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\chapter{\textbf{I can use Thai font here}}
\section{I also can use Thai font here too}
When I type Thai ไทย here, it doesn't show up.


文档elsevierbook类不适用于 XeLaTeX 和fontspec。它将包newtxtext与其他内容一起加载,您无法轻松地将其与\setmainfont提供的宏等一起使用fontspec

您的设置应该是这样的(您可能需要寻找可以与 PDFLaTeX 一起使用的合适的泰语字体):

\usepackage{geometry} % Required for adjusting page dimensions and margins
paper=a4paper, % Paper size, change to letterpaper for US letter size
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headsep=1cm, % Space from the top margin to the baseline of the header
%showframe, % Uncomment to show how the type block is set on the page

\chapter{\textbf{I can use Thai \textthai{ไทย} font here}}
\section{I also can use Thai \textthai{ไทย} font here too}
When I type Thai \textthai{ไทย} here, it shows up as well.

