我想在几页的任意位置放置一些文本和一些公式。对于公式,我使用包 tikzpicture,如下所示:
\draw (5,-10) node{
$ \left\lbrace \begin{array} \sin x>0 & 0<x<\frac{\pi}{2} \\ \sin x >0 & \frac{\pi}{2}<x<\pi \\ \sin x<0 & \pi <x<\frac{3\pi}{2} \\ \sin x<0 & \frac{3\pi}{2}<x<2\pi \end{array} \right. $
并且没有问题。但有时使用上述方法时,我会遇到文本问题:文本的宽度大于页面的宽度,并且 tikzpicture 不会换行。例如:
\draw (5,-13) node{The proof of that theorem in not complete and we can prove that theorem by another way that you will read it in the coming year
有没有命令可以换行?有没有办法把文本放在页面的任意位置(有或没有 tikzpicture)?(非常感谢)
%---------------- Show page layout. Don't use in a real document!
node distance=0mm
\node (n1) [left] at (\linewidth,0)
{$\begin{cases} \sin x > 0 & 0<x<\frac{\pi}{2} \\
\sin x > 0 & \frac{\pi}{2}<x<\pi \\
\sin x < 0 & \pi <x<\frac{3\pi}{2} \\
\sin x < 0 & \frac{3\pi}{2}<x<2\pi \\
\node (n2) [below left=of n1.south east,
text width=\linewidth, align=left,
inner xsep=0pt] {The proof of that theorem in not complete and we can prove that theorem by another way that you will read it in the coming year};