\section*{Reviewing activities}
\item [\ding{228}] Referee for some National and International Research Journals such as
\item [\ding{51}] Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, F\'isicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matem\'aticas (published by Springer).
\item [\ding{51}] Advances in Operator Theory (published by Springer).
\item [\ding{51}] Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal.
\item [\ding{51}] Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics.
%\item Reviewer for the journal: Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society (published by Springer).
\item [\ding{51}] Operators and matrices.
\item [\ding{51}] Filomat.
\item [\ding{51}] Open Mathematics.
\item [\ding{51}] Mathematica Slovaca.
\item [\ding{51}] Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis (published by Springer).
% \item Reviewer for the journal: Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society.
\item [\ding{51}] Moroccan Journal of Pure and Applied Analysis.
\item [\ding{51}] Miskolc Mathematical Notes.
\item [\ding{228}] Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews/MathSciNet
跟进@DavidCarlisle 的评论:你可以使用多色包将内部itemize
我还想建议你使用枚举项包来创建定制的“ding-symbol”类似 itemize 的环境;这将极大地帮助整理后续代码。此外,我会暂停列表两列部分的完全对齐。最后,除非真的需要提到某些期刊“由 Springer 出版”,否则我会省略该信息。
%% Old code (simplified):
%% New code:
% create a bespoke, two-level itemize-like list environment:
\setlist[dingitemize,2]{label=\ding{51}, left=0pt,nosep}
\usepackage{multicol} % for 'multicols' environment
\usepackage{ragged2e} % for '\RaggedRight' macro
\section*{Reviewing activities}
\item Referee for some national and international research journals, including:
\RaggedRight % suspend full justification
\item Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, F\'isicas y Naturales, Serie~A Matem\'aticas %(published by Springer)
\item Advances in Operator Theory %(published by Springer)
\item Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
\item Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics
%\item Reviewer for the journal: Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society %(published by Springer)
\item Operators and matrices
\item Filomat
\item Open Mathematics
\item Mathematica Slovaca
\item Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis %(published by Springer)
% \item Reviewer for the journal: Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society
\item Moroccan Journal of Pure and Applied Analysis
\item Miskolc Mathematical Notes
\item Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews\slash MathSciNet
类型列的环境中。只需用 分隔列即可&
\section*{Reviewing activities}
\item [\ding{228}] Referee for some National and International Research Journals such as
\item [\ding{51}] Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, F\'isicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matem\'aticas (published by Springer).
\item [\ding{51}] Advances in Operator Theory (published by Springer).
\item [\ding{51}] Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal.
\item [\ding{51}] Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics.
%\item Reviewer for the journal: Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society (published by Springer).
\item [\ding{51}] Operators and matrices.
\item [\ding{51}] Filomat.
\item [\ding{51}] Open Mathematics.
\item [\ding{51}] Mathematica Slovaca.
\item [\ding{51}] Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis (published by Springer).
% \item Reviewer for the journal: Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society.
\item [\ding{51}] Moroccan Journal of Pure and Applied Analysis.
\item [\ding{51}] Miskolc Mathematical Notes.
\item [\ding{228}] Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews/MathSciNet
\end{itemize} &
\item [\ding{228}] Referee for some National and International Research Journals such as
\item [\ding{51}] Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, F\'isicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matem\'aticas (published by Springer).
\item [\ding{51}] Advances in Operator Theory (published by Springer).
\item [\ding{51}] Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal.
\item [\ding{51}] Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics.
%\item Reviewer for the journal: Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society (published by Springer).
\item [\ding{51}] Operators and matrices.
\item [\ding{51}] Filomat.
\item [\ding{51}] Open Mathematics.
\item [\ding{51}] Mathematica Slovaca.
\item [\ding{51}] Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis (published by Springer).
% \item Reviewer for the journal: Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society.
\item [\ding{51}] Moroccan Journal of Pure and Applied Analysis.
\item [\ding{51}] Miskolc Mathematical Notes.
\item [\ding{228}] Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews/MathSciNet
包来实现这一点,正如 David 在他的评论中所建议的那样。