

我使用 Cleveref 来引用子示例,例如“2a–c”。现在我想使用 crefrange 来引用 1ai–ii。



% Tells Cleveref to refer to a range of subexamples without repeating the number of the example.


% Now I define the subsublevel :


\ex. \label{lakintpur}
\a. \label{lakintpura}\a. Greg's intention was to overthrow the government. \label{intention}
\b. Greg's purpose was to overthrow the government. \label{purpose}
\z.\b.\label{lakintpurb}\a. Greg intended to overthrow the government. \label{intendv}
\b.*Greg purposed to overthrow the government. \label{purposev}

With \crefrange{lakintpura}{lakintpurb}, I can refer to a range of subexamples, 1a–b.
\par \textbf{Now I want to use crefrange to refer to 1ai–ii.}


It would also be nice to have a delimiter, since it would improve readability,
especially in such examples as "2i:i-iii" (where the first i is an actual
letter). Now using Philex syntax :

\lb{cool}{We would like no delimiter
  \lba{coola}{before reference to this.}
  \lba{coolb}{but a colon before reference to this}
  \lbb{coolc}{and this}}

\rf{coolb} and \rf{coolc} are cool but, now referring to
\crefrange{coolb}{coolc}, I would like the result (2a:i–ii).

% Please note : as pointed out by gusbrs, crefstripprefix won't work since in i-ii, i-iii, i-iv, ii-iii and ii-iv it will skip the first "i" of the second number as being part of the prefix.









% Tells Cleveref to refer to a range of subexamples without repeating
% the number of the example.


% Now I define the subsublevel :


\ex. \label{lakintpur}
\a. \label{lakintpura}\a. Greg's intention was to overthrow the
government. \label{intention}
\b. Greg's purpose was to overthrow the government. \label{purpose}
\z.\b.\label{lakintpurb}\a. Greg intended to overthrow the
government. \label{intendv}
\b.*Greg purposed to overthrow the government. \label{purposev}

With \crefrange{lakintpura}{lakintpurb}, I can refer to a range of
subexamples, 1a--b.

\paragraph{Now I want to use crefrange to refer to 1ai–ii.}

It would also be nice to have a delimiter, since it would improve
readability, especially in such examples as ``2i:i--iii'' (where the
first ``i'' is an actual letter). Now using Philex syntax :

\lb{cool}{We would like no delimiter
  \lba{coola}{before reference to this.}
  \lba{coolb}{but a colon before reference to this}
  \lbb{coolc}{and this}}

\rf{coolb} and \rf{coolc} are cool and referring to
\crefrange{coolb}{coolc} gives the result (2a:i--ii).
Note that \crefrange{intention}{coolc} also works.



运行文档时,您会得到??subsubexample 引用的 ,但也会得到一个cleveref警告:“标签类型‘SubSubExNo’的 cref 引用范围格式未定义”。事实上,这正是所缺少的。设置一个可以像文档中已有的其他一样。但是,由于罗马数字,使用\crefstripprefix不适用于级别SubSubExNo,因为它通过删除范围内两个引用开头的公共部分来完成工作。要设置SubSubExNo不带范围压缩的格式,您可以使用:


% Linguistic Examples

% Tells Cleveref to refer to a range of subexamples without repeating the number of the example.
% Refer to Subexample Ranges
% You may prefer to use this instead, for symmetry with `SubSubExNo`.
% \crefrangelabelformat{SubExNo}{(#3#1#4--#5#2#6)}
% `\crefstripprefix` won't work well here because of the roman numbering.


\ex. \label{lakintpur}
\a. \label{lakintpura}\a. Greg's intention was to overthrow the government. \label{intention}
\b. Greg's purpose was to overthrow the government. \label{purpose}
\z.\b.\label{lakintpurb}\a. Greg intended to overthrow the government. \label{intendv}
\b.*Greg purposed to overthrow the government. \label{purposev}

With \crefrange{lakintpura}{lakintpurb}, I can refer to a range of
subexamples, 1a–b.

\textbf{Now I want to use crefrange to refer to 1ai–ii.}


It would also be nice to have a delimiter, since it would improve readability,
especially in such examples as "2i:i-iii" (where the first i is an actual
letter). Now using Philex syntax :

\lb{cool}{We would like no delimiter
  \lba{coola}{before reference to this.}
  \lba{coolb}{but a colon before reference to this}
  \lbb{coolc}{and this}}

\rf{coolb} and \rf{coolc} are cool but, now referring to
\crefrange{coolb}{coolc}, I want the result (2a:i–ii) with brackets and
without the `?? bug.'





\usepackage{philex} % Includes linguex and cgloss4e
    \phildashes{}{.}        % Adds a dot between levels 2 and 3 in references. Nothing between levels 1 and 2.
    \subformat{a}{}{.}      % Level 2 is of the form “a.”
    \subsubformat{i}{(}{)}} % Level 3 is of the form “(i)”


\renewcommand{\theExNo}{\arabic{ExNo}}                          % Level 1 = number
\renewcommand{\theSubExNo}{\theExNo\alph{SubExNo}}              % Level 2 = small letter
\renewcommand{\theSubSubExNo}{\theSubExNo\roman{SubSubExNo}}    % Level 3 = small roman 

\creflabelformat{ExNo}{#2#1#3}          % No parentheses.

\crefrangelabelformat{SubExNo}{#3#1#4--#5\crefstripprefix{#1}{#2}#6}        % No parentheses.


\newcommand\pref[1]{(\cref{#1})}                    % pref = (cref)
\newcommand\prefrange[2]{(\crefrange{#1}{#2})}      % prefrange = (crefrange)

\newcommand\crefpage[1]{\cref{#1}, \cpageref{#1}} % Number without parentheses, followed by page number after comma.
\newcommand\prefpage[1]{\pref{#1} (\cpageref{#1})} % Number between parentheses,  followed by page number between parentheses.

\newcommand\crefrangepage[2]{\crefrange{#1}{#2}, \cpageref{#1,#2}} % Range without parentheses, followed by page number after comma.
\newcommand\prefrangepage[2]{\prefrange{#1}{#2} (\cpageref{#1,#2})} % Range between parentheses,  followed by page number between parentheses.


\lb{variation}{\textbf{Structural variation in relation with the source V} \vspace{0.3cm}
    \lba{coalition}{Transitive AS setup \vspace{0.2cm}
        \lba{coalition-n}{la formation d'une coalition par les transfuges\\
            `the formation of a coalition by the defectors'} \vspace{0.2cm}
        \lbz{coalition-v}{Les transfuges formèrent une coalition.\\
            `The defectors formed a coalition.'}}\vspace{0.4cm}
    \lbb{cliff}{Unaccusative AS setup \vspace{0.2cm}
        \lba{cliff-n}{la formation spontanée d'une falaise\\
            `the spontaneous formation of a cliff'} \vspace{0.2cm}
        \lbz{cliff-v}{Une falaise se forma.\\
            `A cliff formed.'}}\vspace{0.4cm}
    \lbz{result}{Non-AS- readings \vspace{0.4cm}
        \lba{simple-event}{\textsl{\textit{Simple event} reading} \vspace{0.2cm}\\
            Nous avons suivi une formation intensive.\\
            `We attended an intensive training course.'} \vspace{0.4cm}
        \lbb{manner}{\textsl{\textit{Manner} reading} \vspace{0.2cm}\\
            On peut comprendre ce mot en observant sa formation.\\
            `One may understand this word by looking at its formation.'}
        \lbz{object}{\textsl{\textit{Object} reading} \vspace{0.2cm}\\
            Le soldat se retrouva face à une formation de chars ennemis.\\
            `The soldier found himself in front of an enemy tank formation.'}}}

\noindent ... As seen in \prefrange{manner}{object} (cf. \crefrange{manner}{object}). \\
... As seen in \prefrangepage{manner}{object} (cf. \crefrangepage{manner}{object})




参考范围中的交叉引用 [(1a-1e) 至 (1a-e)]


在 Linguex 和 Cleveref 中的交叉引用中跳过主计数器
