ACS 期刊要求参考文献标题中每个重要单词的首字母大写。我试图遵循指示这里修改achemso.bst
,但在尝试从原始标题生成正确的输出时遇到了困难。说明说要更改title ". " * output
为title titlecap ". " * output
FUNCTION { format.title }
FUNCTION { format.title.article }
FUNCTION { format.title.techreport }
achemso 函数?
\title[]{Simple Example}
We have reviewed the studies \cite{Mattern2022,Uwada2012}.
abstract = {We study the ultrafast electronic transport of energy in a photoexcited nanoscale Au/Fe hetero-structure by modeling the spatiotemporal profile of energy densities that drives transient strain, which we quantify by femtosecond x-ray diffraction. This flow of energy is relevant for intrinsic demagnetization and ultrafast spin transport. We measured lattice strain for different Fe layer thicknesses ranging from few atomic layers to several nanometers and modeled the spatiotemporal flow of energy densities. The combination of a high electron-phonon coupling coefficient and a large Sommerfeld constant in Fe is found to yield electronic transfer of nearly all energy from Au to Fe within the first hundreds of femtoseconds.},
author = {Mattern, M. and von Reppert, A. and Zeuschner, S. P. and Pudell, J.-E. and K{\"{u}}hne, F. and Diesing, D. and Herzog, M. and Bargheer, M.},
doi = {10.1063/5.0080378},
issn = {0003-6951},
journal = {Appl. Phys. Lett.},
month = {feb},
number = {9},
pages = {092401},
title = {{Electronic energy transport in nanoscale Au/Fe hetero-structures in the perspective of ultrafast lattice dynamics}},
url = {https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/5.0080378},
volume = {120},
year = {2022}
author = {Uwada, Takayuki and Fujii, Sho and Sugiyama, Teruki and Usman, Anwar and Miura, Atsushi and Masuhara, Hiroshi and Kanaizuka, Katsuhiko and Haga, Masa-aki},
doi = {10.1021/am201799b},
issn = {1944-8244},
journal = {ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces},
month = {mar},
number = {3},
pages = {1158--1163},
title = {{Glycine Crystallization in Solution by CW Laser-Induced Microbubble on Gold Thin Film Surface}},
url = {https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/am201799b},
volume = {4},
year = {2012}
但是,我希望参考文献 1 (Mattern2022) 的标题采用标题大小写,即“从超快晶格动力学角度研究纳米级 Au/Fe 异质结构中的电子能量传输”。
该方法类似于Bibtex 中“标题大小写”的实现。
这里,对 bib 文件进行一个更改,即标题只能是单括号,而不能是双括号,如下所示
title = {Electronic energy transport in nanoscale Au/Fe hetero-structures in the perspective of ultrafast lattice dynamics},
然后,在修改后的 achemso.bst 版本中,添加此函数:
FUNCTION {titlecap}
{ duplicate$ empty$
{ pop$ "" }
{ "\titlecap{" swap$ * "}" * }
FUNCTION { format.title.article } {
title empty$
{ }
title titlecap
next.punct.period 'next.punct.int :=
{ }
abstract = {We study the ultrafast electronic transport of energy in a photoexcited nanoscale Au/Fe hetero-structure by modeling the spatiotemporal profile of energy densities that drives transient strain, which we quantify by femtosecond x-ray diffraction. This flow of energy is relevant for intrinsic demagnetization and ultrafast spin transport. We measured lattice strain for different Fe layer thicknesses ranging from few atomic layers to several nanometers and modeled the spatiotemporal flow of energy densities. The combination of a high electron-phonon coupling coefficient and a large Sommerfeld constant in Fe is found to yield electronic transfer of nearly all energy from Au to Fe within the first hundreds of femtoseconds.},
author = {Mattern, M. and von Reppert, A. and Zeuschner, S. P. and Pudell, J.-E. and K{\"{u}}hne, F. and Diesing, D. and Herzog, M. and Bargheer, M.},
doi = {10.1063/5.0080378},
issn = {0003-6951},
journal = {Appl. Phys. Lett.},
month = {feb},
number = {9},
pages = {092401},
title = {Electronic energy transport in nanoscale Au/Fe hetero-structures in the perspective of ultrafast lattice dynamics},
url = {https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/5.0080378},
volume = {120},
year = {2022}
author = {Uwada, Takayuki and Fujii, Sho and Sugiyama, Teruki and Usman, Anwar and Miura, Atsushi and Masuhara, Hiroshi and Kanaizuka, Katsuhiko and Haga, Masa-aki},
doi = {10.1021/am201799b},
issn = {1944-8244},
journal = {ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces},
month = {mar},
number = {3},
pages = {1158--1163},
title = {Glycine Crystallization in Solution by CW Laser-Induced Microbubble on Gold Thin Film Surface},
url = {https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/am201799b},
volume = {4},
year = {2012}
\title[]{Simple Example}
We have reviewed the studies \cite{Mattern2022,Uwada2012}.
如果检查生成的 bbl 文件,就会得到所需的语法,如下所示\titlecap{...}
\bibitem[Mattern \latin{et~al.}(2022)Mattern, von Reppert, Zeuschner, Pudell,
K{\"{u}}hne, Diesing, Herzog, and Bargheer]{Mattern2022}
Mattern,~M.; von Reppert,~A.; Zeuschner,~S.~P.; Pudell,~J.-E.; K{\"{u}}hne,~F.;
Diesing,~D.; Herzog,~M.; Bargheer,~M. \titlecap{Electronic energy transport
in nanoscale Au/Fe hetero-structures in the perspective of ultrafast lattice
dynamics}. \emph{Appl. Phys. Lett.} \textbf{2022}, \emph{120}, 092401\relax