\usetikzlibrary{angles,arrows,arrows.meta,backgrounds, calc,decorations,decorations.markings,decorations.pathmorphing, decorations.text, fit,intersections,patterns,positioning,shapes,shadows,shapes.misc,through,tikzmark}
%% names of the corners
%% length of the sides
%% name of the sides
\newcommand\ZZZ{$y=?$} %% Geef hier de naam + schuine zijde
\newcommand\Z{$z=\num{\RZ}$} % Geef hier de naam + lengte korte rechthoekzijde
% start
% other points
% label sides
% labels
\tkzFindAngle (\HSS,\HS,\HR) \tkzGetAngle{hoekY}
\FPround\hoekY\hoekY{0} %
\tkzLabelAngle(\HSS,\HS,\HR) {\ang{\hoekY}};
\usepackage{tikz}% includes pgfmath
\newcommand{\ancient}[1]% #1 = angle in degrees (text with decimals)
{\bgroup% use local names
\pgfmathsetmacro{\tempb}{mod(#1,180)}% angle between -180 and 180
\pgfmathsetmacro{\tempa}{ifthenelse(\tempb>0, \tempb, 360+\tempb)}% angle between 0 and 360
{\degrees} degrees, {\minutes} minutes, {\seconds} seconds
\usetikzlibrary{angles,arrows,arrows.meta,backgrounds,calc,decorations,decorations.markings,decorations.pathmorphing, decorations.text,fit,intersections,patterns,positioning,shapes,shadows,shapes.misc,through,tikzmark}
\newcommand{\ancient}[1]% #1 = angle in degrees (text with decimals)
{\bgroup% use local names
\pgfmathsetmacro{\tempa}{mod(ifthenelse(#1>0, #1, 360+#1),360)}% angle between 0 and 360
\pgfmathsetmacro{\minutes}{(int(\tempb)}% \minutes already used
%% names of the corners
%% length of the sides
%% name of the sides
\newcommand\ZZZ{$y=?$} %% Geef hier de naam + schuine zijde
\newcommand\Z{$z=\num{\RZ}$} % Geef hier de naam + lengte korte rechthoekzijde
% start
% other points
% label sides
% labels
\tkzFindAngle (\HSS,\HS,\HR) \tkzGetAngle{hoekY}
\FPround\hoekY\hoekY{5} %
\tkzLabelAngle(\HSS,\HS,\HR) {\ancient{\hoekY}};