


\tikzstyle{every node}=[circle, draw, fill=black!100,
                       inner sep=0pt, minimum width=5pt]
%1st column
\draw(0,0)node[label={[yshift=-0.4cm, xshift=0.1cm]90:{}}](1){};
\draw(0,5)node[label={[yshift=0.4cm, xshift=0.1cm]270:{}}](2){};
\draw(5,5)node[label={[yshift=-0.4cm, xshift=-0.1cm]90:{}}](3){};
\draw(5,0)node[label={[yshift=-0.9cm, xshift=-0.9cm]:{}}](4){};

%1st column
{\captionof{figure}{This figure shows a cycle of length $4$.
\\Note: I need to make a note here. Thus, this is a very very very long caption. However, it looks weird being center-justified as the sentences differ in length especiallyWhenThereAreLongWords like this. How can I make it center-justified and all lines have an equal length with the first line.}}

我附上了当前输出。我们可以像所需的标题 1 或 2 那样对其进行编码吗?谢谢!!









\usepackage{caption}  % new
\usepackage{tikz}     % new
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric}   % new

%---------------- Show page layout. Don't use in a real document!

box/.style = {regular polygon, regular polygon sides=4,
              draw, minimum size=5cm},
dot/.style = {circle, fill, 
              inner sep=0pt, minimum size=4pt}
\node (box) [box]   {};
\foreach \i in {1,2,3,4} 
    \node[dot] at (box.corner \i) {};
    \savebox\capbox{This figure shows a cycle of length $4$.}
\caption*{Note: I need to make a note here. Thus, this is a very very very long caption. However, it looks weird being center-justified as the sentences differ in length especiallyWhenThereAreLongWords like this. How can I make it center-justified and all lines have an equal length with the first line.}




\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric}   % new

box/.style = {regular polygon, regular polygon sides=4,
              draw, minimum size=5cm},
dot/.style = {circle, fill,
              inner sep=0pt, minimum size=4pt}
\node (box) [box]   {};
\foreach \i in {1,2,3,4}
    \node[dot] at (box.corner \i) {};
\caption{This figure shows a cycle of length $4$.}
\caption*{Note: I need to make a note here. Thus, this is a very very very long caption. However, it looks weird being center-justified as the sentences differ in length especiallyWhenThereAreLongWords like this. How can I make it center-justified and all lines have an equal length with the first line.}





比起以下的 MWE,现在两种情况的所需字幕格式都是:

\usepackage{microtype}  % new
\usepackage[justification=centerlast]{caption}  % Changed

box/.style = {regular polygon, regular polygon sides=4,
              draw, minimum size=5cm},
dot/.style = {circle, fill,
              inner sep=0pt, minimum size=4pt}
\node (box) [box]   {};
\foreach \i in {1,2,3,4}
    \node[dot] at (box.corner \i) {};
    \savebox\capbox{This figure shows a cycle of length $4$.}
\caption*{Note: I need to make a note here. Thus, this is a very very very long caption. However, it looks weird being center-justified as the sentences differ in length especiallyWhenThereAreLongWords like this. How can I make it center-justified and all lines have an equal length with the first line.}
box/.style = {regular polygon, regular polygon sides=4,
              draw, minimum size=5cm},
dot/.style = {circle, fill,
              inner sep=0pt, minimum size=4pt}
\node (box) [box]   {};
\foreach \i in {1,2,3,4}
    \node[dot] at (box.corner \i) {};
\caption{This figure shows a cycle of length $4$.}
\caption*{Note: I need to make a note here. Thus, this is a very very very long caption. However, it looks weird being center-justified as the sentences differ in length especiallyWhenThereAreLongWords like this. How can I make it center-justified and all lines have an equal length with the first line.}



对于您第二喜欢的输出,您只需添加带星号的标题和 raggedright 即可,如下所示:

\caption*{\raggedright Note: Really long note...}
