将两个 TikZ 树彼此对齐并尊重彼此的边界框

将两个 TikZ 树彼此对齐并尊重彼此的边界框

我正在尝试将两个 TikZ 节点彼此对齐(第二个节点位于第一个节点的右侧)。我已经实现了这一点,但是第二个节点浮动在第一个节点框内,我想避免这种情况。


\usepackage{tikz} % drawing
\usetikzlibrary{trees} % drawing nodes hierarchically
\usetikzlibrary{positioning} % helps position elements

  every node/.style = {rectangle, draw = black, thick, anchor = west},
  company/.style = {fill = blue!40},
  department/.style = {fill = blue!30},
  person/.style = {fill = blue!20},
  grow via three points = {one child at (0.5,-0.7) and two children at (0.5,-0.7) and (0.5,-1.4)},
  edge from parent path = {(\tikzparentnode.south) |- (\tikzchildnode.west)}
  \node [company] (c1) {Company 1}
    child {node[department] (d1) {...}}
    child {node[department] (d2) {Department}
      child {node[person] (p1) {Person 1}}
      child {node[person] (p2) {Person 2}}
      child {node[person] (p3) {Person 3}}

  \node [right=of c1] [company] {Company 2}
  child {node[department] (d3) {Derpartment very very long department name}
    child {node[person] (p4) {Person 4}}
    child {node[person] (p5) {Person 5}}






\usepackage{tikz} % drawing
\usetikzlibrary{trees} % drawing nodes hierarchically
\usetikzlibrary{positioning} % helps position elements

        every node/.style = {rectangle, draw = black, thick, anchor = west},
        company/.style = {fill = blue!40},
        department/.style = {fill = blue!30},
        person/.style = {fill = blue!20},
        grow via three points = {one child at (0.5,-1.2) and two children at (0.5,-1.0) and (0.5,-1.9)},% <<<<<<<<<<
        edge from parent path = {(\tikzparentnode.south) |- (\tikzchildnode.west)}
        \node [company] (c1) {Company 1}
        child {node[department] (d1) {...}}
        child {node[department] (d2) {Department}
            child {node[person] (p1) {Person 1}}
            child {node[person] (p2) {Person 2}}
            child {node[person] (p3) {Person 3}}
        \node [company]  (c2) at ([xshift=5cm]c1){Company 2}% changed <<<<<<<<<< 
        child {node[department, text width=5.5cm,text ragged] (d3) {Derpartment very very long  department name}
            child {node[person] (p4) {Person 4}}
            child {node[person] (p5) {Person 5}}



\usepackage{tikz} % drawing
\usetikzlibrary{trees} % drawing nodes hierarchically
\usetikzlibrary{positioning} % helps position elements

  every node/.style = {rectangle, draw = black, thick, anchor = west},
  company/.style = {fill = blue!40},
  department/.style = {fill = blue!30},
  person/.style = {fill = blue!20},
  grow via three points = {one child at (0.5,-1.2) and two children at (0.5,-1.0) and (0.5,-1.7)},
  edge from parent path = {(\tikzparentnode.south) |- (\tikzchildnode.west)}
\begin{scope}[local bounding box=box]
  \node [company] (c1) {Company 1}
    child {node[department] (d1) {...}}
    child {node[department] (d2) {Department}
      child {node[person] (p1) {Person 1}}
      child {node[person] (p2) {Person 2}}
      child {node[person] (p3) {Person 3}}

  \node (c2) [right] at (c1 -| box.east) [company] {Company 2}
  child {node[department,align=left] (d3) {Derpartment very very long\\ department name}
    child {node[person] (p4) {Person 4}}
    child {node[person] (p5) {Person 5}}

