

当我想在参考书目章节中整合子章节时,这些子章节会添加到现有的参考书目部分下,从而产生重复(参见下面的示例)。如果我在下面的 MWE 中删除行“\printbibliography[title={Bibliography}]”,子章节会正常显示,但章节“参考书目”的标题会消失,这些子章节会添加到上一章中,从而修改参考书目章节的标题。如何解决这个问题?

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    \printbibliography[nottype=misc,heading=subbibintoc,title=Sources bibliographiques]
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author = {Buchet, Edmond},
title = {Jean-S\'{e}bastien Bach. L'\oe uvre et la vie. Deux si\`{e}cles d'\'{e}tudes et de t\'{e}moignages},
year = {1963},
publisher = {\'{E}ditions Les Libraires Associ\'{e}s},
place = {Saverne},
pagetotal = {267}

author = {Buchet, Edmond},
title = {Jean-S\'{e}bastien Bach. L'\oe uvre et la vie. Deux si\`{e}cles d'\'{e}tudes et de t\'{e}moignages},
year = {1963},
publisher = {\'{E}ditions Les Libraires Associ\'{e}s},
place = {Saverne},
pagetotal = {267}

author = {Buchet, Edmond},
title = {Jean-S\'{e}bastien Bach. L'\oe uvre et la vie. Deux si\`{e}cles d'\'{e}tudes et de t\'{e}moignages},
year = {1963},
publisher = {\'{E}ditions Les Libraires Associ\'{e}s},
place = {Saverne},
pagetotal = {267}

author = {Buchet, Edmond},
title = {Jean-S\'{e}bastien Bach. L'\oe uvre et la vie. Deux si\`{e}cles d'\'{e}tudes et de t\'{e}moignages},
year = {1963},
publisher = {\'{E}ditions Les Libraires Associ\'{e}s},
place = {Saverne},
pagetotal = {267}

author = {Buchet, Edmond},
title = {Jean-S\'{e}bastien Bach. L'\oe uvre et la vie. Deux si\`{e}cles d'\'{e}tudes et de t\'{e}moignages},
year = {1963},
publisher = {\'{E}ditions Les Libraires Associ\'{e}s},
place = {Saverne},
pagetotal = {267}
author = {Buchet, Edmond},
title = {Jean-S\'{e}bastien Bach. L'\oe uvre et la vie. Deux si\`{e}cles d'\'{e}tudes et de t\'{e}moignages},
year = {1963},
publisher = {\'{E}ditions Les Libraires Associ\'{e}s},
place = {Saverne},
pagetotal = {267}

author = {Buchet, Edmond},
title = {Jean-S\'{e}bastien Bach. L'\oe uvre et la vie. Deux si\`{e}cles d'\'{e}tudes et de t\'{e}moignages},
year = {1963},
publisher = {\'{E}ditions Les Libraires Associ\'{e}s},
place = {Saverne},
pagetotal = {267}

    author = {Sueur, Agathe and Dubreuil, Pascal},
    title = {Joachim Burmeister - Poétique musicale, suivi de David Chytraeus - De la Musique},
    publisher = {\'{E}ditions Rhuthmos},
    year = {2017},
    isbn = {979-10-95155-17-1},
    place = {Paris},
    pagetotal = {288},
    type = {book},

    author = {Cantagrel, Gilles},
    title = {Bach en son temps},
    publisher = {\'{E}ditions Fayard},
    year = {1997},
    isbn = {978-2-213-600007-9},
    place = {Paris},
    pagetotal = {658},
    type = {book},

    author = {Cantagrel, Gilles},
    title = {J.S. Bach. L'\oe uvre instrumentale},
    publisher = {\'{{E}}ditions Buchet-Chatel},
    year = {2018},
    isbn = {978-2-283-03113-1},
    place = {Paris},
    pagetotal = {475}

    author = {Cantagrel, Gilles},
    title = {{{J}}ean-{{S}}\'{e}bastien {{B}}ach},
    booktitle = {Guide de la musique d'orgue},
    edition = {Premi\`{e}re édition},
    pages = {47-143},
    pagetotal = {840},
    bookauthor = {Cantagrel Gilles},
    isbn = {2-213-02772-2},
    year = {1991},
    publisher = {\'{E}ditions Fayard},
    place = {Paris}

author = {Buchet, Edmond},
title = {Jean-S\'{e}bastien Bach. L'\oe uvre et la vie. Deux si\`{e}cles d'\'{e}tudes et de t\'{e}moignages},
year = {1963},
publisher = {\'{E}ditions Les Libraires Associ\'{e}s},
place = {Saverne},
pagetotal = {267}

author = {Buchet, Edmond},
title = {Jean-S\'{e}bastien Bach. L'\oe uvre et la vie. Deux si\`{e}cles d'\'{e}tudes et de t\'{e}moignages},
year = {1963},
publisher = {\'{E}ditions Les Libraires Associ\'{e}s},
place = {Saverne},
pagetotal = {267}

author = {Buchet, Edmond},
title = {Jean-S\'{e}bastien Bach. L'\oe uvre et la vie. Deux si\`{e}cles d'\'{e}tudes et de t\'{e}moignages},
year = {1963},
publisher = {\'{E}ditions Les Libraires Associ\'{e}s},
place = {Saverne},
pagetotal = {267}

author = {Buchet, Edmond},
title = {Jean-S\'{e}bastien Bach. L'\oe uvre et la vie. Deux si\`{e}cles d'\'{e}tudes et de t\'{e}moignages},
year = {1963},
publisher = {\'{E}ditions Les Libraires Associ\'{e}s},
place = {Saverne},
pagetotal = {267}
author = {Buchet, Edmond},
title = {Jean-S\'{e}bastien Bach. L'\oe uvre et la vie. Deux si\`{e}cles d'\'{e}tudes et de t\'{e}moignages},
year = {1963},
publisher = {\'{E}ditions Les Libraires Associ\'{e}s},
place = {Saverne},
pagetotal = {267}

author = {Buchet, Edmond},
title = {Jean-S\'{e}bastien Bach. L'\oe uvre et la vie. Deux si\`{e}cles d'\'{e}tudes et de t\'{e}moignages},
year = {1963},
publisher = {\'{E}ditions Les Libraires Associ\'{e}s},
place = {Saverne},
pagetotal = {267}

    author = {Sueur, Agathe and Dubreuil, Pascal},
    title = {Joachim Burmeister - Poétique musicale, suivi de David Chytraeus - De la Musique},
    publisher = {\'{E}ditions Rhuthmos},
    year = {2017},
    isbn = {979-10-95155-17-1},
    place = {Paris},
    pagetotal = {288},
    type = {book},

    author = {Cantagrel, Gilles},
    title = {Bach en son temps},
    publisher = {\'{E}ditions Fayard},
    year = {1997},
    isbn = {978-2-213-600007-9},
    place = {Paris},
    pagetotal = {658},
    type = {book},

    author = {Cantagrel, Gilles},
    title = {J.S. Bach. L'\oe uvre instrumentale},
    publisher = {\'{{E}}ditions Buchet-Chatel},
    year = {2018},
    isbn = {978-2-283-03113-1},
    place = {Paris},
    pagetotal = {475}

    author = {Cantagrel, Gilles},
    title = {{{J}}ean-{{S}}\'{e}bastien {{B}}ach},
    booktitle = {Guide de la musique d'orgue},
    edition = {Premi\`{e}re édition},
    pages = {47-143},
    pagetotal = {840},
    bookauthor = {Cantagrel Gilles},
    isbn = {2-213-02772-2},
    year = {1991},
    publisher = {\'{E}ditions Fayard},
    place = {Paris}

    author = {Sueur, Agathe and Dubreuil, Pascal},
    title = {Joachim Burmeister - Poétique musicale, suivi de David Chytraeus - De la Musique},
    publisher = {\'{E}ditions Rhuthmos},
    year = {2017},
    isbn = {979-10-95155-17-1},
    place = {Paris},
    pagetotal = {288},
    type = {book},

    author = {Cantagrel, Gilles},
    title = {Bach en son temps},
    publisher = {\'{E}ditions Fayard},
    year = {1997},
    isbn = {978-2-213-600007-9},
    place = {Paris},
    pagetotal = {658},
    type = {book},

    author = {Cantagrel, Gilles},
    title = {J.S. Bach. L'\oe uvre instrumentale},
    publisher = {\'{{E}}ditions Buchet-Chatel},
    year = {2018},
    isbn = {978-2-283-03113-1},
    place = {Paris},
    pagetotal = {475}

    author = {Cantagrel, Gilles},
    title = {{{J}}ean-{{S}}\'{e}bastien {{B}}ach},
    booktitle = {Guide de la musique d'orgue},
    edition = {Premi\`{e}re édition},
    pages = {47-143},
    pagetotal = {840},
    bookauthor = {Cantagrel Gilles},
    isbn = {2-213-02772-2},
    year = {1991},
    publisher = {\'{E}ditions Fayard},
    place = {Paris}

    author = {Dufourq, Norbert},
    title = {Jean-Sébastien Bach - Le maître de l'orgue},
    publisher = {\'{E}ditions Picard},
    edition = {Troisi\`{e}me édition},
    year = {1984},
    isbn = {2-7084-0099-1},
    place = {Paris},
    pagetotal = {400},
    type = {book},

    author = {Bach~Digital},
    title = {Portail {{B}}ach pour la recherche et la pratique musicale},
    year = {2008-2020},
    howpublished = {\url{https://www.bach-digital.de/content/index.xed}}

    author = {Bach~Digital},
    title = {Leonhard {{S}}cholz (1720 - 1798). Organiste, papetier et marchand sp\'{e}cialis\'{e} \`{a} {{N}}uremberg},
    year = {2008-2020},
    howpublished = {\url{https://www.bach-digital.de/staticpages/bio/scholz_l.html}}

    author = {Bach~Digital},
    title = {Mempell {{J.N.}}, {{P}}artition, compilation manuscrite en 1730-1740 au sein d'une liasse},
    year = {2008-2020},
    howpublished = {\url{https://www.bach-digital.de/receive/BachDigitalSource_source_00003352}}

    author = {Bach~Digital},
    title = {Mempell {{J.N.}}, {{P}}artition, compilation manuscrite en 1730-1740 au sein d'une liasse},
    year = {2008-2020},
    howpublished = {\url{https://www.bach-digital.de/receive/BachDigitalSource_source_00003352}}

    author = {Bach~Digital},
    title = {Leonhard {{S}}cholz (1720 - 1798). Organiste, papetier et marchand sp\'{e}cialis\'{e} \`{a} {{N}}uremberg},
    year = {2008-2020},
    howpublished = {\url{https://www.bach-digital.de/staticpages/bio/scholz_l.html}}

    author = {Bach~Digital},
    title = {Mempell {{J.N.}}, {{P}}artition, compilation manuscrite en 1730-1740 au sein d'une liasse},
    year = {2008-2020},
    howpublished = {\url{https://www.bach-digital.de/receive/BachDigitalSource_source_00003352}}

    author = {Bach~Digital},
    title = {Mempell {{J.N.}}, {{P}}artition, compilation manuscrite en 1730-1740 au sein d'une liasse},
    year = {2008-2020},
    howpublished = {\url{https://www.bach-digital.de/receive/BachDigitalSource_source_00003352}}

    author = {Bach~Digital},
    title = {Portail {{B}}ach pour la recherche et la pratique musicale},
    year = {2008-2020},
    howpublished = {\url{https://www.bach-digital.de/content/index.xed}}

    author = {Bach~Digital},
    title = {Leonhard {{S}}cholz (1720 - 1798). Organiste, papetier et marchand sp\'{e}cialis\'{e} \`{a} {{N}}uremberg},
    year = {2008-2020},
    howpublished = {\url{https://www.bach-digital.de/staticpages/bio/scholz_l.html}}

    author = {Bach~Digital},
    title = {Mempell {{J.N.}}, {{P}}artition, compilation manuscrite en 1730-1740 au sein d'une liasse},
    year = {2008-2020},
    howpublished = {\url{https://www.bach-digital.de/receive/BachDigitalSource_source_00003352}}

    author = {Bach~Digital},
    title = {Mempell {{J.N.}}, {{P}}artition, compilation manuscrite en 1730-1740 au sein d'une liasse},
    year = {2008-2020},
    howpublished = {\url{https://www.bach-digital.de/receive/BachDigitalSource_source_00003352}}

    author = {Bach~Digital},
    title = {Leonhard {{S}}cholz (1720 - 1798). Organiste, papetier et marchand sp\'{e}cialis\'{e} \`{a} {{N}}uremberg},
    year = {2008-2020},
    howpublished = {\url{https://www.bach-digital.de/staticpages/bio/scholz_l.html}}

    author = {Bach~Digital},
    title = {Mempell {{J.N.}}, {{P}}artition, compilation manuscrite en 1730-1740 au sein d'une liasse},
    year = {2008-2020},
    howpublished = {\url{https://www.bach-digital.de/receive/BachDigitalSource_source_00003352}}

    author = {Bach~Digital},
    title = {Mempell {{J.N.}}, {{P}}artition, compilation manuscrite en 1730-1740 au sein d'une liasse},
    year = {2008-2020},
    howpublished = {\url{https://www.bach-digital.de/receive/BachDigitalSource_source_00003352}}




  \printbibliography[nottype=misc,heading=subbibintoc,title=Sources bibliographiques]
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  author = {{Bach Digital}},
  title  = {Portail {Bach} pour la recherche et la pratique musicale},
  date   = {2008/2020},
  url    = {https://www.bach-digital.de/content/index.xed},
  author = {{Bach Digital}},
  title  = {Leonhard {Scholz} (1720 - 1798).
            Organiste, papetier et marchand sp\'{e}cialis\'{e} \`{a} {Nuremberg}},
  date   = {2008/2020},
  url    = {https://www.bach-digital.de/staticpages/bio/scholz_l.html},
  author = {{Bach Digital}},
  title  = {Mempell {J.N.},
            Partition, compilation manuscrite en 1730-1740 au sein d'une liasse},
  date   = {2008/2020},
  url    = {https://www.bach-digital.de/receive/BachDigitalSource_source_00003352},

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“Bibliographie”作为总标题,然后“Sources bibliographiques”作为副标题,后面跟着书目条目





