与 pdflatex 相比,lualatex 中的数学字体发生了变化

与 pdflatex 相比,lualatex 中的数学字体发生了变化

我正在尝试更新一个论文模板,我不仅要使用它pdflatex,还要使用它lualatex(主要是为了启用更大的 tikz 图形)。根据收到的评论Mathdesign 与 lualatex 一起使用时会在 siunitx 中更改 \mu-sign,但与 pdflatex 一起使用时不会更改我写了以下 MWE:


\usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor}                     % selecting text color
\usepackage{pdfpages}                   % including pdf files



\setboldmathrm{XCharter Bold}
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}             % for special characters in input
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}                % modern font encoding
\usepackage[charter, cal=cmcal]{mathdesign} % main font with math support
\usepackage[scaled=.88]{berasans}       % sans serif font
\usepackage[scaled=.82]{DejaVuSansMono} % monospace font (for code)
\usepackage{amsmath}                    % advanced math typesetting
\usepackage[english]{babel}    % language specifics
    Hello World

    $100\text{ coins are 100 coins}$

    \SI{100}{\micro\meter} are 100 \textmu m


当使用 进行编译时pdflatex,我得到以下结果: 在此处输入图片描述

但是当用 进行编译时lualatex,我得到了稍微不同的结果: 在此处输入图片描述

数学字体明显有点不对。我该怎么做才能使 的结果lualatex至少与 相当(如果不相等)pdflatex?还有其他错误吗?


我对您的代码进行了一些调整(并删除了一些与示例无关的行)。我添加了注释,希望能解释清楚,但非常简短:i)加载包的顺序很重要;ii)使用newtxmathwith时fontspec,必须在加载之前加载折叠到 math 中的文本字体newtxmath;iii)fontspec 必须在之后newtxmath。我将加载的字体放在fontspec彩色中,这样就可以清楚地看到它们是什么。

还可以做更多的事情来将 lualatex 字体的比例与 pdftex 包相匹配,但这给出了一个初步的近似值。

\usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor} % selecting text color

\usepackage[english]{babel}% <== babel should be loaded before newtx
%\usepackage{ifluatex}% <== obsolete
\usepackage{iftex}% <== use this current version instead

    %\usepackage{amsmath} <== newtx requires amsmath, need not load separately
    % Load these to provide characters for math, prior to dealing with actual text fonts
    \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}%  math font encoding
    \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{XCharter-TLF}%   font family for \mathrm, numbers, \mathbf, \mathit
    \usepackage[scaled=.88]{berasans}% for \mathsf
    \usepackage[scaled=.82]{DejaVuSansMono} % monospace font for \mathtt
    \usepackage[no-math]{fontspec}% load after newtxmath
    % Added colors so you can see which OTF fonts have loaded
        Extension = .otf,
        UprightFont = *-Roman,
        ItalicFont = *-Italic,
        BoldFont = *-Bold,
        BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic,%
    %\defaultfontfeatures{Ligatures={TeX}}% <== this is the default setting of fontspec    
        Extension = .ttf, 
        UprightFont = *,
        ItalicFont = *-Oblique,
        BoldFont = *-Bold,
        BoldItalicFont = *-BoldOblique,%
        WordSpace = {0.75},% appears that word spacing is lower in the pdftex packages, but more adjustments could be done.
        Scale=.82,% Scale=0.82 seems small, might 0.88 be better?
        Extension = .ttf, 
        UprightFont = *,
        ItalicFont = *-Oblique,
        BoldFont = *-Bold,
        BoldItalicFont = *-BoldOblique,%
        WordSpace = {0.75},
    \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}             % for special characters in input
    \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}                % modern font encoding
    \usepackage[scaled=.88]{berasans}       % sans serif font <== loading order matters
    \usepackage[scaled=.82]{DejaVuSansMono} % monospace font (for code) <== loading order matters
    \usepackage[charter, cal=cmcal]{mathdesign} % main font with math support
    \usepackage{amsmath}                    % advanced math typesetting

    Hello World. \textsf{Hello World.} \texttt{Hello World.}

    \textit{Hello World. \textsf{Hello World.} \texttt{Hello World.}}
    \textbf{Hello World. \textsf{Hello World.} \texttt{Hello World.}}
    \textbf{\textit{Hello World. \textsf{Hello World.} \texttt{Hello World.}}}

    $100\text{ coins are 100 coins}$  
    \SI{100}{\micro\meter} are 100 \textmu m

    \[f(x) = A \sin x\cos x\, \]
    $\mathrm{100~m}\quad \mathbf{100~m}\quad \mathsf{100~m}\quad \mathtt{100~m}$

在 pdflatex 下: pdflatex 版本 在 lualatex 下: luatex 版本
