TwentySeconds CV 侧边栏自定义图标

TwentySeconds CV 侧边栏自定义图标

我想要website一个定制iconGitHub和一个额外的iconYoutube Channel我的“二十分钟简历风格”


% personal info
%\profilepic{capure mi.PNG}          % path of profile pic
\cvname{James Daniel}                   % your name
\cvjobtitle{Daniel}          % your actual job position
\cvdate{07 July 1980}        % date of birth
\cvaddress{Nigeria}       % address
\cvnumberphone{+234 08033147591}   % telephone number
\cvmail{[email protected]}    % e-mail
\cvsite{} % personal site


\noindent James is an R developer with a degree in Statistics, proficient in Data Science. Passionate about technology and transmitting knowledge to all audiences.Perceptive and logical programmer with proven ability to communicate technical, professionals and end-users to identify and translate business requirements.
} % About me section

%%%%%% Skill bar section, each skill must have a value between 0 an 6 (float) %%
\skills{{R Programming Language/5.2},{Python Programming Language/4},{\LaTeX/5.5},{CSPro/4.7}, 
{Data Science/4.8}}

%%%%%%Skill text section, each skill must have a value between 0 an 6%%%%%%%%%%%


%%%%%% BODY %%%%%%
% Simple Section
%The heroine and the dreamer of Wonderland;  James is the principal character.

%%%%%%%%%%%%% TWENTY LIST ITEMS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%    Four arguments: date; title; where; description %%%%
    {From 2019}
    {Ph.D. {\normalfont candidate in Statistics}}
    {Fed. University of Tech., Akure}
    {\emph{Specializing in Time Series Modeling.}}
    {M.Sc. Statistics}
    {University of Ilorin, Ilorin}
    {Specializing in General Statistics.}
    {PGD Statistics}
    {NNamdi Azikwe University, Awka}
    {Specializing in General Statistics.}
    {HND Statistics}
    {Inst. of Manag. and Tech., Enugu}
    {Specializing in General Statistics.}

%%%%%%%%%TWENTY LIST SHORTITEMS %%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%% Two arguments: date; title/description %%
    {\href{}{Time Series Analysis of All Shares Index of Nigerian Stock Exchange: A Box-Jenkins Approach, }International Journal Sciences - Volume 5}
    {\href{}{A Bootstrap Method for Box-Jenkins Models with Application on Brent Crude Oil Prices per Barrel, }The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 18}
    {\href{}{Time Series Analysis of Brent Crude Oil Prices Per Barrel: A Box-Jenkins Approach, }Annals of Computer Science Series. 17th Tome 1st Fasc.}


    {Best Graduating Student of the Department. Dept of Statistics, IMT, Enugu}

    {2012 till date}
    {James in National Bureau of Statistics.}
    {2010 - 2012}
    {Industrial and General Insurance Plc, Nigeria.}
    {Risk Management Officer}
    {2009 - 2010}
    {Bank of Agriculture, Nigeria.}
    {Data Entry Officer}

The Nigerian Statistical Association
Nigerian Red Cross Society

\textbf{Kayode Ayinde, Professor, Fed. University of Tech., Akure}\\ 08035850519 - 
\href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]}

\textbf{Adebowale O. Adejumo, Professor, University of Ilorin, Ilorin}\\ 08020383709 - 
\href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]}

%%%%% ENDBODY %%%%%%


我在序言中找到了 ,\faIcon{github}\usepackage{fontawesome5}我不知道如何使用它。当我在代码中使用它时,它确实带来了工作,但它们icons被放置在简历的主体中而不是侧边栏中。我已经用红色笔颜色显示了我不希望它icons出现的位置,并用蓝色笔指示了我希望它出现的位置。




%%%******************************************** added <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    % grey bar on the left side
    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
        \node [rectangle, fill=asidecolor, anchor=north, minimum width=9.90cm, minimum height=\paperheight+1cm] (box) at (-5cm,0.5cm){};
    \begin{textblock}{6}(0.5, 0.2)
            % profile picture
                    \clip (600/2, 567/2) circle (567/2);
                    \node[anchor=north west, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt] at (0,0) {\includegraphics[width=\imagewidth]{\givenprofilepic}};
            % name
            % jobtitle
            % table with icons 
            \begin{tabular}{c @{\hskip 0.2cm} p{5cm}}
                % CV date
                \ifthenelse{\equal{\givencvdate}{}}{}{\textsc{\Large\icon{\Info}} & \givencvdate\\}
                % CV address
                \ifthenelse{\equal{\givencvaddress}{}}{}{\textsc{\Large\icon{\Letter}} & \givencvaddress\\}
                % CV phone
                \ifthenelse{\equal{\givennumberphone}{}}{}{\textsc{\Large\icon{\Telefon}} & \givennumberphone\\}
                % CV site
                \ifthenelse{\equal{\givencvsite}{}}{}{\textsc{\large\icon{\faIcon{github}}} & \href{\givencvsite}{\givencvsite}\\}
                % CV mail
                \ifthenelse{\equal{\givencvmail}{}}{}{\textsc{\large\icon{@}} & \href{mailto:\givencvmail}{\givencvmail}\\[3pt]}
                % CV youtube
                \ifthenelse{\equal{\givenyoutube}{}}{}{\textsc{\large\icon{\faIcon{youtube}}} & \url{\givenyoutube}}
            % about me text
            \profilesection{About me}{3.2cm}
            % skills with scale
            (*)[The skill scale is from 0 (Fundamental Awareness) to 6 (Expert).]

    % personal info
    %\profilepic{capure mi.PNG}          % path of profile pic
    \cvname{James Daniel}                   % your name
    \cvjobtitle{Daniel}          % your actual job position
    \cvdate{07 July 1980}        % date of birth
    \cvaddress{Nigeria}       % address
    \cvnumberphone{+234 08033147591}   % telephone number
    \cvmail{[email protected]}    % e-mail
    \cvsite{} % personal site
    \cvyoutube{\_49H-Nd-g} % added <<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<

        \noindent James is an R developer with a degree in Statistics, proficient in Data Science. Passionate about technology and transmitting knowledge to all audiences. Perceptive and logical programmer with proven ability to communicate technical, professionals and end-users to identify and translate business requirements.
    } % About me section
    %%%%%% Skill bar section, each skill must have a value between 0 an 6 (float) %%
    \skills{{R Programming Language/5.2},{Python Programming Language/4},{\LaTeX/5.5},{CSPro/4.7}, 
        {Data Science/4.8}}
    %%%%%%Skill text section, each skill must have a value between 0 an 6%%%%%%%%%%%
    %%%%%% BODY %%%%%%
    % Simple Section
    %The heroine and the dreamer of Wonderland;  James is the principal character.
    %%%%%%%%%%%%% TWENTY LIST ITEMS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    %%    Four arguments: date; title; where; description %%%%
        {From 2019}
        {Ph.D. {\normalfont candidate in Statistics}}
        {Fed. University of Tech., Akure}
        {\emph{Specializing in Time Series Modeling.}}
        {M.Sc. Statistics}
        {University of Ilorin, Ilorin}
        {Specializing in General Statistics.}
        {PGD Statistics}
        {NNamdi Azikwe University, Awka}
        {Specializing in General Statistics.}
        {HND Statistics}
        {Inst. of Manag. and Tech., Enugu}
        {Specializing in General Statistics.}
    %%%%%%%%%TWENTY LIST SHORTITEMS %%%%%%%%%%%%%
    %%% Two arguments: date; title/description %%
        {\href{}{Time Series Analysis of All Shares Index of Nigerian Stock Exchange: A Box-Jenkins Approach, }International Journal Sciences - Volume 5}
        {\href{}{A Bootstrap Method for Box-Jenkins Models with Application on Brent Crude Oil Prices per Barrel, }The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 18}
        {\href{}{Time Series Analysis of Brent Crude Oil Prices Per Barrel: A Box-Jenkins Approach, }Annals of Computer Science Series. 17th Tome 1st Fasc.}
        {Best Graduating Student of the Department. Dept of Statistics, IMT, Enugu}
        {2012 till date}
        {James in National Bureau of Statistics.}
        {2010 - 2012}
        {Industrial and General Insurance Plc, Nigeria.}
        {Risk Management Officer}
        {2009 - 2010}
        {Bank of Agriculture, Nigeria.}
        {Data Entry Officer}
    The Nigerian Statistical Association
    Nigerian Red Cross Society
    \textbf{Kayode Ayinde, Professor, Fed. University of Tech., Akure}\\ 08035850519 - 
    \href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]}
    \textbf{Adebowale O. Adejumo, Professor, University of Ilorin, Ilorin}\\ 08020383709 - 
    \href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]}
    %%%%% ENDBODY %%%%%%
