TikZ 图片的断线

TikZ 图片的断线

使用 TikZ 连续处理大量图片时,我希望有断线行为,从而产生更均匀的线条。但我做不到。

 \foreach \i in {red, green, blue, red!40!blue, yellow, yellow!58!blue}
 \foreach \i in {red, green, blue, red!40!blue, yellow, yellow!58!blue}
     \tikzpicture[x=0.025\hsize,line width=8pt, cap=round]
          (0,0) -- +(0:5)
          -- +(90:5) -- cycle;
      \endtikzpicture %  I've tried putting some glues
                      %% and penalties here, but they
                      %% haven't work well. 
                      %% Using chars as separators 
                      %% worked "better".



我怎样才能在 Plain TeX 中实现我的目标?如何获得类似于字符断线的图片序列?


我只是\raggedbottem为了避免 vbox 页面未满警告并将\hfiltikz 沿着每一行展开。


 \foreach \i in {red, green, blue, red!40!blue, yellow, yellow!58!blue}
 \foreach \i in {red, green, blue, red!40!blue, yellow, yellow!58!blue}
     \tikzpicture[x=0.025\hsize,line width=8pt, cap=round]
          (0,0) -- +(0:5)
          -- +(90:5) -- cycle;
      \endtikzpicture %  I've tried putting some glues
                      %% and penalties here, but they
                      %% haven't work well. 
                      %% Using chars as separators 
                      %% worked "better".

