是否有人知道如何将树状风格词汇表中的条目名称格式更改为 indexhypergroup 风格?
\renewcommand{\glsnamefont}[1]{\textsf{\mdseries #1}}
\renewcommand{\glstreenamefmt}[1]{\textsf{\textbf{\mdseries #1}}}
name={Nervous system},
text={nervous system},
description={no description needed for parent entry}
name={central (CNS)},
text={central nervous system (CNS)},
description={Multi-paragraph explanation of central nervous system, with small indentation between paragraphs. Multi-paragraph explanation of central nervous system.
Multi-paragraph explanation of central nervous system, with small indentation between paragraphs. Multi-paragraph explanation of central nervous system.}
name={peripheral (PNS)},
text={peripheral nervous system (PNS)},
description={Multi-paragraph explanation of peripheral nervous system, with small indentation between paragraphs. Multi-paragraph explanation of peripheral nervous system.
Multi-paragraph explanation of peripheral nervous system, with small indentation between paragraphs. Multi-paragraph explanation of peripheral nervous system.}
description={Description of a Muscle}
\newacronym{N}{N.}{Nervus}%<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< acronyms added
\newacronym[see={[see Glossary:]{gls:Muscle}}]{M}{M.}{Musculus\glsadd{gls:Muscle}}
\usepackage[toc,acronym,xindy,nopostdot]{glossaries} %edited by Daniela:style=deleted,title= deleted
% to increase space btw glossary entry using index style:
% indent adjustments
\renewcommand{\glstreeitem}{% for parent entry
\renewcommand{\glstreesubitem}{% for child entry
\renewcommand{\glstreesubsubitem}{% for child entry
\makeindex% added
I'd like the entry names as \gls{gls:Muscle}, \gls{Nervoussystem}, as well as the sub entry names as \gls{central} and \gls{peripheral} to appear in bold, sans serif font. \gls{N} and \gls{M} in the list of acronyms, currently looks fine (acronym is shown in bold and sans serif, and on the same line as the description.
\printglossary[type=\acronymtype,title={Acronyms},toctitle={Acronyms}]%<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< added
\printglossary[type=main,style=indexhypergroup,title={Glossary},toctitle={Glossary}]% changed by Daniela
使用更新的 MWE 添加
\renewcommand*{\glstreenamefmt}[1]{{\sffamily \bfseries #1}}
\longnewglossaryentry{Nervoussystem}{% USE here % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
name={Nervous system},
text={nervous system},
description={no description needed for parent entry}
name={central (CNS)},
text={central nervous system (CNS)},
description={Multi-paragraph explanation of central nervous system, with small indentation between paragraphs. Multi-paragraph explanation of central nervous system.
Multi-paragraph explanation of central nervous system, with small indentation between paragraphs. Multi-paragraph explanation of central nervous system.}
name={peripheral (PNS)},
text={peripheral nervous system (PNS)},
description={Multi-paragraph explanation of peripheral nervous system, with small indentation between paragraphs. Multi-paragraph explanation of peripheral nervous system.
Multi-paragraph explanation of peripheral nervous system, with small indentation between paragraphs. Multi-paragraph explanation of peripheral nervous system.}
description={Description of a Muscle}
\newacronym{N}{N.}{Nervus}%<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< acronyms added
\newacronym[see={[see Glossary:]{gls:Muscle}}]{M}{M.}{Musculus\glsadd{gls:Muscle}}
\usepackage[toc,acronym,xindy,nopostdot]{glossaries} %edited by Daniela:style=deleted,title= deleted
% to increase space btw glossary entry using index style:
% indent adjustments
\renewcommand{\glstreeitem}{% for parent entry
\renewcommand{\glstreesubitem}{% for child entry
\renewcommand{\glstreesubsubitem}{% for child entry
\makeindex% added
\renewcommand*{\glstreenamefmt}[1]{{\sffamily \bfseries#1}} % added <<<<<<<<<<<<
I'd like the entry names as \gls{gls:Muscle}, \gls{Nervoussystem}, as well as the sub entry names as \gls{central} and \gls{peripheral} to appear in bold, sans serif font. \gls{N} and \gls{M} in the list of acronyms, currently looks fine (acronym is shown in bold and sans serif, and on the same line as the description.
\printglossary[type=\acronymtype,title={Acronyms},toctitle={Acronyms}]%<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< added
\printglossary[type=main,style=indexhypergroup,title={Glossary},toctitle={Glossary}]% changed by Daniela