我在看检查pgfkey的值 但我不想使用etoolbox
我暂时放弃了这个案子from=d (d undefined)
from/.store in = \from,
from = {}}
\draw[red] (#2) -- (#3);
\draw[blue] (#2) -- (#3);
\draw[green] (\from) -- (#3);
\coordinate (a) at (0,0);
\coordinate (b) at (3,0);
\coordinate (c) at (1,2);
\coordinate (a) at (0,0);
\coordinate (b) at (3,0);
\coordinate (c) at (1,2);
\coordinate (a) at (0,0);
\coordinate (b) at (3,0);
\coordinate (c) at (1,2);
\coordinate (a) at (0,0);
\coordinate (b) at (3,0);
\coordinate (c) at (1,2);
这里有一个具有两种变体的解决方案:简单的 pgf 键(key1
\pgfkeys{/test/.is family}
key1/.initial={initial 1},
key1/.default={default 1},
key2/.store in=\test@keytwo,
key2={initial 2},
key2/.default={default 2},
(\ifx\test@keyone\empty empty\else not empty\fi),
(\ifx\test@keytwo\empty empty\else not empty\fi),
\test[key1=test 1,key2=test 2](a,b)
LaTeX 定义的宏。
- 根本没有提供 from-key。
- 提供的 from-key 没有值。
- from-key 被赋予了空值。(我不知道是否真的需要推出这个案例 - 据我所知,你可以定义“无名”坐标/节点。)
- from-key 所赋予的值可以是坐标/节点的名称,但并不表示所定义的坐标/节点。
- from-key 被赋予一个值,该值表示定义的坐标/节点的名称。
- from-key 所赋予的值不能是坐标/节点的名称。
如果我正确理解了 tikz 文档/实现,则名称为模式的控制序列标记是通过从节点/坐标的名称形成的。因此,检查值是否可以/不能是坐标/节点的名称意味着检查标记是否可以在内部安全使用。我不知道是否可以在内部使用任意标记序列的 100% 可靠检查。pgf@sh@ns@⟨name of coordinate/node⟩
pgf@sh@ns@⟨name of coordinate/node⟩
\pgfkeys{/test/.cd, from/.store in = \from,}%
\choosecolordraw{from}{#2}{teal}{blue}{red}{yellow}{green} -- (#3);
% #1 - Name of macro that should expand to name of from-node/from-coordinate.
% That macro is undefined when the from-key is not provided at all.
% #2 - Default-node if macro whose name is provided is undefined or
% expands to no-value-marker or expands to emptiness or does not
% denote a defined node/coordinate.
% #3 - Color if macro whose name is provided is undefined.
% #4 - Color if macro whose name is provided expands to pgfkey's no-value-marker.
% This is the case when the from-key is provided without value.
% #5 - Color if macro whose name is provided expands to emptiness.
% This is the case when the from-key is provided with empty value.
% I don't know if cranking out this case is really needed - afaik you can define the "nameless" \coordinate.
% #6 - Color if macro whose name is provided expands to a value that doesn't denote a defined coordinate/node.
% This is the case when the from-key is provided with a value that could be the name of a coordinate/node but
% does not denote a coordinate/node that is defined.
% #7 - Color if macro whose name is provided expands to a value that does denote a defined coordinate/node.
% This is the case when the from-key is provided with a value that denotes the name of a coordinate/node that is defined.
{\draw[{#3}] (#2) }%
% #1 - From-node.
% #2 - Default-node.
% #3 - Color if macro whose name is provided expands to pgfkey's no-value-marker.
% #4 - Color if macro whose name is provided expands to emptiness.
% #5 - Color if macro whose name is provided expands to a value that doesn't denote a defined coordinate/node.
% #6 - Color if macro whose name is provided expands to a value that does denote a defined coordinate/node.
!#1!\pgfkeysnovalue!{\draw[{#4}] (#2) }% #1 is empty
!!#1!{\draw[{#3}] (#2)}% #1 is \pgfkeysnovalue
!!\pgfkeysnovalue!{% #1 is s.th else where testing is needed whether it is a defined node.
\@ifundefined{pgf@sh@ns@#1}{\draw[{#5}] (#2) }{\draw[{#6}] (#1) }%
% The argument holding name of node/coordinate contains ! and therefore
% using !-delimited macro is unsafe. But the presence of ! implies exclusion of the cases
% - from-key not being provided at all
% - from-key being provided with no value
% - from-key being provided with empty value
\@ifundefined{pgf@sh@ns@#1}{\draw[{#5}] (#2) }{\draw[{#6}] (#1) }%
\coordinate (a) at (0,0);
\coordinate (b) at (3,0);
\coordinate (c) at (1,2);
}\hbox{\tiny from-key not provided}}%
\coordinate (a) at (0,0);
\coordinate (b) at (3,0);
\coordinate (c) at (1,2);
}\hbox{\tiny from-key provided without value}}%
\coordinate (a) at (0,0);
\coordinate (b) at (3,0);
\coordinate (c) at (1,2);
}\hbox{\tiny from-key provided with empty value}}%
\coordinate (a) at (0,0);
\coordinate (b) at (3,0);
\coordinate (c) at (1,2);
}\hbox{\tiny from-key provided with undefined coordinate}}%
\coordinate (a) at (0,0);
\coordinate (b) at (3,0);
\coordinate (c) at (1,2);
}\hbox{\tiny from-key provided with defined coordinate}}%