

我有一张如下所示的表格,我想通过 更改其编号\renewcommand\thetable{1S}。但是,我不确定为什么它不起作用。你能帮忙吗?




\setlength\tabcolsep{2.5pt} % default: 6pt
\begin{longtable}{@{} l | *{3}{lll|} lll| l | *{3}{lll|} lll @{}} % 26 columns in all
\caption{Comparison of solution approaches using theoretical instances (values are in average)}
\label{tab-theo1} \\
\multirow{3}{*}{Inst.} & 
\multicolumn{3}{l|}{\makecell{Mathematical \\ programming}}  & 
\multicolumn{3}{l|}{\makecell{NA-ACO \\ algorithm}}      & 
\multicolumn{3}{l|}{\makecell{Heuristic \\ algorithm}}   & 
\multirow{2}{*}{\makecell{GAP1 \\ (\%)}} & 
\multirow{2}{*}{\makecell{GAP2 \\ (\%)}} & 
\multirow{2}{*}{\makecell{GAP3 \\ (\%)}} &
\multirow{3}{*}{Inst.} & 
\multicolumn{3}{l|}{\makecell{Mathematical \\ programming}}  & 
\multicolumn{3}{l|}{\makecell{NA-ACO \\ algorithm}}      & 
\multicolumn{3}{l|}{\makecell{Heuristic \\ algorithm}}   & 
\multirow{2}{*}{\makecell{GAP1 \\ (\%)}} & 
\multirow{2}{*}{\makecell{GAP2 \\ (\%)}} & 
\multirow{2}{*}{\makecell{GAP3 \\ (\%)}} \\ 
\cline{2-10} \cline{15-23}
& HPI  & FS\#  & \makecell{CPUT \\ (min)}  
& HPI  & FS\#  & \makecell{CPUT \\ (min)}    
& HPI  & FS\#  & \makecell{CPUT \\ (min)}    
&   &   &   & 
& HPI  & FS\#  & \makecell{CPUT \\ (min)}  
& HPI  & FS\#  & \makecell{CPUT \\ (min)}    
& HPI  & FS\#  & \makecell{CPUT \\ (min)}    
&   &   &  \\ 

%% body of table
% Table generated by Excel2LaTeX from sheet 'Sheet1'
    1     & 1     & 10    & 0.85  & 1     & 10    & 0.03  & 1     & 10    & 0.13  & 0     & 0     & 0.3   & 34    & 0.87  & 10    & 7.6   & 0.79  & 10    & 11.73 & 0.97  & 10    & 0.29  & 12.4  & 20.6  & 2.3 \\\hline






无关: 看看你是否接受使用tabularray包并旋转一些列标题。使用它们,表格可以有更大的字体,并将变成这样:


表格上方的虚拟文本仅用于比较表格宽度和表格中使用的字体大小。MWE 为:

\usepackage{rotating}   % new
\usepackage{tabularray} % new




\setcounter{table}{0}                   % new
\renewcommand\thetable{\arabic{table}S} % new

\settowidth\rotheadsize{GAP1 (\%) }    % from makecell
caption = {Comparison of solution approaches using theoretical instances 
           (values are in average)},
  label = {tab-theo1},
        rowhead = 2,
        colsep  = 3.4pt,
        colspec = {@{} c | *{3}{ccc|} ccc| c | *{3}{ccc|} ccc @{}},
           rows = {font=\small, m},
       row{3-Z} = {rowsep = 0pt}
\SetCell[r=2]{cmd=\rotcell}    Instrument?   
    & \SetCell[c=3]{c}  {Mathematical \\ programming}   &   &
        & \SetCell[c=3]{c}  {NA-ACO \\ algorithm}   &   &
            & \SetCell[c=3]{c}  {Heuristic \\ algorithm}    &   & 
    & \SetCell[r=2]{cmd=\rotcell}   GAP1 (\%) 
        & \SetCell[r=2]{cmd=\rotcell}   GAP2  (\%)  
            & \SetCell[r=2]{cmd=\rotcell}  GAP3 (\%) 
                & \SetCell[r=2]{c}    Inst.
    & \SetCell[c=3]{c}  {Mathematical \\ programming}   &   &
        & \SetCell[c=3]{c}  {NA-ACO \\ algorithm}   &   &
            & \SetCell[c=3]{c}  {Heuristic \\ algorithm}    &   &
    & \SetCell[r=2]{cmd=\rotcell}   GAP1 (\%) 
        & \SetCell[r=2]{cmd=\rotcell}     GAP2  (\%) 
            & \SetCell[r=2]{cmd=\rotcell}   GAP3  (\%) \\
    & HPI   & FS\#  & {CPUT \\ (min)}
    & HPI   & FS\#  & {CPUT \\ (min)}
    & HPI   & FS\#  & {CPUT \\ (min)}
    &       &       &                   &
    & HPI   & FS\#  & {CPUT \\ (min)}
    & HPI   & FS\#  & {CPUT \\ (min)}
    & HPI   & FS\#  & {CPUT \\ (min)}
    &       &       &                               \\
%% body of table
% Table generated by Excel2LaTeX from sheet 'Sheet1'
1   & 1  & 10   & 0.85 & 1  & 10   & 0.03 & 1     & 10   & 0.13 & 0    & 0    & 0.3 
    & 34 & 0.87 & 10  & 7.6 & 0.79 & 10   & 11.73 & 0.97 & 10   & 0.29 & 12.4 & 20.6
    & 2.3 \\
1   & 1  & 10   & 0.85 & 1  & 10   & 0.03 & 1     & 10   & 0.13 & 0    & 0    & 0.3
    & 34 & 0.87 & 10  & 7.6 & 0.79 & 10   & 11.73 & 0.97 & 10   & 0.29 & 12.4 & 20.6
    & 2.3 \\
1   & 1  & 10   & 0.85 & 1  & 10   & 0.03 & 1     & 10   & 0.13 & 0    & 0    & 0.3
    & 34 & 0.87 & 10  & 7.6 & 0.79 & 10   & 11.73 & 0.97 & 10   & 0.29 & 12.4 & 20.6
    & 2.3 \\
1   & 1  & 10   & 0.85 & 1  & 10   & 0.03 & 1     & 10   & 0.13 & 0    & 0    & 0.3
    & 34 & 0.87 & 10  & 7.6 & 0.79 & 10   & 11.73 & 0.97 & 10   & 0.29 & 12.4 & 20.6
    & 2.3 \\



无关受@Zarko 的回答启发,另一个想法是如何改进您的格式。我已经去掉了所有垂直线。另外,您的表格似乎重复了,因此我将其减少到 13 列。生成的表格适合纵向页面,并且在我看来令人赏心悦目。


\usepackage{rotating}   % new
\usepackage{tabularray} % new



\setcounter{table}{0}                   % new
\renewcommand\thetable{\arabic{table}S} % new

\settowidth\rotheadsize{GAP1 (\%) }    % from makecell
    caption = {Comparison of solution approaches using theoretical instances 
        (values are in average)},
    label = {tab-theo1},
        rowhead = 2,
        colspec = {@{} *{13}{Q[c,m]} @{}},
        row{1-2} = {font=\small}, row{2} = {belowsep=0pt},
        row{3-Z} = {rowsep = 0pt}, row{3}= {abovesep=4pt}
    \SetCell[r=2]{cmd=\rotcell}    Instrument?   
    & \SetCell[c=3]{c}  {Mathematical \\ programming}   &   &
    & \SetCell[c=3]{c}  {NA-ACO \\ algorithm}   &   &
    & \SetCell[c=3]{c}  {Heuristic \\ algorithm}    &   & 
    & \SetCell[r=2]{cmd=\rotcell}   GAP1 (\%) 
    & \SetCell[r=2]{cmd=\rotcell}   GAP2  (\%)  
    & \SetCell[r=2]{cmd=\rotcell}  GAP3 (\%) \\
    & HPI   & FS\#  & {CPUT \\ (min)}
    & HPI   & FS\#  & {CPUT \\ (min)}
    & HPI   & FS\#  & {CPUT \\ (min)}
    &       &       &                                   \\
    \midrule[leftpos=-1, rightpos=-1]
    %% body of table
    % Table generated by Excel2LaTeX from sheet 'Sheet1'
    1   & 1  & 10   & 0.85 & 1  & 10   & 0.03 & 1     & 10   & 0.13 & 0    & 0    & 0.3 \\
    1   & 1  & 10   & 0.85 & 1  & 10   & 0.03 & 1     & 10   & 0.13 & 0    & 0    & 0.3 \\
    1   & 1  & 10   & 0.85 & 1  & 10   & 0.03 & 1     & 10   & 0.13 & 0    & 0    & 0.3 \\
    1   & 1  & 10   & 0.85 & 1  & 10   & 0.03 & 1     & 10   & 0.13 & 0    & 0    & 0.3 \\

