xskak latex编译很慢

xskak latex编译很慢

我将带注释的 PGN 转换为 xskak 命令块。但是,下面的块需要大约 10 秒才能让 PDFLaTeX 编译,这太慢了!由于我的文件中有 25 个游戏,因此需要 5 分钟才能编译。有没有办法可以显著减少编译时间,以便我的编辑周转时间合理?如果这是导致问题的原因,我很乐意从所有文本中删除 \xskakcomment{},但我无法知道哪个命令是瓶颈。谢谢。

    white={Huebner, Robert},
    black={Kasparov, Garry},

  \xskakcomment{[\%evp 0,77,25,18,27,-23,27,16,30,12,12,8,21,7,36,22,35,20,37,-2,33,38,38,29,29,29,69,18,12,-1,-4,16,29,23,23,-22,-19,0,28,20,19,19,30,-12,49,-19,-1,13,-19,-6,-6,-89,-34,-34,-34,4,17,-27,17,50,50,50,51,51,32,32,-10,0,0,0,36,-16,-33,55,55,34,46,68,74,137]}
  \mainline[style=styleC]{1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. g3 Bg7 4. Bg2 O-O 5. Nc3 d6 6. Nf3 Nbd7 7. O-O e5 8. e4 c6 9. h3 Qb6 10. c5 dxc5 11. dxe5 Ne8 12. Na4 Qa6 13. Bg5 $2  $11  }
  \xskakcomment{[\%cal Gg5e7] Threatens to trap the rook with Be7. We call thismaneuver "The Hubner" hereafter. This is a better try than Yusupov's Bf4,avoiding simplification, but does not lead to an advantage as Black has timeto strike back on the Q-side.}
  \mainline{13... b5 14. Nc3 }
    \mainline{14. e6 $1  }
    \xskakcomment{Even herrer this givesWhite an advantage.}
    \mainline{14... fxe6 15. Nc3 $14  }
    \xskakcomment{With the idea of e5 and Be7.}
  \resumechessgame[id=GameB]\mainline[outvar]{} % end GameB_0
  \mainline{14... Nc7 15. Be7 Re8 16. Bd6 Ne6 }
  \xskakcomment{The bishop has entrenched itself on d6, so e5 is OKfor now, but Black can develop his Q-side with ...Qb6, ...Ba6, ...b4.}
    \mainline{16... Qb6 17. a4 Ba6 $11  }
      \mainline{17... b4 $2  }
      \xskakcomment{Releases control of a4.}
      \mainline{18. a5 Qb8 19. Na4 $16  }
    \resumechessgame[id=GameB_1]\mainline[outvar]{} % end GameB_1_0
  \resumechessgame[id=GameB]\mainline[outvar]{} % end GameB_1
  \mainline{17. a4 $6  }
  \xskakcomment{Realizing that Black is about to roll his pawns, Hubner triesto gain some space.}
    \mainline{17. Ne2 }
    \xskakcomment{[\%cal Ge2f4] with the idea of Nf4, fighting fore6.}
  \resumechessgame[id=GameB]\mainline[outvar]{} % end GameB_2
  \mainline{17... b4 }
  \xskakcomment{[\%cal Gc3b1,Gb1d2,Gd2b3]}
  \mainline{18. Ne2 Qa5 19. Nd2 Ba6 20. f4 c4 21. Kh2 Rad8 }
  \chessdiagram{\chessboard[moverstyle=squarearrow]}{Gary cramps White again}{}
  \xskakcomment{ Fully centralizing. Black got out ofthe opening with Q-side space advantage and more active pieces.}
  \mainline{22. Qc2 $2  }
  \xskakcomment{The real struggle is for the d4 square. Nd2-f3 threatens d4 and removes theknight from pin and a tempo with .. .c3.}
    \mainline{22. Nf3 c5 23. Qc2 Nb6 24. f5 b3 }
    \mainline{25. Qc1 c3 $1  $11  }
  \resumechessgame[id=GameB]\mainline[outvar]{} % end GameB_3
  \mainline{22... Nb6 23. Rfd1 Bf8 $4  $16  }
  \xskakcomment{Trading helps White,who has less space. But this also gives Hubner a critical tempo to attack.}
    \mainline{23... c5 }
    \xskakcomment{[\%cal Ge6d4]}
    \mainline{24. Bf1 Rd7 25. h4 Red8 }
    \xskakcomment{Continues to turn the screws.}
  \resumechessgame[id=GameB]\mainline[outvar]{} % end GameB_4
  \mainline{24. Nf3 $1  }
  \xskakcomment{[\%cal Gf3d4] Heading for d4. Now ...c5 is too late.}
  \mainline{24... c3 }
    \mainline{24... c5 $2  25. f5 Bxd6 26. fxe6 Be7 27. exf7+ Kxf7 28. Nf4 $18  }
  \resumechessgame[id=GameB]\mainline[outvar]{} % end GameB_5
  \mainline{25. Ned4 }
  \xskakcomment{Now White isthe one moving up the board.}
  \mainline{25... Nxd4 26. Nxd4 cxb2 27. Qxb2 Nc4 28. Qb3 Qb6 29. a5 Qb7 30. Bxf8 Kxf8 31. e6 $1  c5 }
    \mainline{31... fxe6 32. Nxe6+ $18  }
  \resumechessgame[id=GameB]\mainline[outvar]{} % end GameB_6
  \mainline{32. e5 Qc7 33. exf7 Qxf7 34. Nc6 Rxd1 35. Rxd1 Nxe5 }
  \xskakcomment{Kasparov throws in this tactical try,but an intermezzo:}
  \mainline{36. Bd5 Bc4 }
  \xskakcomment{An intermezzo to the intermezzo?}
  \mainline{37. Qc2 }
  \xskakcomment{Calmly stepping aside while pinning the bishop to c5.}
  \mainline{37... Ng4+ $4  }
  \xskakcomment{Maybe timetrouble.}
    \mainline{37... Bxd5 $4  38. Qxc5+ Kg8 39. Nxe5 $18  }
  \resumechessgame[id=GameB]\mainline[outvar]{} % end GameB_7
    \mainline{37... b3 38. Qc1 Qf5 $1  39. Nxe5 Qc2+ 40. Bg2 Rxe5 $1  41. fxe5 Qxc1 42. Rxc1 Bd3 }
    \chessdiagram{\chessboard[moverstyle=squarearrow]}{Can Black holda draw?}{}
    \mainline{43. Rf1+ $3  }
    \xskakcomment{If the king moves, Rf2 stops the pawns.}
    \mainline{43... Bxf1 44. Bxf1 b2 45. Bd3 c4 46. Bc2 $18  }
  \resumechessgame[id=GameB]\mainline[outvar]{} % end GameB_8
    \mainline{37... Nxc6 38. Qxc4 Qc7 39. Qxc5+ Qe7 $16  }
    \xskakcomment{Whiteis still better, chances to win the b-pawn.}
  \resumechessgame[id=GameB]\mainline[outvar]{} % end GameB_9
  \mainline{38. hxg4 Re2+ }
    \mainline{38... Bxd5 39. Qxc5+ }
  \resumechessgame[id=GameB]\mainline[outvar]{} % end GameB_10
  \mainline{39. Qxe2 Bxe2 40. Bxf7 Bxd1 41. Bc4 b3 42. Nxa7 b2 43. Ba2 Be2 44. Kg2 Bd3 45. Kf3 Ke7 46. Ke3 b1=Q 47. Bxb1 Bxb1 48. Nb5 Kd7 49. a6 Kc6 50. f5 $1  }
  \xskakcomment{gf gf Bf5 Nd6! domination.}
\mainline[outvar]{} % end GameB
