp.
  \item Another object is $X$ and the arrows $X \to X$ is identity
        and $X \to \obj{1}$ is the unique map
        corresponding to the terminal object.
  \item If we replace $A$ by $X$ and $B$ by
        $\obj{1}, \rho_A=id, \pi_A=\pi_X$ in the figure of definition 2, 
    \begin{tikzcd}[row sep=huge]
          \& X \ar[dl, "id", swap, sloped]
               \ar[dr, "\rho_{B}", sloped]
               \ar[d, dashed, "u" description] \\
        X \& X \times \obj{1}
               \ar[l, "\pi_X"]
               \ar[r, "\pi_{\obj{1}}", swap]
          \& \obj{1}
        we'll get the unique map from $u:X \to X \times \obj{1}$
        s.\,t. $\pi_X \circ u=id_X$.
        Hence we get the right-inverse $\pi_A$ of $u$.
        Observe that $u: X \to X \times \obj{1}$ is the inclusion map here
        i.\,e. $u(x)=\{x\}\times \obj{1}.$
   \item %We can see that $u \circ \pi_X(\{x\} \times \obj{1})=u(x)=\{x\} \times \obj{1}$, i.e., $$X \times \obj{1} \stackrel{\pi_X}{\longrightarrow} X  \stackrel{u}{\longrightarrow} X \times \obj{1}
%$$ is the identity map. Hence $u$ is also a left-inverse of $\pi_X$. 
         We name $f=id_{X \times \obj{1}}.$
  \item $u \circ \pi_X$ is another arrow $X \times 1 \rightarrow X \times 1$
        so that
        $\pi_x \circ (u \circ \pi_X)=(\pi_x \circ u) \circ \pi_X=(id) \circ \pi_X=\pi_X$
        hence, the above diagram commutes.
  \item From Universal property of product we get $u \circ \pi_X=id_{X \times \obj{1}}.$
  \item $u$ is a left inverse of $\pi_X.$
  \item $X \cong X \times \obj{1}.$



