我正在处理一篇论文中的这张表格,但似乎无法将其调整到应有的样子。文本应该位于表格上方和下方,而不是表格之间。表格应该位于 1 列(整页)内,而不会影响其余文本。它甚至无法与table*
\caption{Comparison of some unique works in IoT Transportation}
& \textbf{Year }
& \textbf{Mainly focusing problem/area}
& \textbf{Layers}
& \textbf{Main points}
& \textbf{Shortcomings} \\
Al-Ali [21]
&Architecture for ‘short-range’ travel
&Designing and linking with Software application
&Subject-specific \\
Minal Patel [26]
&Dashboard for Smart Cities
&Focusing on data flow and control
& N/A \\
Sruthy Anand [24]
&Generalized structure
&Requires to be redesigned according to necessity \\
BP Raj [20]
&Everyday traffic
&Route optimization to reduce pollution
&Not practically scalable \\
Muhmmad Derawi [28]
&Focuses on V2I communications
&Integration based on COMLIGHT, IQRF \& Telenor
&Prone to situations enabling more accidents \\
Nagarjuna G R [22]
&Designed specifically for fire brigades \& ambulances
& 6
&Practically hardware demonstrated
&Applicable to rather simple traffic junctions \\
Yi-Yun Chu [23]
&Smart parking
&Different hardware for different parking applications
&Not practically implemented \\
Jin-ho Park [27]
&Scalability and flexibility in cognitive computing in smart city applications
&DL incorporated to facilitate “unstructured” data
&Unsecured sensor nodes \\
Umar Ali [19]
&Enhanced control and flow of data
&Not very much flexible \\
Hamed Rahimi [25]
&Incorporating 11 technologies to solve multiple problems
&Num of layers selected according to technologies
&Too complex to practically implement and manage\\
Nallapaneni [1]
&Survey on use of IoTs in Transportation
& N/A
&Monitoring vehicles using sensor nodes
& N/A \\
S. H. Sutar [3]
&Dynamic route assignment to buses
& N/A
&Management of fuel consumption
& N/A \\
D. Kyriazis [2]
&Using Street lights as IoTs
&Energy conservation
&Theoretical level implementation required \\
另外,有人能推荐一些表格修改,让表格看起来比现在更好吗?我也一直在尝试改变它,但无果而终。例如,缩小“年份”列(使其紧凑且易读),在每个单元格中水平和垂直对齐文本,就像 Word 所做的那样;或者任何其他更改。
\caption{Comparison of some unique works in IoT Transportation}
width = {\textwidth},
colspec = {@{}X[l, 0.5]cX[l]cX[l]X[0.75,l]@{}},
rows = {m}, % centers all of the rows vertically
row{1} = {c,font=\bfseries} %centers the 1st row horizontally and makes the font bold
& Year
& Mainly focusing problem/area
& Layers
& Main points
& Shortcomings \\
Al-Ali [21]
&Architecture for ‘short-range’ travel
&Designing and linking with Software application
&Subject-specific \\
Minal Patel [26]
&Dashboard for Smart Cities
&Focusing on data flow and control
& N/A \\
Sruthy Anand [24]
&Generalized structure
&Requires to be redesigned according to necessity \\
BP Raj [20]
&Everyday traffic
&Route optimization to reduce pollution
&Not practically scalable \\
Muhmmad Derawi [28]
&Focuses on V2I communications
&Integration based on COMLIGHT, IQRF \& Telenor
&Prone to situations enabling more accidents \\
Nagarjuna G R [22]
&Designed specifically for fire brigades \& ambulances
& 6
&Practically hardware demonstrated
&Applicable to rather simple traffic junctions \\
Yi-Yun Chu [23]
&Smart parking
&Different hardware for different parking applications
&Not practically implemented \\
Jin-ho Park [27]
&Scalability and flexibility in cognitive computing in smart city applications
&DL incorporated to facilitate “unstructured” data
&Unsecured sensor nodes \\
Umar Ali [19]
&Enhanced control and flow of data
&Not very much flexible \\
Hamed Rahimi [25]
&Incorporating 11 technologies to solve multiple problems
&Num of layers selected according to technologies
&Too complex to practically implement and manage\\
Nallapaneni [1]
&Survey on use of IoTs in Transportation
& N/A
&Monitoring vehicles using sensor nodes
& N/A \\
S. H. Sutar [3]
&Dynamic route assignment to buses
& N/A
&Management of fuel consumption
& N/A \\
D. Kyriazis [2]
&Using Street lights as IoTs
&Energy conservation
&Theoretical level implementation required \\
现在,如果您确实想在第一页放置双列表格,则可以删除浮动 ( table
) 环境,并使用环境talltblr
包裹(图片来源:这个答案)(尽管我不确定 IEEE 是否更喜欢在第一页放置双列表格)。
% \begin{table*}
% \centering
% \caption{Comparison of some unique works in IoT Transportation}
caption = {Comparison of some unique works in IoT Transportation}
width = {\textwidth},
colspec = {@{}X[l, 0.5]cX[l]cX[l]X[0.75,l]@{}},
rows = {m},
row{1} = {c,font=\bfseries}
& Year
& Mainly focusing problem/area
& Layers
& Main points
& Shortcomings \\
Al-Ali [21]
&Architecture for ‘short-range’ travel
&Designing and linking with Software application
&Subject-specific \\
Minal Patel [26]
&Dashboard for Smart Cities
&Focusing on data flow and control
& N/A \\
Sruthy Anand [24]
&Generalized structure
&Requires to be redesigned according to necessity \\
BP Raj [20]
&Everyday traffic
&Route optimization to reduce pollution
&Not practically scalable \\
Muhmmad Derawi [28]
&Focuses on V2I communications
&Integration based on COMLIGHT, IQRF \& Telenor
&Prone to situations enabling more accidents \\
Nagarjuna G R [22]
&Designed specifically for fire brigades \& ambulances
& 6
&Practically hardware demonstrated
&Applicable to rather simple traffic junctions \\
Yi-Yun Chu [23]
&Smart parking
&Different hardware for different parking applications
&Not practically implemented \\
Jin-ho Park [27]
&Scalability and flexibility in cognitive computing in smart city applications
&DL incorporated to facilitate “unstructured” data
&Unsecured sensor nodes \\
Umar Ali [19]
&Enhanced control and flow of data
&Not very much flexible \\
Hamed Rahimi [25]
&Incorporating 11 technologies to solve multiple problems
&Num of layers selected according to technologies
&Too complex to practically implement and manage\\
Nallapaneni [1]
&Survey on use of IoTs in Transportation
& N/A
&Monitoring vehicles using sensor nodes
& N/A \\
S. H. Sutar [3]
&Dynamic route assignment to buses
& N/A
&Management of fuel consumption
& N/A \\
D. Kyriazis [2]
&Using Street lights as IoTs
&Energy conservation
&Theoretical level implementation required \\
请注意 strip 环境如何改变表格前文本的位置。因此,在提交给会议的情况下,此解决方案可能不可接受。
而不是 插入标题\caption
\usepackage{cuted} % added (strip) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
\usepackage{caption} % added (captionof) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
\begin{strip} % added <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
% \begin{table}[h!]
\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.8}% expand the cell (optional) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
\captionof{table}{Comparison of some unique works in IoT Transportation}% changed
& \textbf{Year }
& \textbf{Mainly focusing problem/area}
& \textbf{Layers}
& \textbf{Main points}
& \textbf{Shortcomings} \\
Al-Ali [21]
&Architecture for ‘short-range’ travel
&Designing and linking with Software application
&Subject-specific \\
Minal Patel [26]
&Dashboard for Smart Cities
&Focusing on data flow and control
& N/A \\
Sruthy Anand [24]
&Generalized structure
&Requires to be redesigned according to necessity \\
BP Raj [20]
&Everyday traffic
&Route optimization to reduce pollution
&Not practically scalable \\
Muhmmad Derawi [28]
&Focuses on V2I communications
&Integration based on COMLIGHT, IQRF \& Telenor
&Prone to situations enabling more accidents \\
Nagarjuna G R [22]
&Designed specifically for fire brigades \& ambulances
& 6
&Practically hardware demonstrated
&Applicable to rather simple traffic junctions \\
Yi-Yun Chu [23]
&Smart parking
&Different hardware for different parking applications
&Not practically implemented \\
Jin-ho Park [27]
&Scalability and flexibility in cognitive computing in smart city applications
&DL incorporated to facilitate “unstructured” data
&Unsecured sensor nodes \\
Umar Ali [19]
&Enhanced control and flow of data
&Not very much flexible \\
Hamed Rahimi [25]
&Incorporating 11 technologies to solve multiple problems
&Num of layers selected according to technologies
&Too complex to practically implement and manage\\
Nallapaneni [1]
&Survey on use of IoTs in Transportation
& N/A
&Monitoring vehicles using sensor nodes
& N/A \\
S. H. Sutar [3]
&Dynamic route assignment to buses
& N/A
&Management of fuel consumption
& N/A \\
D. Kyriazis [2]
&Using Street lights as IoTs
&Energy conservation
&Theoretical level implementation required \\
% \end{table}