序言过长是不是不好?(约 100 行)/我的序言可以做哪些优化?

序言过长是不是不好?(约 100 行)/我的序言可以做哪些优化?

我必须说我使用 LaTeX 才几个月,所以你可以说我还是个初学者。

我有一个大项目,其中有许多修改。每次我想更改文档的外观和感觉时,我都会在互联网上搜索并将其复制粘贴到文档中。因此,您可以说它已经变得非常大,我很好奇这是否是一件坏事,以及是否有优化的空间(例如:我使用包做了一些事情,但我可以使用我已经包含的另一个包来完成它)。基本上,我想看看比我更有 LaTeX 经验的人对我所做的事情有什么看法,以及任何建议、改进、更好的组织方式等。


 12pt,                       % Font size
 a4paper                     % Paper type

% Packages
 margin=2.7cm,               % Margin size
 marginparwidth=2cm,         % Margin note size
 marginparsep=3mm,           % Space between margin and text
 headheight=15pt             % Header height (fix that stupid warn from fancyhdr)
\usepackage[romanian]{babel} % Romanian characters support
\usepackage{indentfirst}     % Add paragraph indentation even after a section
\usepackage{marginnote}      % Notes on the margins of a document (more advanced \marginpar)
\usepackage{titlesec}        % Customize titles
\usepackage{hyperref}        % Hyperlink support
\usepackage{graphicx}        % Image support
\usepackage{xcolor}          % Custom colors
\usepackage{fancyhdr}        % Custom headers
\usepackage[titles]{tocloft} % Customize ToC

% Image path
\graphicspath{ {../img/} }

% Hyperlink configuration
 linkcolor=black  % ToC links color

% Colors (for chapter)

% Custom format for titles, sections etc.

 {\thechapter  \ifnum\value{chapter} > 9 {\hspace{7pt}}\else{\hspace{15pt}}\fi  \textcolor{gray75}{|}\hspace{15pt}}



% Custom commands
% Format: \newcommand{\command}[variable]{action #variable}
\newcommand{\rom}[1]{\uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral #1\relax}} % Roman numerals
\newcommand{\textbfit}[1]{\textbf{\textit{#1}}}                      % combine bold and italic
\newcommand{\operatitle}{}                                           % to not get errors
\newcommand{\operaauthor}{}                                          % to not get errors

% Customize \marginnote font

% Make \ttfamily hyphenate words for the margin notes

% ToC customization
\setcounter{tocdepth}{0}     % Make only chapters appear in ToC
\renewcommand{\cftdot}{}     % Remove ToC dots

% Disable bold in ToC

% Custom fancy styles

 \fancyhead[LE]{\small\textsc{Esee pentru bacalaureat}}
    \let\textbfit\relax % smart thing to use \textsc in header but keep it bfit everywhere else
    \textsc{\operatitle\ -- \operaauthor}

% Use empty pagestyle on blank pages between chapters
\def\cleardoublepage{\clearpage\if@twoside \ifodd\c@page\else

\input{titlepage.tex} % Import the title page

% Use empty pagestyle for the entirety of the ToC
  \fancypagestyle{plain} % create temporary plain pagestyle
  \tableofcontents       % actually generate the ToC
\pagestyle{plain}        % revert to plain pagestyle



另外,这是整个 TeX 文档,如果需要更多背景信息



 \maketitle % Insert the custom title page
 \CustomToC % Insert the custom ToC




\ProvidesClass{eseuri_bac_romana}[2022/03/25 My custom class for the essay book]

 12pt,                           % Font size
 a4paper                         % Paper type

% Packages
 margin=2.7cm,                   % Margin size
 marginparwidth=2cm,             % Margin note size
 marginparsep=3mm,               % Space between margin and text
 headheight=15pt                 % Header height (fix that stupid warn from fancyhdr)
\RequirePackage[romanian]{babel} % Romanian characters support
\RequirePackage{indentfirst}     % Add paragraph indentation even after a section
\RequirePackage{marginnote}      % Notes on the margins of a document (more advanced \marginpar)
\RequirePackage{titlesec}        % Customize titles
\RequirePackage{graphicx}        % Image support
\RequirePackage{xcolor}          % Custom colors
\RequirePackage{fancyhdr}        % Custom headers
\RequirePackage[titles]{tocloft} % Customize ToC
\RequirePackage{hyperref}        % Hyperlink support, keep last in package list!

% Image path
\graphicspath{ {../img/} }

% Hyperlink configuration
 linkcolor=black  % ToC links color

% Colors (for chapter)

% Custom format for titles, sections etc.

\newcommand{\DetermineHSpaceSize}{\ifnum\value{chapter} > 9 {\hspace{7pt}}\else{\hspace{15pt}}\fi} % Make the hspace that goes between chapter number and line smaller if number is past 10

\renewcommand{\thesection}{\arabic{section}} % Remove chapter number from section


% Custom commands
% Format: \newcommand{\command}[variable]{action #variable}
\newcommand{\rom}[1]{\uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral #1\relax}} % Roman numerals
\newcommand{\textbfit}[1]{\textbf{\textit{#1}}}                      % combine bold and italic
\newcommand{\operatitle}{}                                           % to not get errors
\newcommand{\operaauthor}{}                                          % to not get errors

\newcommand{\CustomToC} % command to generate ToC with empty pagestyle
 \clearpage               % new page to ensure it switched to empty pagestyle
   \fancypagestyle{plain} % create temporary plain pagestyle
   \tableofcontents       % actually generate the ToC
 \pagestyle{plain}        % revert to plain pagestyle

% Customize \marginnote font

% Make \ttfamily hyphenate words for the margin notes

% ToC customization
\setcounter{tocdepth}{0} % Make only chapters appear in ToC
\renewcommand{\cftdot}{} % Remove ToC dots
\addtocontents{toc}{\string\renewcommand{\protect\cftchapleader}{\protect\normalfont\protect\cftdotfill{\protect\cftsecdotsep}}} % Disable bold in ToC

% Custom fancy styles
} % style for chapter page

 \fancyhead[LE]{\small\textsc{Eseuri pentru bacalaureat}}
    \let\textbfit\relax % smart thing to use \textsc in header but keep it bfit everywhere else
    \textsc{\operatitle\ -- \operaauthor}
} % style for the rest of the document

% Use empty pagestyle on blank pages between chapters
\def\cleardoublepage{\clearpage\if@twoside \ifodd\c@page\else

% Create custom title


