由 markdown 转换而来的 latex 中的链接和参考链接

由 markdown 转换而来的 latex 中的链接和参考链接

我正在尝试使用自制脚本将 markdown 转换为 latex。我遇到的问题之一是超链接。

在 markdown 中,有多种方式可以放置链接(外部超链接),如下所示:


上面的两个选项我转换成 latex 时没有遇到任何问题(除了 hyperref 和 url 之间的包冲突,但我会解决这个问题)。
我最喜欢的搜索引擎是 \href{https://duckduckgo.com}{Duck Duck Go}。

问题始于 markdown 的引用链接,如下所示:

地上的一个洞里住着一个霍比特人。这个洞不是肮脏、潮湿、满是虫子尾巴、散发着黏液气味的洞,也不是干燥、光秃、满是沙子、里面没有东西可以坐或吃的洞:这是一个 [霍比特人洞][1],这意味着舒适。

标签 [1] 随后在页面/文档中被称为:

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobbit#Lifestyle
[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobbit#Lifestyle "Hobbit lifestyles"
[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobbit#Lifestyle 'Hobbit lifestyles'
[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobbit#Lifestyle (Hobbit lifestyles)
[1]: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobbit#Lifestyle> "Hobbit lifestyles"
[1]: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobbit#Lifestyle> 'Hobbit lifestyles'
[1]: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobbit#Lifestyle> (Hobbit lifestyles)

这将导致引用不显示并且 [hobbit-hole] 成为超链接。

在 latex 或 hyperref 包中是否有类似的引用链接逻辑?


问题在于 URL 应该被逐字读取。


\urllabel{⟨referencing-label⟩}⟨verbatim-argument denoting url⟩

\urllink{⟨link text⟩}{⟨referencing-label⟩}

其中\urllabel⟨表示 url 的逐字参数⟩在 verbatim-catcode-régime 下,并将其复制到 .aux 文件,以便可以在文档的任何地方引用它\urlref。在引用时\urllink 传递⟨表示 url 的逐字参数⟩\href

该机制基于 kernel-macro \@newl@bel,但带有一些用于在 verbatim-catcode-régime 下复制/读取参数的包装器。这样,您会收到有关多次定义标签和标签被更改的警告。(\@setref无法使用,但需要以类似方式实现,因为 hyperref 已重新定义。)

(如果 xparser 提供了在读取 av/+v 参数时获取逐字分隔符的方法,则可以通过 xparser 轻松实现这一点。)


  • 在第一次 LaTeX 运行中,虽然不存在 .aux 文件,但交叉引用标签/动词标签未定义,因此您无法获得超链接。

  • 您至少需要进行两次编译,直到所有内容匹配为止。

  • 类似于\verb其他期望其参数在非标准 catcode 制度中被标记的宏,\urllabel不能在其他宏的参数或定义文本中使用。

  • 接口使用 .aux 文件。因此,如果 TeX 发行版中的某些字符以 ^^ 符号写入 .aux 文件(例如,由于 character-translation/tcx-files),则可能会引发问题。

%%======================Code for \UDcollectverbarg=============================
%% \UDcollectverbarg{<non-optional 1>}{<non-optional 2>}|<verbatim arg>|
%% reads <verbatim arg> under verbatim-catcode-regime and delivers:
%%    <non-optional 1>{<non-optional 2>{<verbatim arg>}}
%% \UDcollectverbarg*{<non-optional 1>}{<non-optional 2>}|<verbatim arg>|
%% reads <verbatim arg> under verbatim-catcode-regime and delivers:
%%    <non-optional 1>{<non-optional 2>{|<verbatim arg>|}}
%% Instead of using verbatim-delimiter | or the like the <verbatim arg> can 
%% be nested in braces.
%% You cannot use percent or spaces or horizontal tab as verbatim-delimiter.
%% You can use <non-optional 1> for nesting calls to \UDcollectverbarg.
%% The unstarred variant removes the verbatim-delimiters/braces that surround
%% <verbatim arg>.
%% The starred variant keeps the verbatim-delimiters/braces that surround
%% <verbatim arg>.
%% Reason: When you feed things to \scantokens you don't need the verbatim-
%%         delimiters.
%%         When you use things for writing to temporary files and reading back
%%         verbatimized, you may need them.
  % #1 - indicator whether to remove/keep the verb-delimiter (\@firstoftwo/\@secondoftwo)
  % #2 - non-optional 1
  % #3 - non-optional 2
  \let\do\@makeother % <- this and the next line switch to
  \dospecials        %    verbatim-category-code-régime.
  \catcode`\{=1      % <- give opening curly brace the usual catcode so a 
                     %    curly-brace-balanced argument can be gathered in
                     %    case of the first thing of the verbatimized-argument 
                     %    being a curly opening brace.
  \catcode`\ =10     % <- give space and horizontal tab the usual catcode so \UD@@collectverbarg
  \catcode`\^^I=10   %    cannot catch a space or a horizontal tab as its 4th undelimited argument.
                     %    (Its 4th undelimited argument denotes the verbatim-
                     %     syntax-delimiter in case of not gathering a
                     %     curly-brace-nested argument.)
  \catcode`\%=14     % <- make percent comment.
  {% seems a curly-brace-nested argument is to be picked:
    \catcode`\}=2    % <- give closing curly brace the usual catcode also.
  }{% seems an argument with verbatim-syntax-delimiter is to be picked:
    \do\{% <- give opening curly brace the verbatim-catcode again.
  % #1 - indicator whether to remove/keep the verb-delimiter (\@firstoftwo/\@secondoftwo)
  % #2 - indicator whether braces or verb-delimiter (\@firstoftwo/\@secondoftwo)
  % #3 - non-optional 1
  % #4 - non-optional 2
  % #5 - verb-delimiter or emptiness
  \do\ %   <- Now that \UD@@collectverbarg has the delimiter or
  \do\^^I%    emptiness in its 4th arg, give space and horizontal tab
         %    the verbatim-catcode again.
  \do\^^M% <- Give the carriage-return-character the verbatim-catcode.
  \do\%%   <- Give the percent-character the verbatim-catcode.
    \@onelevel@sanitize\@tempb % <- Turn characters into their "12/other"-pendants.
                               %    This may be important with things like the 
                               %    inputenc-package which may make characters 
                               %    active/which give them catcode 13(active).
    \expandafter\UD@@@collectverbarg\expandafter{\@tempb}{#3}{#4}% <- this "spits out the result.
%%================= End of code for \UDcollectverbarg =========================
  \expandafter\ifx\csname vrblbl@#2\endcsname\relax 
    \@latex@warning {Reference `#2' on page \thepage\space undefined}%
    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\csname vrblbl@#2\expandafter\endcsname}{#1}%




Some text.

\urlref{CTAN}{2} is an important resource for users of \TeX.

\urlref{TeX LaTeX StackExchange is a question-answer-platform.}{TeXLaTeXStackExchange}

Some more text.




