我在 Latex 中有一个非常基本的表,创建它然后尝试引用如下:
\caption{Credibility of selected library databases.}\label{tab:library-databases}
\begin{tabular}{| c | p{7.5cm} |}
\multicolumn{1}{| c |}{\textbf{Library database}}
& \multicolumn{1}{c |}{\textbf{Credibility}}\\
Birmingham City University Library & Part of Birmingham City University, which was established in the UK in
Contains a large amount of resources including database access. \\ \hline
Google Scholar & Used primarily to access literature already hosted on other library databases.
The site does not contain the ability to restricting searching to only peer-reviewed databases, and thus
could have unreliable content. \\ \hline
EBSCOhost Research Databases & EBSCOhost hosts high-quality, peer-reviewed content from publishers
recognised by library professionals. \\ \hline
IEEE Xplore & Launched in May 2000, this resource primarily contains peer-reviewed materials published by the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and other partners.
As the resourced are peer reviewed, they can be seen as reliable.\\ \hline
ResearchGate & ResearchGate restricts its users to published researchers and people at recognised
institutions and is a widely accredited library database. \\ \hline
JSTOR & Part of ITHAKA, a non-profit organisation.
A digital library including thousands of academic journals, books, and primary source documents. \\
Several library databases which will be used have been
identified, and can be found in Table~\ref{tab:library-databases}.
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