使用 biber 时在 Bi​​bLatex 中出现 \printbibliography 错误

使用 biber 时在 Bi​​bLatex 中出现 \printbibliography 错误

我是 Latex 的新手,我必须为学校写一篇论文,其中必须引用不同的来源。我尝试阅读如何制作参考书目,并得出结论,我应该使用BibLatex作为biber后端,因为它更新,更灵活。

但是当我尝试使用BibLatexbiber没有得到参考书目,\printbibliography并且我得到了 3 个错误

This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (MiKTeX 21.6)
The top-level auxiliary file: diho.aux
I found no \citation commands---while reading file diho.aux
I found no \bibdata command---while reading file diho.aux
I found no \bibstyle command---while reading file diho.aux
(There were 3 error messages)
Process exited with error(s)




    \title{Efterkrigstid og Albert Camus}
    \author{Rasmus Enevoldsen}

还有我的 .bib 文件

author =    "Albert Camus",
title =     "Le Mythe de Sisyphe. (Fransk) [Sisyfos-myten]",
year =      "1942"
    author =    "Seeberg, Peter",
    title =     "Hjulet",
    booktitle = "eftersøgningen og andre noveller",
    isbn =      "9788702234862",
    year =      "1962"



  1. 使用@article而不是@articel
  2. 使用带有花括号的现代语法。
  author = {Albert Camus},
  title  = {Le Mythe de Sisyphe. (Fransk) [Sisyfos-myten]},
  year   = {1942}  
  author    = {Seeberg, Peter},
  title     = {Hjulet},
  booktitle = {eftersøgningen og andre noveller},
  isbn      = {9788702234862},
  year      = {1962}
\title{Efterkrigstid og Albert Camus}
\author{Rasmus Enevoldsen}







pdflatex filename.tex
biber filename # note that I have avoided .tex extension
pdflatex filename.tex
pdflatex filename.tex
