使用 ConTeXt 生成 PDF/A

使用 ConTeXt 生成 PDF/A

我正在尝试通过 ConTeXt 生成有效的 PDF/A,但 verapdf 验证器报告错误。



% attempt to generate PDF/A
   intent=sRGB IEC61966-2.1]


\input knuth


使用 进行编译context test.mkiv和测试verapdf test.pdf会导致以下验证错误:

<validationReport profileName="PDF/A-3A validation profile" statement="PDF file is not compliant with Validation Profile requirements." isCompliant="false">
  <details passedRules="130" failedRules="1" passedChecks="1684" failedChecks="1">
    <rule specification="ISO 19005-3:2012" clause="" testNumber="7" status="failed" passedChecks="0" failedChecks="1">
      <description>All properties specified in XMP form shall use either the predefined schemas defined in the XMP Specification,
                  ISO 19005-1 or this part of ISO 19005, or any extension schemas that comply with</description>
      <test>(isPredefinedInXMP2005 == true || isDefinedInMainPackage == true || isDefinedInCurrentPackage == true) &amp;&amp; isValueTypeCorrect == true</test>
      <check status="failed">
        <context>root/document[0]/metadata[0](15 0 obj PDMetadata)/XMPPackage[0]/Properties[2](http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ - dc:description)</context>
        <errorMessage>An XMP property is either not not pre-defined, is not defined in any extension schema, or has invalid type.</errorMessage>

有没有办法避免此验证错误?我尝试使用其他 PDF/A 风格,例如 pdf/a-1a:2005,但这没有任何改变。


这似乎是 ConTeXt 提供的元数据模式的问题;正在制定适当的修复方案讨论在邮件列表中。

目前,PDF 仍然可以通过删除该dc:description字段来使其符合 PDF/A-3A 标准,例如使用pikepdf图书馆

import pikepdf
import sys
infile = sys.argv[1]
outfile = sys.argv[2]
with pikepdf.open(infile) as pdf:
    with pdf.open_metadata() as meta:
        del meta['dc:description']

使用脚本作为python3 fix.py input.pdf output.pdf
