我是 tikz 的绝对初学者,我修改了一个例子https://texample.net/tikz/examples/work-breakdown-structure/
我的问题:我不知道如何将箭头与最后 3 个字段连接起来。
以下是 MWE:
basic/.style = {draw, text width=2cm, drop shadow, font=\sffamily, rectangle},
root/.style = {basic, rounded corners=2pt, thin, align=center,
level 2/.style = {basic, rounded corners=6pt, thin,align=center, fill=green!60,
text width=8em},
level 3/.style = {basic, thin, align=left, fill=pink!60, text width=6.5em}
level 1/.style={sibling distance=40mm},
edge from parent/.style={->,draw},
% root of the the initial tree, level 1
\node[root] {Drawing diagrams}
% The first level, as children of the initial tree
child {node[level 2] (c1) {Defining node and arrow styles}}
child {node[level 2] (c2) {Positioning the nodes}}
child {node[level 2] (c3) {Drawing arrows between nodes}};
% The second level, relatively positioned nodes
\begin{scope}[every node/.style={level 3}]
\node [below of = c1, xshift=15pt] (c11) {Setting shape};
\node [below of = c11] (c12) {Choosing color};
\node [below of = c12] (c13) {Adding shading};
\node [below of = c2, xshift=15pt] (c21) {Using a Matrix};
\node [below of = c21] (c22) {Relatively};
\node [below of = c22] (c23) {Absolutely};
\node [below of = c23] (c24) {Using overlays};
\node [below of = c24] (c25) {Bending};
\node [below of = c25] (c26) {Resizing tips};
\node [below of = c26] (c27) {Shortening};
\node [below of = c27] (c28) {Bending};
\node [below of = c28] (c29) {Arrow library};
\node [below of = c29] (c30) {It};
\node [below of = c30] (c31) {does not};
\node [below of = c31] (c32) {work};
\node [below of = c3, xshift=15pt] (c31) {Default arrows};
\node [below of = c31] (c32) {Arrow library};
\node [below of = c32] (c33) {Resizing tips};
\node [below of = c33] (c34) {Shortening};
\node [below of = c34] (c35) {Bending};\node [below of = c31] (c32) {Arrow library};
\node [below of = c35] (c36) {Resizing tips};
\node [below of = c36] (c37) {Shortening};
\node [below of = c37] (c38) {Bending};
\node [below of = c38] (c39) {Arrow library};
% lines from each level 1 node to every one of its "children"
\foreach \value in {1,2,3}
\draw[->] (c1.195) |- (c1\value.west);
\foreach \value in {1,...,9}
\draw[->] (c2.195) |- (c2\value.west);
\foreach \value in {1,...,9}
\draw[->] (c3.195) |- (c3\value.west);
for tree = {
text width=7em,
text centered,
calign=edge midpoint,
edge = {-Stealth},
if level = 0{fill=teal!10}{},
if level>= 1{grow'=0,
folder indent=4mm,
l sep=7mm,
s sep=2mm,
if level = 1{fill=teal!20}{},
[Drawing diagrams
[Defining node and arrow styles
[Setting shape]
[Choosing color]
[Adding shading]
[Positioning the nodes
[Using a Matrix]
[Using overlays]
[Resizing tips]
[Arrow library]
[Drawing arrows between nodes
[Default arrows]
[Arrow library]
[Resizing tips]
[Resizing tips]
[Arrow library]
如果红色节点(它们位于图的第 2 级,根位于第 0 级)中的文本必须左对齐,则forest
for tree = {
text width=7em,
calign=edge midpoint,
edge = {-Stealth},
if level = 0{fill=teal!10}{},
if level>= 1{grow'=0,
folder indent=4mm,
l sep=7mm,
s sep=2mm,
if level = 1{fill=teal!20}{},
if level = 2{align=left}{text centered}, % <--- added
与前一个相比,我们看到˙文本居中is removed from common settings and changed add as new style for level 2 (in code marked by
level 1/.style={sibling distance=40mm},
edge from parent/.style={->,draw},
% root of the the initial tree, level 1
\node[root] {Drawing diagrams}
% The first level, as children of the initial tree
child {node[level 2] (c1) {Defining node and arrow styles}}
child {node[level 2] (c2) {Positioning the nodes}}
child {node[level 2] (c3) {Drawing arrows between nodes}};
% The second level, relatively positioned nodes
\begin{scope}[every node/.style={level 3}]
\node [below of = c1, xshift=15pt] (c11) {Setting shape};
\node [below of = c11] (c12) {Choosing color};
\node [below of = c12] (c13) {Adding shading};
\node [below of = c2, xshift=15pt] (c21) {Using a Matrix};
\node [below of = c21] (c22) {Relatively};
\node [below of = c22] (c23) {Absolutely};
\node [below of = c23] (c24) {Using overlays};
\node [below of = c24] (c25) {Bending};
\node [below of = c25] (c26) {Resizing tips};
\node [below of = c26] (c27) {Shortening};
\node [below of = c27] (c28) {Bending};
\node [below of = c28] (c29) {Arrow library};
\node [below of = c29] (c40) {It};
\node [below of = c40] (c41) {does not};
\node [below of = c41] (c42) {work};
\node [below of = c3, xshift=15pt] (c31) {Default arrows};
\node [below of = c31] (c32) {Arrow library};
\node [below of = c32] (c33) {Resizing tips};
\node [below of = c33] (c34) {Shortening};
\node [below of = c34] (c35) {Bending};\node [below of = c31] (c32) {Arrow library};
\node [below of = c35] (c36) {Resizing tips};
\node [below of = c36] (c37) {Shortening};
\node [below of = c37] (c38) {Bending};
\node [below of = c38] (c39) {Arrow library};
% lines from each level 1 node to every one of its "children"
\foreach \value in {1,2,3}
\draw[->] (c1.195) |- (c1\value.west);
\foreach \value in {0,1,2}
\draw[->] (c2.195) |- (c4\value.west);
\foreach \value in {1,...,9}
\draw[->] (c2.195) |- (c2\value.west);
\foreach \value in {1,...,9}
\draw[->] (c3.195) |- (c3\value.west);