我正在尝试构建一个具有相对较长、多段描述的分层词汇表。我希望描述从父条目和子条目名称后面的行开始(altlist 样式)。
为了实现带缩进的多段描述,我尝试使用indexhypergroup 样式以及所需的调整对于我在Dickimaw Books - 画廊 > 词汇表树 > 索引。
name={Nervous system},
text={nervous system},
description={no description needed for parent entry}
name={central (CNS)},
text={central nervous system (CNS)},
description={Multi-paragraph explanation of central nervous system, with small indentation between paragraphs. Multi-paragraph explanation of central nervous system.
Multi-paragraph explanation of central nervous system, with small indentation between paragraphs. Multi-paragraph explanation of central nervous system.}
name={peripheral (PNS)},
text={peripheral nervous system (PNS)},
description={Multi-paragraph explanation of peripheral nervous system, with small indentation between paragraphs. Multi-paragraph explanation of peripheral nervous system.
Multi-paragraph explanation of peripheral nervous system, with small indentation between paragraphs. Multi-paragraph explanation of peripheral nervous system.}
% to increase space btw glossary entry using index style:
% adjustments from Dickimaw Books:
I'd like to define both \gls{Nervoussystem} parts, the \gls{central} and the \gls{peripheral} in the main glossary.
实际上,这个问题在词汇表用户手册请参阅 13.1.7 树状样式 (p.218)。
因此,为了更改第一和第二个子条目(分别是 subitem 和 subsubitem)的缩进,需要在序言中使用以下命令:
\renewcommand{\glstreesubitem}{% for 1st child entry
\parindent25pt% left margin to child name
\par% newline
\hangindent45pt% left margin to paragraph margin
\renewcommand{\glstreesubsubitem}{% for 2nd child entry