在 tabularx 中使用多列或多行很困难

在 tabularx 中使用多列或多行很困难


表格左下角几个单元格合并了,命令\tabular无法让表格自适应调整宽度到整行,如果用\resizebox,表格高度也会一起增加,很不美观,于是就用 ,\tabularx但总是出错...虽然知道\tabular不能简单用 代替\tabularx,但就是不知道怎么处理...



  \caption{Add caption}
    order & number & weight & order & number & weight \\
    1     & 1     & 1     & 1     & 1     & 1 \\
    2     & 2     & 2     & 2     & 2     & 2 \\
    3     & 3     & 3     & 3     & 3     & 3 \\
    ...   & ...   & ...   & ...   & ...   & ... \\
    118   & 118   & 118   & 118   & 118   & 118 \\
    119   & 119   & 119   & 119   & 119   & 119 \\
    120   & 120   & 120   & 120   & 120   & 120 \\
    \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{\multirow{4}[8]{*}{}} & ...   & ...   & ... \\
    \cline{4-6}    \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{}      & 138   & 138   & 138 \\
    \cline{4-6}    \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{}      & 139   & 139   & 139 \\
    \cline{4-6}    \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{}      & 140   & 140   & 140 \\

我也试过tablesgenerator 网站。它给了我以下代码:

% Please add the following required packages to your document preamble:
% \usepackage{multirow}
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{order} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{number} & weight & order & number & weight \\ \hline
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{1}     & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{1}      & 1      & 1     & 1      & 1      \\ \hline
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{2}     & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{2}      & 2      & 2     & 2      & 2      \\ \hline
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{3}     & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{3}      & 3      & 3     & 3      & 3      \\ \hline
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{...}   & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{...}    & ...    & ...   & ...    & ...    \\ \hline
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{118}   & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{118}    & 118    & 118   & 118    & 118    \\ \hline
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{119}   & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{119}    & 119    & 119   & 119    & 119    \\ \hline
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{120}   & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{120}    & 120    & 120   & 120    & 120    \\ \hline
\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{\multirow{4}{*}{}}                            & ...   & ...    & ...    \\ \cline{4-6} 
\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{}                                             & 138   & 138    & 138    \\ \cline{4-6} 
\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{}                                             & 139   & 139    & 139    \\ \cline{4-6} 
\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{}                                             & 140   & 140    & 140    \\ \hline

@Mico:我不知道如何在注释中插入大量代码,所以我在这里回答了我自己的问题。这只是一个信息表,我希望它看起来更好。以下代码已集成 Mico 的代码。

\usepackage[colorlinks=true, allcolors=blue]{hyperref}
\newcolumntype{C}{>{\Centering}X} % centered version of X col. type


\caption{Fast Hankel Transform} \label{FHT}
Order     & Abscissa of $J_0$    & Weight of $J_0$       & Order      & Abscissa of $J_1$    & Weight of $J_1$         \\\hline
1         & $-19.32$             & $9.63\times10^{-7}$   & 1          & $-18.21$             & $-6.77\times10^{-14}$   \\\hline
2         & $-19.11$             & $-5.02\times10^{-6}$  & 2          & $-18.01$             & $3.40\times10^{-13}$    \\\hline
3         & $-18.90$             & $1.25\times10^{-5}$   & 3          & $-17.81$             & $-7.43\times10^{-13}$   \\\hline
$\vdots$  & $\vdots$             & $\vdots$              & $\vdots$   & $\vdots$             & $\vdots$                \\\hline
118       & $5.04$               & $6.23\times10^{-6}$   & 118        & $5.49$               & $7.33\times10^{-6}$     \\\hline
119       & $5.25$               & $-1.12\times10^{-6}$  & 119        & $5.69$               & $-3.76\times10^{-6}$    \\\hline
120       & $5.46$               & $1.04\times10^{-7}$   & 120        & $5.89$               & $1.86\times10^{-6}$     \\\hline
\multicolumn{3}{|c|}             {\multirow{4}{*}{}}     & $\vdots$   & $\vdots$             & $\vdots$                \\
\cline{4-6}    \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{}                    & 138        & $9.54$               & $-1.36\times10^{-9}$    \\
\cline{4-6}    \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{}                    & 139        & $9.74$               & $3.53\times10^{-10}$    \\
\cline{4-6}    \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{}                    & 140        & $9.94$               & $-4.54\times10^{-11}$   \\ \hline



这两个表格之间的主要区别在于:第二个表格 (a) 删除了所有垂直线和大部分水平线,以使表格看起来更加开放、更具吸引力;(b) 允许根据需要分页,这可能很有用,因为实际表格可能有多达 140 行。


\newcolumntype{C}{>{\Centering}X} % centered version of 'X' col. type


\caption{A ``prison window''-look table} \label{tab:addlabel1}
    order & number & weight & order & number & weight \\
    1     & 1     & 1     & 1     & 1     & 1 \\
    2     & 2     & 2     & 2     & 2     & 2 \\
    3     & 3     & 3     & 3     & 3     & 3 \\
    \dots & \dots & \dots & \dots & \dots & \dots \\
    118   & 118   & 118   & 118   & 118   & 118 \\
    119   & 119   & 119   & 119   & 119   & 119 \\
    120   & 120   & 120   & 120   & 120   & 120 \\
    &&& \dots & \dots & \dots \\ \cline{4-6}
    &&& 138   & 138   & 138   \\ \cline{4-6}
    &&& 139   & 139   & 139   \\ \cline{4-6}
    &&& 140   & 140   & 140   \\

\begingroup % localize scope of next 4 instructions
\setlength\LTleft{0pt}   % see p. 7 of user guide of longtable package
\begin{longtable}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} *{6}{c} }

    %% information about headers and footers
    \caption{A table with a much more open ``look''} \label{tab:addlabel2}\\
    order & number & weight & order & number & weight \\
    \multicolumn{6}{l}{\tablename\ \thetable, cont'd}\\
    order & number & weight & order & number & weight \\
    \multicolumn{6}{r@{}}{\footnotesize \em cont'd on following page}\\
    %% body of longtable
    1     & 1     & 1     & 1     & 1     & 1 \\ 
    2     & 2     & 2     & 2     & 2     & 2 \\
    3     & 3     & 3     & 3     & 3     & 3 \\ 
    $\vdots$ & $\vdots$ & $\vdots$ & $\vdots$ & $\vdots$ & $\vdots$ \\
    118   & 118   & 118   & 118   & 118   & 118 \\
    119   & 119   & 119   & 119   & 119   & 119 \\
    120   & 120   & 120   & 120   & 120   & 120 \\
    &&& $\vdots$ & $\vdots$ & $\vdots$ \\
    &&& 138   & 138   & 138 \\
    &&& 139   & 139   & 139 \\
    &&& 140   & 140   & 140 \\



附录合并 OP 提供的附加信息:这是tabularx基于 的解决方案的变体,其(a)允许第 1 列和第 4 列比第 2、3、5 和 6 列窄,并且(b)允许后四列中的数字在小数点标记上对齐,借助包S提供的列类型siunitx


\usepackage[colorlinks=true, allcolors=blue]{hyperref}

\newcolumntype{C}{>{\Centering}X} % centered version of X col. type
\newcommand\mC[1]{\multicolumn{1}{C|}{#1}} % handy shortcut macro


\setlength\extrarowheight{2pt} % for a slightly more open "look"
\caption{Fast Hankel Transform} \label{FHT}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{| *{2}{ c | S[table-format=-2.2] |S[table-format=-1.2e-2]| } }
Order & \mC{Abscissa of $J_0$} & \mC{Weight of $J_0$} &
Order & \mC{Abscissa of $J_1$} & \mC{Weight of $J_1$} \\
1         & -19.32   &  9.63e-7  & 1          & -18.21     & -6.77e-14   \\ \hline
2         & -19.11   & -5.02e-6  & 2          & -18.01     &  3.40e-13   \\ \hline
3         & -18.90   &  1.25e-5  & 3          & -17.81     & -7.43e-13   \\ \hline
{$\vdots$} & {$\vdots$} & {$\vdots$} & {$\vdots$} & {$\vdots$} & {$\vdots$} \\ \hline
118       &   5.04   &  6.23e-6  & 118        &   5.49     &  7.33e-6    \\ \hline
119       &   5.25   & -1.12e-6  & 119        &   5.69     & -3.76e-6    \\ \hline
120       &   5.46   &  1.04e-7  & 120        &   5.89     &  1.86e-6    \\ \hline
\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{} & {$\vdots$} & {$\vdots$} & {$\vdots$} \\ \cline{4-6}
\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{} & 138        & 9.54       & -1.36e-9   \\ \cline{4-6}
\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{} & 139        & 9.74       &  3.53e-10  \\ \cline{4-6}
\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{} & 140        & 9.94       & -4.54e-11  \\ \hline

