TikZ-外部化 PGF 图像(例如来自 matplotlib)

TikZ-外部化 PGF 图像(例如来自 matplotlib)

我正在尝试从文件(在我的情况下由 matplotlib 创建)中包含 PGF 图形,并将它们与 TikZ-externalizing 工作流程相结合。

首先,包含 PGF 图形的好处是,标签、图例等文本使用包含 .tex 文件的字体设置进行渲染。使用的好处tikzexternalize是,在 tex 编译期间会创建 tikz 图形的 PDF,这样 (a) 耗时的 tikz 图形“构建”只需完成一次,并且 (b) 例如,发布者只需要查看和使用 tikz 图形的 PDF 版本(他们通常没有安装完整的 tikz 版本)。

我理解 PGF 是一个较低级别的框架,tikz 就是基于此框架构建的,这可能会导致一些问题。尽管如此,pgf-manual 似乎暗示上述过程原则上应该是可行的。正如之前所问过的(外部化 pgfpicture),但没有解决方案就被关闭了,我想发布一个 MWE 并发起讨论 :smile:


            \pgfusepath{use as bounding box, clip}%
            \pgftext[x=1cm,y=1cm]{\color{red}\large\selectfont 123456789}%

\tikzexternalize[mode=list and make]

    The first version is based on a simple tikz text and drawing and works OK:

            \draw[thick,rounded corners=8pt] (0,0) -- (2,2);
            \node at (1,1){\color{red}\large\selectfont 123456789};
        \caption{... using tikz}


    The second version uses the pgf file that was written using \texttt{filecontents}:

        % uncomment the tikzpicture environment for using "externalizing"
        \caption{... using a PGF image}


  1. pdflatex -shell-escape mwe.tex
  2. make -f mwe.makefile
  3. pdflatex -shell-escape mwe.tex

这创建了文件 one.pdf,对于所有进一步的编译运行,将直接包含该文件,而不是编译 tikzpicture。PDFmwe.pdf还显示包含的 PGF 图看起来不错。但是,当您取消注释tikzpicture第二个图的环境时,在以下过程中会出现错误make -f mwe.makefile

! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=5000].
\pgf@selectfontorig ->\pgf@selectfontorig 
l.10 ...   \pgftext[x=1cm,y=1cm]{\color{red}\large
                                                  \selectfont 123456789}% 



更新后续跟进。使用 externalize 创建两个 pdf 图形。

我将分享我的设置及其结果。(使用 MiKTeX 和 Windows)



% **********************************************************
up to date check={simple},
prefix=./FIGURES/]% Folder needs to be created before compiling

\tikzset{external/system call={%
        pdflatex \tikzexternalcheckshellescape
        -halt-on-error -shell-escape -interaction=batchmode
        -jobname "\image" "\texsource"}}
% **********************************************************


pdflatex.exe -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -shell-escape MWE.tex


pdflatex: security risk: running with elevated privileges This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.22 (MiKTeX 21.3)


===== 'mode=convert with system call': Invoking 'pdflatex -shell-escape -halt-on-error -shell-escape -interaction=batchmode -jobname "./FIG
URES/MWE-figure0" "\def\tikzexternalrealjob{MWE}\input{MWE}"' ========
pdflatex: security risk: running with elevated privileges
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.22 (MiKTeX 21.3)
entering extended mode
===== 'mode=convert with system call': Invoking 'pdflatex -shell-escape -halt-on-error -shell-escape -interaction=batchmode -jobname "./FIG
URES/MWE-figure1" "\def\tikzexternalrealjob{MWE}\input{MWE}"' ========


===== Image './FIGURES/MWE-figure0' is up-to-date. ======
===== Image './FIGURES/MWE-figure1' is up-to-date. ======





    %%% File MWE.tex

% !TeX TS-program = pdflatex

%%\usepackage{filecontents} % not needed anymore <<<<

            \pgfusepath{use as bounding box, clip}%
                \pgftext[x=1cm,y=1cm]{\color{red}\large\selectfont 123456789P}%

% ********************************************************** added <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
up to date check={simple},
prefix=./FIGURES/]% Folder needs to be created before compiling

\tikzset{external/system call={%
        pdflatex \tikzexternalcheckshellescape
        -halt-on-error -shell-escape -interaction=batchmode
        -jobname "\image" "\texsource"}}
% **********************************************************

    The first version is based on a simple tikz text and drawing and works OK:
            \draw[thick,rounded corners=8pt] (0,0) -- (2,2);
            \node at (1,1){\color{red}\large\selectfont 123456789T};
        \caption{... using tikz}
    The second version uses the pgf file that was written using \texttt{filecontents}:
            \input{img} % PGF file from matplotli
        \caption{... using a PGF image}




  \node {\input{img}};


  \node[inner sep=0pt] {\input{#1.pgf}};


  \node[inner sep=0pt] {\import{#1}{#2.pgf}};

您可以figures/img.pgf通过 导入和外部化图像\importpgf{figures}{img}

请注意,Simon Dispa 的答案中的几乎所有更改都是无关紧要的。唯一相关的建议是pgfpictureimg.tex文件中删除环境。但这意味着编辑 matplotlib 输出,这相当繁琐,似乎并不受欢迎。
