修改 moderncv 中的标题/头部(\moderncvstyle{classic})

修改 moderncv 中的标题/头部(\moderncvstyle{classic})

你好,我使用 moderncv 生成了以下输出: 在此处输入图片描述







\protected@edef\phonesdetails{\phonesdetails\protect\makenewline\csname\collectionloopkey phonesymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}}
\protected@edef\socialsdetails{\socialsdetails\protect\makenewline\csname\collectionloopkey socialsymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}}
{\raggedright\namefont{\color{color2!50}\@firstname} {\color{color2}\@lastname}}

\title{super mega manager of all R\&D departments, with many years of experience in e-commerce, administration and HR}
\address{Street St., 167}{8888 Town}{Country}
\email{[email protected]}  
\social[linkedin][www.linkedin.com/in/marc.zuck/]{marc the manager} 



\quote{this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote}


\makecvtitle % Print the CV title






% !TeX TS-program = pdflatex




\usepackage{showframe} % show margin <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

\renewcommand*{\makecvhead}{% changed <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    \protected@edef\phonesdetails{\phonesdetails\protect\makenewline\csname\collectionloopkey phonesymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}}
    \protected@edef\socialsdetails{\socialsdetails\protect\makenewline\csname\collectionloopkey socialsymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}}
        \raggedright\namefont{\color{color2!50}\@firstname} {\color{color2}\@lastname}}
}% end makecvhead

\title{super mega manager of all R\&D departments, with many years of experience in e-commerce, administration and HR}
\address{Street St., 167}{8888 Town}{Country}
\email{[email protected]}  
\social[linkedin][www.linkedin.com/in/marc.zuck/]{marc the manager} 


\quote{This is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote, this is a very long quote}



Some other text


