我无法使用 ASPR 模板编译我的文件

我无法使用 ASPR 模板编译我的文件

我正在尝试按照《美国政治科学评论》的风格编写一篇论文。以下是 cls 文件:

% apsr_submission.cls, v1.1, 2017/12/06
% Developed by Overleaf
% This class file enables authors to prepare 
% manuscripts for submission to APSR.
% v1.01: corrected ASPR typos to APSR
% v1.1: Uses chicago-apsr.bst that doesn't shorten first names
\ProvidesClass{apsr_submission}[2017/12/06 v1.1]


\WarningFilter*{hyperref}{Ignoring empty anchor}
\WarningFilter*{hyperref}{Rerun to get}
\WarningFilter*{microtype}{Unknown slot number of character}

%% Language and font encodings

%% Sets page size and margins

%% Front matters
\def\@journalname{American Political Science Review}
\def\@publishername{American Political Science Association}

    {\itshape\large #2}\par\vskip3pt}%



\newcommand{\dropcap}[2][]{\lettrine[#1] #2}






    \author{Anonymised Author(s)}{Anonymised Institution(s)}{Anonymised submission.\par\medskip\textbf{This is a  manuscript submitted for review.}}
    \gdef\@runningauthor{Anonymised Author(s)}

  %% Only allow total word count to be changed it if it's still 0
    \ClassWarning{apsr_submission.cls}{\string\totalwordcount{} is ignored when autowc is active.}
    \def\@totalwordcount{\splice{texcount -1 -sum=1,1,1,0,0,0,0 -merge -incbib -utf8 \jobname.tex}}}%

    {\centering Word Count: \@totalwordcount\par}%
  \appto{\@authorinfo}{\par\medskip\textbf{This is a  manuscript submitted for review.}\par}
    %% Anonymise main text only
    %% Anonymise main text only










  \fancyhead[RO]{\footnotesize Page \thepage{} of \pageref{LastPage}}
  \textit{Submission to \@journalname}\\[-\baselineskip]%
  \tikz[remember picture,overlay]
    \node[transform shape,rotate=90,anchor=north,yshift=-2pt,text=gray!10,font=\scriptsize] at (current page.west) 
     \node[transform shape,rotate=-90,anchor=north,yshift=-2pt,text=gray!10,font=\scriptsize] at (current page.east) 
      {\foreach \n in {1,...,10}{APSR Submission Template\hspace{1em}}};

%% Easiest way to get framed floats, both single-column and wide
\newcommand{\floatnote}[1]{\floatfoot{\textit{Note: }#1}}






input-symbols=() Coef S.E}% 





\newcommand{\overbar}[1]{\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5mu#1\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}


       {University 1}
       {Something about me \dots}
       {University 2}
       {Something about me \dots}

       {University 3}
       {Something about me \dots}

\thanks{We wish to thank \dots}

\runningauthor{Auth1, Auth2, and Auth3} 



This is the abstract


\dropcap{This} is the introduction....

Then I want to introduct tab.1, which is stored in folder ``Table'' in my wd:



表 t1 如下所示:

\caption{Summary statistics}
S[table-format=3.3, table-align-text-post = false]
S[table-format=1.3, table-align-text-post = false]
S[table-format=1.3, table-align-text-post = false]
S[table-format=1.3, table-align-text-post = false]
S[table-format=1.3, table-align-text-post = false]}

Variables   &\mc{Obs.}  &\mc{Mean}  &\mc{S.D.}  &\mc{Min.}  &\mc{Max.} \\ \midrule
HP          &104,862        &0.848          &0.359          &\mc{0}         &\mc{1} \\ 
CAF         &104,862        &0.011          &2.148          &-7.427         &4.448 \\
GLOB        &104,862        &0.199          &0.400          &\mc{0}         &\mc{1}
\floatnote{Some notes}


! Missing \endcsname inserted.
<to be read again> 
l.13 V
      ariables  &\mc{Obs.}  &\mc{Mean}  &\mc{S.D.}  &\mc{Min.}  &\mc{Max.} \\...

实际上,我以前能够编译该文件,但现在却不能。我尝试检查是否有任何 Unicode 字符,因为此错误可能由此引起,但似乎没有。

我删除了所有辅助文件,如 AUX 等。但它仍然不起作用。知道为什么会发生这种情况吗?


@UlrikeFischer。感谢回到 siunitx v2,让我能够编译该文件。我还在 t1 文件中添加了一个新行,即:

S[table-format=3.3, table-align-text-post = false]
S[table-format=1.3, table-align-text-post = false]
S[table-format=1.3, table-align-text-post = false]
S[table-format=1.3, table-align-text-post = false]
S[table-format=1.3, table-align-text-post = false]
**S[table-format=1.3, table-align-text-post = false]**}

因为我意识到我有六列而不是五列。我只遇到了一个小问题。表 1 如下所示:


