尝试将换行图与 [t] 对齐

尝试将换行图与 [t] 对齐


\subsubsection{Cylindrical Robot Arm:}

\includegraphics[width=3cm]{II.Theoretical Concept and state of the art/Industrial Robot Arms/Images/cylindrical Robot arm.png} 
\caption{Cylindrical Robot Arm}

This type of robot arms has at least one base rotary joint and one prismatic joint, which provide it with linear and rotational movement. These joints form a cylindrical coordinate system, making this robot arm effective and useful in industries that deal with tubing and cylindrical components as well as industries involving die casting...

下一小节将完全相同,只是 wrapfigure 将有一个 {l} 参数。



如您所见,对齐方式不正确。我确保图像没有任何可用空间。图像未与子子节的顶部对齐,这会产生这种奇怪的外观。有 6 个子子节,这让页面看起来很糟糕。

有办法修复这个问题吗?[t] 对环绕图形不起作用,而且我不擅长使用表格,所以我不知道如何让它看起来更好。











\usepackage{kantlipsum} % only for dummy tex

% From https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/436852/161015
\BeforeBeginEnvironment{wrapfigure}{\setlength{\intextsep}{0pt}}% eliminate extra top and below  space <<<<

\subsubsection*{Cylindrical Robot Arm:}
    \caption{Cylindrical Robot Arm}

This type of robot arms has at least one base rotary joint and one prismatic joint, which provide it with linear and rotational movement. These joints form a cylindrical coordinate system, making this robot arm effective and useful in industries that deal with tubing and cylindrical components as well as industries involving die casting...

\subsubsection*{Delta Robot Arm:}   

    \caption{Delta Robot Arm}
