这是使用 tikz 矩阵的版本:
matrix of nodes,
row sep = 0.2\myboxlength,
column sep = 0.2\myboxlength,
nodes={ fill=none, draw=black},
column 1/.style={minimum width=5\myboxlength},
column 2/.style={minimum width=1\myboxlength},
row 1/.style={minimum height=3\myboxlength},
row 2/.style={minimum height=1\myboxlength},
{A & B \\
C & 0 \\
matrix of nodes,
row sep = 0.2\myboxlength,
column sep = 0.2\myboxlength,
nodes={ fill=none, draw=black},
column 1/.style={minimum width=5\myboxlength},
column 2/.style={minimum width=1\myboxlength},
row 1/.style={minimum height=3\myboxlength},
row 2/.style={minimum height=1\myboxlength},
{A & B \\
C & 0 \\
\def\mybox#1#2#3{\vrule height#2\vbox to#2{\dimen0=#1\advance\dimen0by-.8pt
\hrule width\dimen0\vfil\hbox to\dimen0{\strut\hfil#3\hfil}\vfil\hrule width\dimen0}\vrule height#2\relax}