BibTeX(而非 BibLaTeX)与以下产品兼容:achemso
包。当我运行下面的 MWE 时(首先运行 pdfLaTeX,然后运行 BibTeX),BibTeX 给出了以下错误消息:
Running `BibTeX' on `test2' with ``bibtex "test2"''
This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2020/W32TeX)
The top-level auxiliary file: test2.aux
The style file: achemso.bst
Illegal, another \bibstyle command---line 8 of file test2.aux
: \bibstyle
: {achemso}
I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
Database file #1: acs-test2.bib
Database file #2: test2.bib
achemso 2020-05-27 v3.13a
(There was 1 error message)
TeX Output exited abnormally with code 2 at Mon Jan 24 15:19:42
这是我的 MWE:
author = {Hirao, Yasukazu and Ihara, Keiji and Ishibashi, Yukihide and Tiu, Elisha Gabrielle and Asahi, Tsuyoshi and Kubo, Takashi},
title = {Mechanism and Kinetics of Fluorescence Quenching of Fluorene-Endcapped Butatriene: A Microspectroscopic Study of the Discrete State Constructed in Microcrystals},
journal = {J. Phys. Chem. C},
year = {2022},
volume = {126},
pages = {1196--1203}
\author{First A. Author}
\affiliation[University A]{Department, University A, Address A}
\author{Second B. Author}
\affiliation[University B]{Department, University B, Address B}
\author{Third C. Author}\email{[email protected]}
\affiliation[University C]{Department, University C, Address C}
\title{Article Title}
Abstract goes here.
\section{Results and Discussion}
Reference a paper.\cite{Hirao2022}
Advertisement for, and description of, Supporting Information goes here.
The authors thank funding sources.
Graphical TOC goes here.
% References
大卫卡莱尔 (David Carlisle) 在评论中指出我错误地发出了两个\bibliographystyle{achemso}
%% The appropriate \bibliography command should be placed here.
%% Notice that the class file automatically sets \bibliographystyle
%% and also names the section correctly.
我的 BibTeX 文件在哪里(或者test2.bib
在原始问题中的 MWE 中)。当我执行该操作时,pdfLaTeX 和 BibTeX 运行时没有错误。