\gls 似乎在回忆录中不起作用,因为我的所有词汇表术语都是大写的

\gls 似乎在回忆录中不起作用,因为我的所有词汇表术语都是大写的

我想在句子中包含小写术语,但\gls似乎在 memoir 类中不起作用。我在其他地方发现 memoir 没有 gls 命令,但如果您使用,还有其他选择吗\usepackage{glossaries}


\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, twoside, oldfontcommands]{memoir}
\usepackage[style = british]{csquotes}
\usepackage{graphicx}                                                   %
\graphicspath{ {Documents/PhD/Thesis/figures/} }


\setlength\epigraphrule{0pt} % no line between
\setlength\beforeepigraphskip{1\baselineskip} % space before and after epigraph

\addto\captionsUKenglish{\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of Contents}}

\usepackage[style=authoryear, backend=biber]{biblatex}

  bibliography = {References}



这是我在 acronym.txt 中使用的内容

{       name=Communication,
        description={A simultaneous selection of information, utterance, and understanding}

        description={A whole that is comprised of parts, but not necessarily reducible to them}

        name=Dissemination Media,
        description={Media that extends communication in space and time}

\newacronym{sst}{SST}{Social Systems Theory}

\newacronym{dss}{DSS}{Digital Social System}





这是由于没有使用 的所有字段造成的\newglossaryentry,如果您只使用name=大写字母,那么它将始终出现,使用text=小写字母命名的条目,这样\gls和就\Gls可以正常工作。我将您的代码压缩成这个,它比您发布的代码更简洁:


\usepackage[style=authoryear, backend=biber]{biblatex}

{       name={Communication},
        description={A simultaneous selection of information, utterance, and understanding}

\newacronym{sst}{SST}{Social Systems Theory}


This is the acronym \gls{sst}.

This is lowercase \gls{communication}.

This is uppercase \Gls{communication}.





%----- Using glossary entries in text

%\gls[options including hyperbf to bold the entry]{in-text \gls name}[text to inset afterwards within the hyperlink]
%\glspl{same as above but plural}
%\Gls{same as above but capital singular}
%\Glspl{same as above capital plural}

%----- \newglossary template

% \newglossary[extension for log]{name of glossary}{input extension}{output extension}{title of glossary for printglossary}

%----- Glossary entry template with all fields

%\newglossaryentry{in-text \gls name}
%   {%
%   name={name that appears in glossary},
%   description={description that appears in glossary},
%   text={in-text where singular form required, if not defined uses name}
%   first={first time used with singular form, if not defined uses text},
%   plural={plural form, if not defined adds s to text value},
%   firstplural={first time plural used},
%   symbols={adds a symbol if needed},
%   sort={how to sort entry},
%   type={glossary name that this entry belongs to},
%   }

%----- Print glossary template

%\printglossary[type={first {} of \newglossary},
%         style={style name from \newglossarystyle},
%         title={Override title with new one here},
%         toctitle={TOC title},
%         numberedsection,      % Puts glossary in numbered section
%         nonumberlist,     % Suppress location lists for glossary
%         ] 

