

我希望有类似的东西,\filbreak 通过在每个问题和选择\filbreak前面加上一个\question,就像描述的一样这里 低于


\documentclass[answers, 10pt]{exam}
\lipsum[1] \lipsum[1] \lipsum[1] \lipsum[1] \lipsum[1] \lipsum[2] 
\question Which of the following is an example of the correct answer?
\CorrectChoice first answer
\choice second answer
\choice third answer
\choice fourth answer
\choice fifth answer

\question I am looking for getting question and  question parts not breaking

\question Which of the following is an example of the correct answer?
\CorrectChoice first answer
\choice second answer
\choice third answer
\choice fourth answer
\choice fifth answer


\question Which of the following is an example of the correct answer?
\CorrectChoice first answer
\choice second answer
\choice third answer % This should be kept together with the first two choices
\choice fourth answer
\choice fifth answer
