最佳实践:使用数据可视化的 tikz 中的线条

最佳实践:使用数据可视化的 tikz 中的线条

我使用数据可视化用 tikz 绘制了一个函数。在里面实现一些箭头的最佳/最短可能性是什么,请参见以下输出?



\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone}% 'crop' is the default for v1.0, before it was 'preview'
\usetikzlibrary{datavisualization, datavisualization.formats.functions, shapes, calc, intersections, arrows, decorations.markings, plotmarks, decorations, tikzmark, angles, quotes, babel, patterns, positioning}
        \datavisualization [school book axes, visualize as smooth line/.list={func1,func2}, visualize as line/.list={line1,line2,line3,line4,line5},all axes=grid, x axis={label=$x$, ticks={step=1}}, y axis={label=$y$, ticks={step=1}}, style sheet=strong colors, style sheet=vary dashing, func1={label in data={text'={$c=0$}, when=y is -3}}, func2={label in data={text={$c=3$}, when=x is -2}},line1={style={blue ,ultra thick, solid,{->}}, label in data={text'={\color{blue}$+3$}, when=y is -0.6}},line2={style={blue ,ultra thick, solid,{->}}, label in data={text'={\color{blue}$+3$}, when=y is 0.75}},line3={style={blue ,ultra thick, solid,{->}}, label in data={text'={\color{blue}$+3$}, when=y is 1.5}},line4={style={blue ,ultra thick, solid,{->}}, label in data={text'={\color{blue}$+3$}, when=y is 0.5}},line5={style={blue ,ultra thick, solid,{->}}, label in data={text'={\color{blue}$+3$}, when=y is -0.5}}]
        data[set = line1] {
            x, y
            -2, -2
            -2, -0.6
            -2, 1
        data[set = line2] {
            x, y
            -1, -0.5
            -1, 0.75
            -1, 2.5
        data[set = line3] {
            x, y
            0, 0
            0, 1.5
            0, 3
        data[set = line4] {
            x, y
            1, -0.5
            1, 0.5
            1, 2.5
        data[set = line5] {
            x, y
            2, -2
            2, -0.5
            2, 1
        data [format=function, set=func1] {
            var x : interval [-2.5:2.5];
            func y = -0.5 * \value x * \value x;
        data [format=function, set=func2] {
            var x : interval [-3.5:3.5];
            func y = -0.5 * \value x * \value x+3;


有什么想法吗?非常感谢 :)


我从未使用过数据可视化,但我提出了一个不是“非常好”的解决方案(最好使用该函数,但我不知道为什么)使用 foreach

            \documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone}% 'crop' is the default for v1.0, before it was 'preview'
    \usetikzlibrary{datavisualization, datavisualization.formats.functions, shapes, calc, intersections, arrows, decorations.markings, plotmarks, decorations, tikzmark, angles, quotes, babel, patterns, positioning}
        \datavisualization [
        school book axes,
        visualize as smooth line/.list={func1,func2},
        all axes=grid,
        x axis={label=$x$, ticks={step=1}}, y axis={label=$y$, ticks={step=1}}, style sheet=strong colors,
        style sheet=vary dashing,
        func1={label in data={text'={$c=0$}, when=y is -3}},
        func2={label in data={text={$c=3$}, when=x is -2}},
        data [format=function, set=func1] {
                var x : interval [-2.5:2.5];
                func y = -0.5 * \value x * \value x;
        data [format=function, set=func2] {
                var x : interval [-3.5:3.5];
                func y = -0.5 * \value x * \value x+3;

        \foreach \x in {-2,-1,...,2}
        \draw[blue,ultra thick, solid,{->}](\x,-0.5 * \x * \x)--node[midway,right]{$+3$}++(0,3);

