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\caption{Comparative study on some Fall Detection Systems~[TB-Threshold and ML-Machine Learning based]}
\label{tab:1}       % Give a unique label
\begin{tabular*}{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{0.60in}  % changed to tabular and first column
        >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{1.1in} % increase width
    \thead{Reference}&\thead{Sensor\\type}& \bfseries Sensor location&\thead{No. of\\ sensors}&\thead{Processing\\location}&\thead{Method}&\thead{Accuracy\\in \%}&\thead{Features}&\thead{Limitations}\\

    & Accelerometer, Gyroscope
    & External & $>1$ & On board & TB & 77.5
    & Fine grained fall detection with good accuracy.
    & No text based location, Fall and break of device aspect not considered.\\

    & Triaxial Accelerometer
    & External & 1 & On board and Remote
    & TB+ML & 99.45
    &Killer heuristic optimized AlexNet convolution neural network(KHANCN). Sensor information is initially collected by placing 6 sensors on 14 subjects.
    &Fall location and time not available. No real life implementation case study. Fall and break aspect not considered.\\

    & Triaxial Accelerometer
    & External & $>1$ & On board and remote
    & ML & 91.83
    &Fall detection and ADL based on KNN classifier\%
    &Store \& analyse, no live data, device fall is not considered.\\

    & External & $>1$ & Remote
    & ML & 68.33
    & Image information is used for fall classification.
    &Slow, multiple image capturing device may be required, privacy issues.\\

    & Triaxial Accelerometer
    & External & $>1$ & Remote
    & TB + ML & Unknown
    & Threshold analysis, reminder analysis and decision tree algorithm .
    & The non-functional aspect of the device after a fall is not considered.\\

    & Pressure Sensor
    &Integrated in the operator's shoe & $>1$ & remote
    & TB & 86
    & Good result accuracy and can be implemented in IoT platform.
    & The nature of walking surface has a direct impact on the accuracy.\\

    & Accelerometer, Gyroscope
    &Smartphone in chest pocket & $>1$ & On board and remote
    & TB & 92.5
    & Smartphone Google API (location), Good accuracy.
    & Device location is not suitable for heart patient, Google API is not accurate in remote locations.\\

    & MEMS tri-axis accelerometer
    &Upper trunk of the body & 1 & Remote
    & ML & 100
    & Fall detection and prediction using hidden Markov chain.
    & Location information as well as fall alike cases are not considered.\\

    & UHF-RFID
    &Different locations inside the room & $>1$ & Remote
    &TB + ML & 92.45
    & Device and location independent fine grained fall detection.
    & Not suitable for outdoor monitoring.\\

    Proposed system
    & Smartphone accelerometer
    &Gender and garment independent, easy to wear phone holder & 1 & Remote
    &TB & 94.45
    & \multicolumn{2}{p{\dimexpr1.5in+1.5in+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth}}{
        Text based location + SMS, Indoor and outdoor monitoring, Ineffectual device consideration, Non ambulatory, Non self-recovery warning only so number of warnings are less, In real life, the system could reduce the FoF in the PD patients upto 10\%.}  \\





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\documentclass[pdflatex, sn-aps]{sn-jnl}% American Physical Society (APS) Reference Style
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\caption{Comparative study on some Fall Detection Systems~[TB-Threshold and ML-Machine Learning based]}
\label{tab:1}       % Give a unique label
\begin{tabular}{@{} P{0.40in}P{0.8in}P{0.85in} 
                    c c
                    P{1.2in} P{1.2in}
    & \thead[b]{Sensor\\type}
        & \thead[b]{Sensor\\ location}
            & \thead[b]{No. of\\ sensors}
                & \thead[b]{Processing\\location}
                    & \thead[b]{Method}
                         & \thead[b]{Accuracy\\in \%}
                            & \thead[b]{Features}
                                & \thead[b]{Limitations}       \\
    & Accelerometer, Gyroscope
    & External & $>1$ & On board & TB & 77.5
    & Fine grained fall detection with good accuracy.
    & No text based location, Fall and break of device aspect not considered.\\

    & Triaxial Accelerometer
    & External & 1 & On board and Remote
    & TB+ML & 99.45
    &Killer heuristic optimized AlexNet convolution neural network(KHANCN). Sensor information is initially collected by placing 6 sensors on 14 subjects.
    &Fall location and time not available. No real life implementation case study. Fall and break aspect not considered.\\

    & Triaxial Accelerometer
    & External & $>1$ & On board and remote
    & ML & 91.83
    &Fall detection and ADL based on KNN classifier\%
    &Store \& analyse, no live data, device fall is not considered.\\

    & External & $>1$ & Remote
    & ML & 68.33
    & Image information is used for fall classification.
    &Slow, multiple image capturing device may be required, privacy issues.\\

    & Triaxial Accelerometer
    & External & $>1$ & Remote
    & TB + ML & Unknown
    & Threshold analysis, reminder analysis and decision tree algorithm .
    & The non-functional aspect of the device after a fall is not considered.\\

    & Pressure Sensor
    &Integrated in the operator's shoe & $>1$ & remote
    & TB & 86
    & Good result accuracy and can be implemented in IoT platform.
    & The nature of walking surface has a direct impact on the accuracy.\\

    & Accelerometer, Gyroscope
    &Smartphone in chest pocket & $>1$ & On board and remote
    & TB & 92.5
    & Smartphone Google API (location), Good accuracy.
    & Device location is not suitable for heart patient, Google API is not accurate in remote locations.\\

    & MEMS tri-axis accelerometer
    &Upper trunk of the body & 1 & Remote
    & ML & 100
    & Fall detection and prediction using hidden Markov chain.
    & Location information as well as fall alike cases are not considered.\\

    & UHF-RFID
    &Different locations inside the room & $>1$ & Remote
    &TB + ML & 92.45
    & Device and location independent fine grained fall detection.
    & Not suitable for outdoor monitoring.\\

Proposed system
    & Smartphone accelerometer
    &Gender and garment independent, easy to wear phone holder & 1 & Remote
    &TB & 94.45
    & \multicolumn{2}{p{\dimexpr2.4in+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth}}{
        Text based location + SMS, Indoor and outdoor monitoring, Ineffectual device consideration, Non ambulatory, Non self-recovery warning only so number of warnings are less, In real life, the system could reduce the FoF in the PD patients upto 10\%.}  \\



这里有一个解决方案,它 (a) 采用一个tabularx环境,将整体宽度设置为\textwidth,(b) 动态计算第 1、2、3 和 5 列所需的最小宽度,以最大化最后两列的宽度,以及 (c) 允许在需要时对长单词进行连字,从而总体上占用更少的空间。


\documentclass[sn-aps]{sn-jnl}% American Physical Society (APS) Reference Style
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\setlength\tabcolsep{3pt} % default: 6pt
\caption{Comparative study on some Fall Detection Systems 
         [TB-Threshold and ML-Machine Learning based]}

\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ @{} % <-- new
        P{\widthof{Gender and garment,}}
        P{\widthof{and remote}}
        c c
        L L @{} } 

    \thead{No.\ of\\sensors}&
    \thead{Accuracy\\in \%}&
    Limitations \\

    & Accelerometer, Gyroscope
    & External & $>1$ & On board & TB & 77.5
    & Fine grained fall detection with good accuracy.
    & No text based location, Fall and break of device aspect not considered.\\

    & Triaxial Accelerometer
    & External & 1 & On board and remote
    & TB+ML & 99.45
    & Killer heuristic optimized AlexNet convolution neural network(KHANCN)\@. 
      Sensor information is initially collected by placing 6 sensors on 14 subjects.
    & Fall location and time not available. No real life implementation 
      case study. Fall and break aspect not considered.\\

    & Triaxial Accelerometer
    & External & $>1$ & On board and remote
    & ML & 91.83
    & Fall detection and ADL based on KNN classifier\%
    & Store \& analyse, no live data, device fall not considered.\\

    & External & $>1$ & Remote
    & ML & 68.33
    & Image information is used for fall classification.
    &Slow, multiple image capturing device may be required, privacy issues.\\

    & Triaxial Accelerometer
    & External & $>1$ & Remote
    & TB + ML & Unknown
    & Threshold analysis, reminder analysis and decision tree algorithm .
    & The non-functional aspect of the device after a fall is not considered.\\

    & Pressure Sensor
    &Integrated in the operator's shoe & $>1$ & remote
    & TB & 86
    & Good result accuracy and can be implemented in IoT platform.
    & The nature of walking surface has a direct impact on the accuracy.\\

    & Accelerometer, Gyroscope
    & Smartphone in chest pocket & $>1$ & On board and remote
    & TB & 92.5
    & Smartphone Google API (location), Good accuracy.
    & Device location is not suitable for heart patient, 
      Google API is not accurate in remote locations.\\

    & MEMS tri-axis accelerometer
    & Upper trunk of the body & 1 & Remote
    & ML & 100
    & Fall detection and prediction using hidden Markov chain.
    & Location information as well as fall alike cases are not considered.\\

    & UHF-RFID
    & Different locations inside the room & $>1$ & Remote
    & TB + ML & 92.45
    & Device and location independent fine grained fall detection.
    & Not suitable for outdoor monitoring.\\

    Proposed system
    & Smartphone accelerometer
    & Gender and garment independent, easy to wear phone holder & 1 & Remote
    & TB & 94.45
    & \multicolumn{2}{>{\RaggedRight}p{3.1in}}{%
      Text based location + SMS, Indoor and outdoor monitoring, Ineffectual 
      device consideration, Non ambulatory, Non self-recovery warning only 
      so number of warnings are less, In real life, system could reduce FoF 
      in PD patients up to 10\%.}  \\



